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Analyze your calls-to-action (CTAs) performance

Last updated: July 8, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Starter , Professional , Enterprise
Content Hub   Starter , Professional , Enterprise

After creating CTAs and adding them to your HubSpot content, you can analyze your CTAs' performance.

You can either analyze the aggregate performance for all your CTAs or each individual CTA. Then, identify which CTAs are receiving the most views and clicks.

Review your CTAs 

From the Manage tab, the following information and metrics are available in the forms dashboard: 
  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > CTAs.
  • On the CTAs dashboard, you can find a list of your CTAs.
  • To display a specific view on the CTAs page, in the top right, click + Add View. Then, select the view
  • To sort your CTAs, click any of the column headings.


  • You can also export your CTA data to share and review CTA data externally:
    • In the top right, click Actions. Then, select Edit columns
    • In the dialog box, click the File format dropdown menu and select a format. You can export your CTA data in a csv, xls, or xlsx file.  

    • Configure the Analytics Date Range date picker to select a date range for your data export. 
    • Click Export. The file will be sent to your default user email address. It will contain data for all CTAs such as clicks, views, associated campaigns, and link data.


  • At the top of the table, you can filter your CTAs and save the filters and settings as a view:
    • To filter your CTAs:
    • To save the current filters and settings, in the top right, click Save view:
      • To update the filters and settings for the current view, click Save.
      • To save these filters and settings as a new view, click Save as new. In the dialog box, enter a view name, select a visibility setting, then click Save.

      • To reset the current view to its original saved filters, select Reset. This will remove any new filters you've applied to it.


    • To edit the columns displayed in the table:
      • In the top right, click Actions. Then, select Edit columns
      • In the dialog box, on the left, select the checkboxes next to the properties you want to appear in the table.

      • On the right, use the drag handle to drag and drop properties to reorder the columns.
      • To remove a property from the table, click x next to the property. 
      • Click Apply.

KB - CTA edit columns 

  • To review the design of each CTA in detail, you can also display your CTA views in gallery mode:
    • At the top, click a view.
    • In the top right, click the dropdown menu and select Gallery.


    • To customize the fields that appear for each CTA that appears in gallery mode:
      • In the top right, click the Actions dropdown menu. Then, select Customize gallery.
      • In the right panel, click Add property + to include up to eight different CTA properties and metrics that will appear under each CTA. When you're done adding properties, click Apply.

Analyze overall CTA performance

In the Analyze tab, you’ll see aggregated analytics for your CTAs.

  • At the top of the page, you can filter the reports by the following:
    • Campaign: filter your CTAs by associated campaign.
    • Type: filter by CTA type, such as pop-up, banner, panel, slide-in, or embedded.
    • Date range: filter your CTAs across a specific time range.
  • Overall Engagement: this report show a breakdown of views, clicks, and submissions in the selected time period.
    • Views: the number of times the CTA has been seen by visitors.
    • Clicks: the number of button or link clicks on the CTA. Any other clicks on the CTA will not be counted. For example, the following interactions do not add to the click metric: 
      • Form interactions such as clicking the submit button.
      • Clicking the play button on a video.
    • Click rate: the percentage of views that lead to button or link clicks on the CTA. The click rate is the percentage of people who viewed, then clicked the CTA.


Analyze individual CTA performance

After publishing your CTAs, you can review the CTA's performance. You cannot review the performance of a draft CTA. 
  • To view a detailed breakdown of a CTA's performance, click the name of a CTA on the CTAs dashboard.
  • On the individual CTA's page, at the top, click the Date Range dropdown menu to filter your data by a specific time range. 


From the Performance tab of each CTA, you can review the Overall engagement and Total clicks over views reports. 
  • Overall Engagement: this report show a breakdown of views, clicks, and submissions in the selected time period.
    • Views: the number of times the CTA has been seen by visitors.
    • Clicks: the number of button or link clicks on the CTA. Any other clicks on the CTA will not be counted. For example, the following interactions do not add to the click metric: 
      • Form interactions such as clicking the submit button.
      • Clicking the play button on an embedded video.
    • Click rate: the percentage of views that lead to button or link clicks on the CTA. The click rate is the percentage of people who viewed, then clicked the CTA.
    • Submissions: the number of form submissions on the CTA. This metric will only apply to CTAs using a form module. This metric does not include meeting link submissions. 
    • Submission rate: the percentage of views leading to form submissions on the CTA. This metric will only apply to CTAs using a form module. This metric does not include meeting link submissions. 


  • Total clicks over views: this report shows the count of views, clicks, and click rate for the CTA over time. 
    • Views: the number of times the CTA has been seen by visitors.
    • Clicks: the number of button or link clicks on the CTA. Any other clicks on the CTA will not be counted. For example, the following interactions do not add to the click metric: 
      • Form interactions such as clicking the submit button.
      • Clicking the play button on an embedded video.
    • Click rate: the percentage of views that lead to button or link clicks on the CTA. The click rate is the percentage of people who viewed, then clicked the CTA.



If your CTA includes a form, in the Submissions tab, you’ll see a list of submissions made to this form.

  • At the top, click the Form Submissions tab. 
  • To analyze data over a specific period of time, in the top left, select a Date range.
  • To view the details of a specific form submission, hover over the submission and click View submission.
    • In the right panel, you'll see the name or email address of the contact, the date they submitted the form, and any additional fields included in the submission.
    • In the bottom left of the panel, click View object records and select an associated record to view the record in a new browser tab. This option will not appear if the record has been deleted from HubSpot.
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