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Repeat a past import

Last updated: April 12, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

If you consistently import records or activities with the same properties, you can use a previously completed import as a starting template to import new data. When you use an import as a template, the past import's settings are copied, including property mappings, to speed up the import process and ensure data is imported correctly.

For example, your team may need to import new contacts each week. If you previously imported a contacts file with the necessary columns, users can repeat that import to upload new contacts in fewer steps and to automatically map the file columns to the correct contact properties.

To repeat a past import:

  • Click Import in the top right of any object index page.
  • On the Imports page, click Start an import.
  • Click Repeat a past import, then click Next.
  • In the table, hover over the import you want to repeat, then click Use as template. If the import you want to repeat isn't included in the table:
    • Navigate back to the Imports page.
    • Hover over the import in the Past imports table, then click More.
    • In the dropdown menu, select Use as template for new import. Imports completed more than six months ago and opt-out list imports are not available for use as templates.
  • To confirm the required columns for your file, click [x] columns expected in the Import template requirements section. If your file doesn't match, edit your file or start a new import that's not based on a template.
  • Click choose a file and select a file for each object/activity you're importing.


Learn more about importing records and activities.

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