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Sync and manage help desk tickets in Slack

Last updated: June 28, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Service Hub   Professional , Enterprise

You can connect help desk to Slack to manage tickets and receive HubSpot notifications in Slack. Customize ticket filtering to ensure relevant information reaches your team, sync internal comments, and update ticket properties from Slack, enhancing cross-team collaboration and efficiency.

Before you get started 

Sync help desk tickets to Slack 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting & Data > Integrations.
  • Click Connected Apps.
  • Click Slack
  • In the Sync Help Desk tickets to Slack section, click add Add sync.
  • In the right panel, select the Slack channel and set the criteria that tickets must meet to sync with Slack:
    • Click the Slack channel dropdown menu and select a Slack channel to send tickets to.
    • Click the TicketProperty dropdown menus to select a ticket property and its value.
    • To remove a filter, click the delete delete icon
    • To add a filter, click add Add property
    • Once you're done, click Add


Edit and manage your sync settings 

Once your sync is configured, you can add or delete syncs and turn your sync on/off. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting & Data > Integrations.
  • Click Connected Apps.
  • Click Slack
  • In the table view, under Sync Help Desk tickets to Slack, you can edit your sync settings. 
    • To turn on/off a sync, under Status, toggle the switch on/off.
    • To add a sync, click add Add sync
    • To remove a sync, select the checkbox next to the sync you want to remove, then click delete Delete


Manage help desk tickets in Slack 

Once tickets in your help desk meet the selected criteria, they will appear in your connected Slack channel.

To view a ticket in HubSpot:

  • Click View ticket. 
  • You'll be automatically redirected to your HubSpot account where you can view and edit the ticket

To edit ticket properties in Slack:

  • Click Update Ticket
  • In the pop up window, edit your ticket properties directly in Slack. Ticket details updated in Slack will automatically be updated in HubSpot, and vice versa.
  • Click Save.


Any comments on the ticket in HubSpot and replies in the thread of the Slack message will sync bi-directionally, including mentions.

Please note: to sync Slack replies as comments in HubSpot:

Replies in the Slack thread that sync successfully to HubSpot will be marked in Slack with a green checkmark. Synced from Slack will be noted on comments added to a ticket in Slack.



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