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Understand your campaign metrics

Last updated: March 5, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Professional , Enterprise

After setting up your HubSpot campaign, you can review your campaign performance. review the details and requirements of the different campaign metrics, when reviewing your campaign.

Metric  Information Requirements


This metric measures traffic to website assets related to the campaign. Sessions are attributed to a campaign when any of the following conditions are met: 
  • A visitor visits a page, case study, or blog post URL containing utm_campaign parameters. 
  • A visitor visits a page, case study, or blog post associated with the campaign.

When reviewing your session data, please note the following: 

  • If a user is inactive for 30 minutes on a page, a new session will start.
  • The data does not include sessions from workflows, CTAs, or ad campaigns.

New contacts (first touch)

This metric measures the number of newly created contacts, attributed to the campaign that directed them to your website for the first time. 

These contacts will be attributed when any of the following conditions are met:
  • The first page they visit has a URL containing utm_campaign parameters.
  • The first page they visit is associated with the campaign.
This includes pages, case studies, and blog posts.The data does not include sessions from workflows, CTAs, or ad campaigns.

New contacts (last touch)

This metric measures the number of newly created contact, attributed to the campaign that led to their conversion.

These contacts will be attributed when any of the following conditions are met: 
  • They convert on a page where the URL contains utm_campaign parameters.
  • They visit a page or submit a form that's associated with the campaign before converting, during the same session
This includes pages, case studies, and blog posts. The data does not include sessions from workflows, CTAs, or ad campaigns.

Influenced contacts

This metric measures the number of contacts that have engaged with assets related to a campaign. Generally, this will include both new and existing contacts. 

When filtering influenced contacts by date range, do note that only net new contacts that were influenced in that date range will be included. For example, if you filter for This week, you will not see contacts that were influenced prior to this week, even if they were also influenced this week.

From a campaign's Performance page, You can review your influenced contacts in detail. 

A contact is influenced by a campaign when any of the following conditions are met: 
  • Interacted with ads in an associated ad campaign.
  • Interacted with an associated social post.
  • Submitted an associated form. 
  • Opened or clicked an associated marketing email.
  • Enrolled in an associated workflow.
  • Added to a static list that's associated with the campaign.
  • Attended a marketing event that you associated with the campaign.
  • The following page view conditions:
    • Visited a URL with a corresponding utm_campaign parameter.
    • Visited content associated with the campaign, such as associated website pages, landing pages, blog posts, case studies, or tracked external website pages. 
  • Clicked or viewed a CTA (legacy) associated with the campaign.
  • The following CTA interactions: 
    • Viewed an associated CTA that does not include a form.
    • Viewed an associated CTA that includes a form and submitted the form.
  • Enrolled in a sequence associated with the campaign. 
  • Played a podcast episode. 
  • Attended a sales call 
  • Replied a one-to-one sales email 
  • Attended a sales meeting
  • Viewed a document 
  • Viewed a playbook 
  • Media played on a video


(Marketing Hub Professional 

This revenue includes closed-won deals. The revenue is evenly spread across all the interactions leading up to a deal closing. The campaign gets credit for any interactions with assets the contact has interacted with.

Do note the following:
  • Currently, this metric does not include:
    • Email opens
    • Data or interactions with static lists
  • Interactions with workflows are only tracked when the assets (i.e. form or email) are also associated with the campaign.
  • If you've associated an A/B test email, only data from the winning variant will be included.
Associated contacts are included in this metric when any of the following interactions are met: 
  • Viewed a page tracked by HubSpot, including the following page types:
    • Blog pages
    • Blog listing pages
    • Website pages
    • Landing pages
    • Case studies
    • Knowledge base articles 
  • Submitted a form tracked by HubSpot, or clicked on a CTA (Legacy) on the following page types: 
    • Blog pages
    • Blog listing pages
    • Website pages
    • Landing pages
    • Knowledge base articles 
  • Clicked a link in a marketing email tracked by HubSpot.
  • Clicked an ad tracked by HubSpot.
  • Clicked on a social post tracked by HubSpot. 
  • Registered or attended a marketing event tracked by HubSpot. 
  • Viewed or clicked on a CTA. 
  • Played a podcast episode. 
  • Interactions with a sequence such as:
    • Enrollment and unenrollment
    • Meeting booked
    • Email replied
  • Media played on a video
  • Attended a sales call 
  • Replied a one-to-one sales email 
  • Attended a sales meeting 

Attributed revenue

(Marketing Hub Enterprise 
This metric measures the total amount from closed-won deals attributed to the campaign. 

Data in this report does not include data from static lists or workflows

If you've associated an A/B test email, only data from the winning variant will be included.
This metric depends on the following:

Unique marketing influences 

This metric measures the following, depending on the breakdown selected:
  • The number of unique contacts, influenced by a specific asset. When reviewing by asset type or asset name
  • The number of unique assets that have influenced a contact. 
As contacts may interact with more than one asset in a campaign; the total number of unique marketing influences may be more than the number of influenced contacts.
Contacts must have interacted with and been influenced by the asset, learn more about influenced contacts.
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