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HubSpot Insights on company information

Last updated: March 4, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Please note: on March 17, 2025, HubSpot Insights will be sunset. After that date, you won't be able to access HubSpot Insights. Accounts created after September 18th, 2024 don't have any access to HubSpot Insights. To populate company information moving forward, learn more about migrating to Breeze Intelligence data enrichment.

Migrate from HubSpot Insights to Breeze Intelligence enrichment

On March 17, 2025, HubSpot Insights enrichment will be sunset and replaced by Breeze Intelligence. Breeze Intelligence uses an AI-powered model to enrich your contacts and companies with data that can then be used in HubSpot tools. Learn more about how Breeze Intelligence works.

If you're currently using HubSpot Insights to enrich company data, below, learn how to transition to a Breeze Intelligence.

Company data populated with Breeze Intelligence vs. HubSpot Insights

Breeze Intelligence will update many of the same default company properties previously populated by HubSpot Insights. This means that existing workflows, lead scoring, and routing will not need to be revised in most cases. To verify for your use case, review the table below to compare data enrichment in Breeze Intelligence vs. HubSpot Insights.

You can also review this spreadsheet to view Breeze Intelligence enrichment properties with possible values.

Company property HubSpot Insights Breeze Intelligence

Annual revenue

✔️ ✔️


✔️ ✔️


✔️ ✔️


✔️ ✔️

Facebook company page

✔️ ✔️


✔️ ✔️

Is public

✔️ ✔️

LinkedIn bio

✔️ ✖️

LinkedIn company page

✔️ ✔️


✔️ ✔️

Number of employees

✔️ ✔️

Phone number

✔️ ✔️

Postal code

✔️ ✔️


✔️ ✔️

Street address

✔️ ✔️

Street address 2

✔️ ✖️

Time zone

✔️ ✖️

Total money raised

✔️ ✔️

X account handle

✔️ ✔️

Web Technologies

✔️ ✔️

Website URL

✔️ ✔️

Year founded

✔️ ✔️

Company domain name

✖️ ✔️

Company keywords

✖️ ✔️

Employee range

✖️ ✔️

Industry group

✖️ ✔️

LinkedIn handle

✖️ ✔️

Revenue range

✖️ ✔️

Contact enrichment with Breeze Intelligence

In addition to company enrichment, Breeze Intelligence will also enrich certain contact properties. Refer to this list of enriched contact properties.

Transition to Breeze Intelligence

Breeze Intelligence uses a credit-based billing system for enrichment, which means you'll need to purchase a credits pack to migrate to Breeze Intelligence enrichment. Refer to this article for more information about Breeze Intelligence credits and billing.

Once you start using Breeze Intelligence enrichment, property values previously populated by HubSpot Insights will remain until they can be enriched with new information. If you choose not to purchase a Breeze Intelligence credits pack, values previously populated by HubSpot Insights will remain but will not be enriched moving forward, except for company names and logos. 

Please note: a company's name and logo will continue to be enriched by Breeze Intelligence without requiring a Breeze Intelligence subscription.

Learn how to get started using Breeze Intelligence.

Understand HubSpot Insights (legacy)

Please note: on March 17, 2025, HubSpot Insights will be sunset and the following functionality will no longer be available. Accounts created after September 18th, 2024 don't have any access to HubSpot Insights functionality. Learn more about transitioning to Breeze Intelligence enrichment.

HubSpot Insights is a database of company information that HubSpot gathers by combining third party data, web crawling, and crowdsourcing. It is updated in real-time as HubSpot gets new information.

The following behavior is expected when HubSpot Insights is turned on:

  • If you create a company with a company domain name, data will be pulled from HubSpot Insights to update the company record. Because HubSpot Insights is pulled from multiple sources, its data may not match the data you collected on the company.
  • HubSpot Insights may also populate company information in activities where a company domain name is included. For example, if a contact submits a form and their email contains a company domain (e.g., the form submission email notification will include data tied to the domain ( 
  • Property values originally added by HubSpot Insights may be updated over time, and in some cases, may also be used to improve the existing database.
    • Values added by your account's users will not be overwritten by HubSpot Insights.
    • Values added via API, integrations, import, or data migrations will typically not be overwritten by HubSpot Insights, but there are cases where HubSpot Insights may set values while your data is being added. Prior to migrating or syncing data, it's recommended to disable HubSpot Insights to avoid overwritten data. After your data is added, you can turn on the feature and values will not be overwritten moving forward.
  • Depending on how the company was created, a company with a free email domain (e.g., may not have its properties populated by HubSpot Insights. You'll need to manually create the company in order to populate values with Insights.

To disable HubSpot Insights:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Companies.
  • In the Automation section, clear the Fill company properties using HubSpot Insights database checkbox.

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