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Create, respond and manage tickets in help desk

Last updated: September 4, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Service Hub   Professional , Enterprise

Use help desk to navigate between existing tickets and create new ones without having to leave the workspace. Support agents in your account can create, respond, and manage help desk tickets to more efficiently triage issues for your customers.

By default, tickets will automatically be created via all channels you've connected to help desk. For example, if you connected a team email address to help desk, any emails to that address will create a ticket automatically. Learn more about connecting channels to help desk.

Please note: only Super admins and users with a Service Hub seat can access all features in help desk. Users with Service or Sales Access can still view and collaborate within the help desk workspace. However, they won't have access to all default views, help desk settings, and customizations. Users can only see tickets in help desk that they have access to. Learn how to limit access to tickets for your users

Create tickets in help desk

To create a ticket manually:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Help Desk.
  • In the help desk workspace, click Create ticket in the bottom left.
  • In the right panel, enter your ticket details. If you want to customize which properties appear here, click Edit this form at the top of the panel. The following fields are required by default:
    • Ticket name: provide a description for this ticket.
    • Pipeline: assign this ticket to a specific ticket pipeline you've created.
    • Ticket status: choose a specific ticket stage from the pipeline you've selected.
  • To associate a company or contacts with the ticket, click the Company and Contact dropdown menus, then search for the company or contacts. Learn how to associate the relevant company or contact activities to the ticket.


When you create a ticket manually, a conversation won't be automatically associated with the ticket. To create a conversation, click Add contact. Once you associate a new or existing contact, the reply editor will appear, and you can begin composing a message to the contact.



Respond to tickets in help desk

Use the reply editor to respond to an incoming email or chat message, or use the Comment tab to notify another team member of the conversation. For tickets created from incoming calls, the Comment tab will only appear if an outbound email is drafted or sent.

To expand the reply editor while typing your response, click and drag the reply editor. 


Enter a reply, using the toolbar in the bottom left to add rich text formatting (e.g., bold, italics, etc.). You can also click Insert and select an option to attach content from another tool in HubSpot, including:

  • Knowledge base articles
  • Snippets
  • Video
  • Meetings
  • Documents
  • Quotes
  • Templates

If the visitor you're responding to in your conversation was originally unknown, and they later provide you with their name or email address, you can then associate them with a contact:

  • Locate one of the messages the visitor sent and click the search magnifying glass icon.
  • In the right panel, click the Create new tab to create a new contact or click the Add existing tab to associate the visitor with an existing contact. This will also associate their ticket and your conversation with them.
  • At the bottom of the panel, click Save.

Comment on a conversation

If you want another user to review the thread or follow up with the contact, you can add a comment to the conversation. This comment will not be visible to the contact.

  • In the Reply editor, click the Comment tab.
  • Type and your team member's name, then enter your message.
  • Click Add comment. A notification will be sent to the team member with a link to the conversation.

Manage tickets in help desk

You can review, manage, edit, or merge tickets in help desk to help you or your team stay organized and quickly prioritize tickets in any view.

Edit tickets 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Service Help desk.
  • In any of the ticket list views (e.g., Unassigned), you can click and drag a column to rearrange where it appears, or resize the column if you need to review longer column names. You can also change the columns that appear in the table:
    • In the top right, click Edit columns.
    • In the dialog box, search or browse through properties on the left.
      • Select the checkbox next to a property to add it to your selected columns.
      • To reorder a column, click and drag a property.
      • To remove a column, click the X to the right of the property.
      • To remove all currently selected columns, click Remove all columns.
      • When you're done configuring columns, click Save.

You can also edit property values individually or for tickets in bulk in your list views:

  • To quickly edit property values in list view:
    • Click a property in the row of the ticket you want to edit.
    • Depending on the property's field type, select or type to edit a value for the property.
    • You can continue to click and edit additional properties in the table.
    • Once you're done, click Save.
  • To edit the same property for multiple tickets:
    • Select the checkboxes next to the tickets you want to edit. You can also select all tickets in the current list view by selecting the checkbox in the top left of the table.
    • At the top of the table, click Edit.


    • In the dialog box, click the Property to update dropdown menu and select the property you want to edit.
    • In the field that appears, enter or select a new value for the selected property. For multi-select properties:
      • To add new values while maintaining the existing values, select Append to current value(s).
      • To overwrite the existing values, select Replace current value(s).
    • Click Update. For text or single-select properties, this will overwrite the old values in the property for these records.

Delete tickets

You can delete a single ticket or delete tickets in bulk from the help desk workspace. When you delete a ticket, the associated conversation will also be deleted.
  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Help Desk.
  • To delete a single ticket, select the checkbox next to the record you want to delete. 
  • At the top of the table, click deleteelete Delete.
  • To delete multiple tickets:
    • In the table view, select the checkboxes next to the records.
    • At the top of the table, click deleteelete Delete.
  • In the dialog box, enter the number of records to delete, then click Delete.


Merge tickets 

If you want to consolidate related threads regarding the same customer or issue, you can merge two tickets directly within help desk:

  • In any of the ticket list views, click the name of a ticket.
  • In the top right, click the ellipses menu icon, then select Merge ticket.


  • In the dialog box, click the Search dropdown menu to search for and select another ticket to merge with.
  • Select the Primary radio button under one of the tickets to use its property values for the new record created as a result of the merge.
  • Click What happens when you merge two tickets to review additional information about what will happen after you merge the tickets. Learn more about merging records in this article.
  • By default, the conversation that appears in the thread is the one most recently associated with the ticket. This means the most recent conversation might not appear automatically in the thread. You can use the Conversation dropdown arrow in the right panel to switch threads.

  • Click Merge. Once merged, tickets cannot be unmerged.


Review your tickets and conversation details

To review and manage tickets in help desk:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Help Desk.
  • In the help desk workspace, you can connect additional channels, create, respond, and manage your tickets, and customize ticket properties.
  • Click a ticket to view the corresponding conversation, along with details about the associated records (e.g., contacts, companies, and deals). 


  • To edit a ticket's properties, click the Ticket ownerPriorityCategory, or Status fields at the top of the ticket.
  • In the right sidebar, you can edit the tickets information, such as the description or the priority, or update the ticket's associated contacts, companies, or deals. Learn more about customizing the cards shown on the right sidebar.
  • To receive notifications when there's new activity on a ticket, follow the record:
    • To follow a ticket, click the ellipses menu icon in the top right corner, then select Follow. If you already follow the record, to turn off notifications, select Unfollow.


Search for tickets in help desk

To review and filter all tickets in a single high-level view:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Help Desk.
  • You can locate a specific ticket by entering a term in the search box in the top left, which will search across all tickets in help desk.
    • Any of the following fields are currently supported as search terms:
      • Ticket information: search by name, ID, or description keywords.
      • Associated contact properties: search by first name, last name, phone number, mobile phone number, email address, or company.
      • Ticket message and comments: search for keywords within ticket messages or comments in the thread. The Message column will display a preview of the most recent message or comment matching the search. 


    • To execute an exact search, add double quotation marks around your search term. For example, entering "System outage incident" will only return results that match the entire phrase exactly, eliminating partial results. 
    • After you've entered a search, hit the enter key to execute your search.
  • You can sort tickets by a specific property by clicking the column header for that property.
  • Click the dropdown menus at the top of the list view to filter by Ticket owner, PriorityPipelineTicket status, or HubSpot team.
  • You can use quick filters to pin properties to the top of help desk. Users can easily access specific ticket properties and filter data:
    • At the top of the ticket list view, click add More
    • Search for or select a ticket property to filter by. You can select up to 5 additional filters for each view. 


    • The quick filter will be added to the top of the ticket list view. Click the dropdown menu at the top of the list to set the criteria for the selected property.
    • To remove quick filters:
      • Click + More. Then, click edit Edit quick filters
      • Click the deleedelete delete icon next to the property.
      • Click Apply


  • Create a customized filter by clicking Advanced filters:
    • In the right panel, enter and select a property to filter by.
    • Set the criteria for the selected property.
    • To select another property, click AND or OR. When you set a filter with AND, records must meet all of the criteria in the filter group in order to be included in the view. When you select OR, the records must meet the criteria in at least one filter group to be included in the view.
    • To remove a property, hover over the filter and click the deletdelete delete icon.
    • To remove a group of filters, click the delete icondelete icon in the top right corner of the group.
    • To remove all filters, click Discard.
    • Once you’re done, click the X in the top right corner. Filters will be saved and applied globally to default views only. Applied filters won't be saved to custom views.


  • You can click the name of a ticket to return to the detailed view of the ticket and its associated conversation.

Move tickets between the conversations inbox and help desk

You can move conversations associated with tickets between the conversations inbox and help desk.

Please note: only super admins and users with the Account access permission can move tickets between the conversations inbox and help desk (and vice versa).

To move a conversation from your inbox to help desk:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Inbox.
  • Click a conversation.
  • In the top right, click the ellipses menu icon, then select Move to another inbox.
  • In the dialog box, click the Select inbox dropdown menu, then select Help desk. You can reassign the conversation if needed, and add an optional comment to provide context on why you're moving it.

To move a conversation from help desk to one of your conversation inboxes:

  • In the help desk workspace, click the conversation you want to move.
  • In the top right, click the ellipses menu icon, then select Move to another inbox.
  • In the dialog box, select an inbox. You can reassign the conversation if needed, and optionally include a comment to provide context on why you're moving the conversation, then click Save.


When you move a conversation from help desk to an inbox, the conversation will move but the ticket will remain in help desk.

Turn on automatic chat transcripts

Super admins and users with Account access permission can turn on automatic transcripts of your live chat conversations, which will be emailed to the contact who started the chat. The transcript will be sent after the chat is closed.

To turn on automatic transcripts:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Inbox & Help DeskHelp Desk.
  • On the Channels tab, hover over the Chat channel and click Edit.
  • Toggle the Chat transcript switch on.
  • You can also click the Send from dropdown menu to change the email address the chat transcript is sent from.


  • In the bottom left, click Save.
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