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Connect HubSpot and Shopify

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

The HubSpot and Shopify integration bridges the gap between your ecommerce activities and marketing efforts.

Please note: if you're installing the Shopify integration after December 2, 2023, please refer to this article for the steps to install the integration.

App requirements

Connect your Shopify stores to HubSpot

Please note:
  • If the HubSpot app is removed from your Shopify portal, you will not be able to reconnect the previously connected Shopify store to HubSpot with the steps below. Instead, follow the steps in this article to connect the Shopify app.
  • To connect a new store, refer to this article for steps on how to do so.

You can connect one or more of your Shopify stores to HubSpot. Each connected Shopify store will have an ecommerce settings page, with its own set of embedded ecommerce workflows (Marketing Hub and Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise accounts only).

  • In your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon marketplace in the top navigation bar, then select App Marketplace.
  • Use the search bar to locate and select the Shopify integration.
  • In the upper right, click Install app.
  • In the dialog box, enter your Store's Shopify URL and click Connect to Shopify.
  • In the pop-up window, enter your Shopify credentials and click Log in.

You'll return to HubSpot and see a dialog box indicating that your Shopify store has been connected to HubSpot. Your HubSpot tracking code will be added to all of your Shopify store pages automatically. Check the progress of your import of data from Shopify or modify your sync settings by clicking Go to ecommerce settings.

The contact, deal, and product property Source store can be used to identify any connected Shopify stores that have synced with the object, and allows you to report, filter, and view data from individual stores, or all your connected stores at once.

Customize your sync settings

Once your Shopify store is connected to HubSpot you can customize your sync settings. By default, a one-way sync from Shopify to HubSpot is enabled for contacts, deals and products sync. This cannot be modified for deals and products sync.

To enable two-way sync for contacts:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations > Connected Apps.
  • Click Shopify.
  • Click the Contacts tab.
  • In the Contact sync rules section, select the Sync limited HubSpot updates to Shopify (required Shopify login) checkbox to enable two-way sync.

When two-way sync is enabled, the contact properties below will be synced any time you update them in either your Shopify account or HubSpot account:

  • Accepts marketing
  • Accepts marketing updated at
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Address
  • Default address
  • Phone
  • Tax exempt

The Email contact property will also be synced with HubSpot when you first create a contact in Shopify. If the contact's email is updated in Shopify and that email address is not associated with any contacts, the new email address will sync to HubSpot. If you update the email address in HubSpot, the new address will sync to Shopify.

Please note: it is recommended that the ecommerce pipeline is not edited. This pipeline is used by all integrations using the ecommerce bridge, any updates to any store will revert this pipeline to its default label and stages.

Edit field mappings

After connecting the Shopify app, you’re able to view how data is created, updated and deleted in HubSpot, and edit field mappings between HubSpot and Shopify.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left panel, navigate to Integrations > Connected apps, then click Shopify.
  • Click the Contacts, Deals or Products tab to view more information about the object.
  • In the [object] sync rules section, view more information about which object in Shopify is syncing to what object in HubSpot, rules for creating, updating, and deleting the object record.
  • Click [object] field mappings to view the mappings between properties in HubSpot and fields in Shopify.
  • To add a new field mapping, click Add new mapping.
  • Use the dropdown menus to select the HubSpot property and Shopify field that you want to map.
  • Click Save.
  • To edit a field mapping, click Actions next to the mapping and click Edit.
  • To delete a field mapping, click Actions next to the mapping and click Delete.

Please note: any changes you make to field mappings will only apply to new or updated records that sync between HubSpot and Shopify after the field mappings edits are saved. 

Learn more about using the Shopify integration.

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