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Generate images using AI (BETA)

Last updated: January 31, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Content Hub   Starter , Professional , Enterprise

Generate images using Breeze, HubSpot's AI, for blog posts, website and landing pages, emails, and social posts. Within the tool, you can enhance simple prompts to include more information and generate complex, detailed images. You can also use existing images to create matching prompts in order to generate similar images. 

Alternatively, you can also explore and use a library of sample images in your content. You can review and copy prompts based on these sample images. After generating or selecting an image, you can continue editing with Adobe Express, save the image to the files tool, or add it directly to your content. 

Please note: please avoid sharing any sensitive information in your prompts and only use content that you have a right or license to. Please review the AI-generated content for biases and inaccuracies. To provide and improve the product, HubSpot logs and stores your prompts, generated outputs, and usage metrics when you use our AI tools. HubSpot shares your prompts with AI Service Providers in order to enable your use of this tool, and AI Service Providers access your prompts and generated output for content moderation purposes. Your prompts will be attributed to you. By using this tool, you agree to comply with our AI Service Providers’ policies.

Edit AI settings

Before generating images, you will need to grant access in your AI settings: 

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, in the Account management section, navigate to AI.
  • In the Access tab of your AI settings, toggle the Give users access to generative AI tools and features switch on.
  • To save the generated images to the files tool, you will need to toggle the Files data switch on. Learn more about managing your AI settings.

Generate images in your content

You can generate images using AI for blog posts, website and landing pages, emails, and social posts:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to the asset that you want to add an image to. 
  • Add an image to your content
  • In the right panel, at the bottom, click Generate with AI
  • In the Describe your image field, enter the prompt for the image. 
    • To view an example prompt, click Try an example. An example prompt should automatically appear in the Describe your image field. 
    • To improve your prompt text, click Enhance prompt
    • To automatically generate a prompt based on an existing image, click the image icon in the top right. Then, use the file picker to select an existing image from your device. 

 KB - Prompt AI Image 

  • Click the Style dropdown menu and select an image style. This setting will default to Style decided by AI
  • Click the Size dropdown menu and select the dimensions for your image. 
  • After setting up your prompt, at the bottom, click Generate. In the Results section, review your AI-generated images. 
  • To use an image directly, hover over the image and click Insert.
  • To save your images to the files tool, click Select. Then, select the checkboxes next to the images that you'd like to save. At the bottom, click Save to files

KB - Insert AI Image 

  • To review the full size image, hover over the image and click Expand.
    • To crop the image, in the bottom left, click Crop
    • To edit the image with Adobe express, in the bottom left, click Edit with Adobe express. To learn more about the basics of using Adobe Express, check out their Learn Adobe Express guide.
    • To save an image to the files tool, in the bottom right, click Save to files
    • To use an image, in the bottom right, click Insert

KB - Edit AI Image 

Explore and use AI-generated images

To review and use sample images and prompts:
  • At the top, click the Explore tab. 
  • To use a sample image directly, hover over the image and click Insert
  • To use a prompt from a sample image, hover over the image and click Copy prompt.

KB - Explore AI Image 

  • To review the full-size image, hover over the image and click expand
    • To crop the image, in the bottom left, click Crop
    • To edit the image with Adobe express, in the bottom left, click Edit with Adobe express. To learn more about the basics of using Adobe Express, check out their Learn Adobe Express guide.
    • To save an image to the files tool, in the bottom right, click Save to files
    • To use an image, in the bottom right, click Insert
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