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Import marketing event participants

Last updated: March 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Starter , Professional , Enterprise

With marketing events, you can store your customers' online and offline event data to track, compare, and evaluate your events as a strategy. Below, learn how to manually create a marketing event and import event participants. You can import existing contacts or new ones to associate them with the event. For example, you have ten existing contacts that you want to add as attendees to a specific event. You can import them with email addresses as event participants and retain their existing data because email addresses act as unique identifiers to prevent duplicates.

Create a marketing event

To create a marketing event:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Events.
  • In the upper right, click Create Marketing event
  • Enter the event name, description, type, start and end dates, and organizer.
  • Click Create Marketing event

Prepare your import file

Note the following requirements when setting up your import file:

  • A .csv file is recommended.
  • Required headers: EmailAttendedRegisteredCancelled

An example CSV import file can be found here. Learn more about formatting date properties here.



Import event participants

To manually import marketing event participants:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Events.
  • Click the marketing event you want to add participants to.
  • In the upper left, click ActionsImport event contacts
  • Select the activities you want to import: Registered, Attended, or Cancelled
  • Upload the file. Select how to import the objects and the file language, then click Next.
  • Map columns to event and contact properties, then click Next.
  • Confirm the name of your import file.
  • Click the checkbox to agree that contacts expect to hear from you and that your import file does not include a purchased list. Learn more about HubSpot's acceptable use policy.
  • Select the Date format and Time zone of the marketing event activity properties.
  • Click the checkbox if you want to create marketing contacts.
  • Click Finish import.

Once the import is complete, you can view the number of participants who registered for, cancelled, and attended the marketing event on the event's page. Click each number to view the specific contacts. 



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