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Manage upcoming client renewals

Last updated: May 7, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Partner Account

Manage upcoming client renewals, with insight into your clients' upcoming contract changes.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Partner > Dashboard.
  • In the left sidebar menu, click Renewals. Here, you can view information on clients with upcoming renewals:
    • Client: the client's domain.
    • Product renewals: the products the client owns and is about require a renewal decision.
    • Renewal deadline: the last date for altering contract terms. This is 45 days before renewal start date.
    • Current MRR: the current monthly recurring revenue.
    • Renewal MRR: the renewal monthly recurring revenue.
    • Company Owner: the company's owner. 
    • Success Owner: the Partner Development Manager in HubSpot. 


  • To view more details on the renewal, click the client's name. In the right panel:
    • In the Renewals section, review the renewal date and renewal subscription.
    • In the Client details section, review information about the client. 
  • To view the client's HubSpot account, hover over the client and click Actions > Open client portal
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