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Organize teams and views in help desk

Last updated: June 13, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Service Hub   Professional , Enterprise

Before you start managing your tickets in help desk, review the sections below to learn more about the default views provided by HubSpot, as well as how to structure your teams to allow them to efficiently collaborate with one another.

Please note: only Super admins and users with a Service Hub seat can access all features in help desk. Users with Service or Sales Access can still view and collaborate within the help desk workspace. However, they won't have access to default views, help desk settings, and customizations.

Group members into teams

To get the most out of help desk, it's recommended you organize team members into HubSpot teams based on expertise and how you plan to share tickets. For example, if your support organization has a general support team whose members share responsibilities, need visibility into each others' tickets, and often collaborate, it's recommended grouping those members into a single HubSpot team.

Views in help desk

Views allow you and your team to organize the help desk workspace to each member's specific needs. You can start managing tickets immediately using the default views, or create custom views to control what's visible for each team.



Help desk includes the following view types:

  • Default views: built-in views that filter tickets based on their assignee and status:
    • Unassigned: all tickets without a current assignee.
    • Assigned to me: all tickets assigned to you.
    • My Team's Unassigned: tickets will appear in this view if you set up automatic routing rules to assign tickets to your team but all users on the team were unavailable when the ticket was created.
    • My Team's Open: all open tickets assigned to you or another member of your team.
    • All open: all tickets with a status of Open.
    • My Mentions: all tickets that you have been mentioned in. Learn more about mentioning users on records
    • All closed: all tickets with a status of Closed.
    • Sent: all tickets with an associated conversation that includes an email sent from a connected email or from a record in the CRM.
    • Spam: all tickets that a user in your account marked as spam.
  • Public custom views: views created by users in your account that are visible to all other teams.
  • Team-shared custom views: views created by users that are only visible to their main team.
  • Private custom views: views only visible to the user who created them.

Create custom views

You can filter tickets into public or private views to help your team prioritize and manage customer communications in help desk. For example, you could create a view of all high priority tickets so your team knows where to focus their efforts, or you could create a private view of all open tickets in your pipeline to better monitor ticket resolution without distracting your team.

Please note: only users with the Custom views permission can create, edit, or delete custom views in your inbox.

To create a custom view in help desk:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Help Desk.
  • In the left sidebar, click Create view.
  • In the right panel, enter a name for your view.
  • To add an emoji to your custom view name, click the emoji icon emoji next to the Name field. Browse or search for your emoji, then click on the emoji to add it to the custom view name. 
  • Select a sharing option:
    • Private: the view will only be accessible to you.
    • Team(s): users can create views that are visible to any HubSpot team with access to help desk.
    • Everyone: all users in your HubSpot account will be able to access the view.
  • Click Next.
  • Select and configure any ticket properties you'd like to filter on.
  • When you're done customizing your view, click Create view.



The newly created view will appear in the left sidebar under Shared views if you made the view accessible to everyone or a specific team. If you made the view private, it will appear under Private views.

The number of custom views you can create depends on your HubSpot subscription. You can review this limit in the Custom views in shared inbox section in HubSpot's Product & Services catalog

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