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Create a scheduled workflow

Last updated: June 28, 2023

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Operations Hub   Professional , Enterprise

Schedule a workflow to recur at regular, pre-determined intervals. Records will only enroll in the workflow once the scheduled date is reached.

Workflows can be scheduled to execute on a specific day of the week or month. For example, you can set up a workflow to send out internal reminders at 7 AM every Thursday, or the 28th of every month.

If you want to center your workflow actions on a specific calendar date or contact date property instead, learn more about creating Specific date or Contact date property workflows

Set your workflow schedule

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automations > Workflows.
  • In the upper right, click Create workflow.
  • In the left panel, click the Start from scratch tab.
  • In the left panel, select [object]-based to select your workflow object type. This determines what type of records can be enrolled in the workflow. Schedule workflows can be used with all workflow object types.
  • In the right panel, under Choose type, select Schedule.

  • Set up the schedule for your workflow to recur:
    • If you want a workflow to recur daily, such as every day at 8 AM:
      • Click the Schedule trigger dropdown menu and select Daily.
      • Click the Time of day dropdown menu and select the time that the workflow will execute every day. 
    • If you want a workflow to recur weekly, such as every Friday at 8 AM:
      • Click the Schedule trigger dropdown menu and select Weekly.
      • Click the Day of week dropdown menu and select the checkboxes next to the days you want the workflow to execute.
      • Click the Time of day dropdown menu and select the time that the workflow will execute. 
    • If you want a workflow to recur monthly: 
      • Click the Schedule trigger dropdown menu and select Monthly.
      • If you'd like the workflow to trigger on specific days of the month, such as every 23rd of the month at 8 AM: 
        • In the Day of month section, select the Specific days option. 
        • Click the Day of month dropdown menu and select the checkboxes next to the days you want the workflow to execute.
      • If you'd like the workflow to trigger on a flexible day of the month, such as every last day of the month at 3 PM: 
        • In the Day of month section, select the Flexible days option. 
        • Click the Day of month dropdown menu and select the day you want the workflow to execute, such as Last day of the month or First Monday of the month
      • Click the Time of day dropdown menu and select the time that the workflow will execute. 
    • If you want a workflow to recur annually, such as every 4th July at 8 AM: 
      • Click the Schedule trigger dropdown menu and select Annually.
      • Click the Month dropdown menu and select the month that you want the workflow to execute.
      • Click the Day of month dropdown menu and select the specific day you want the workflow to execute.
      • Click the Time of day dropdown menu and select the time that the workflow will execute. 

Please note: scheduled workflows can only execute on the specific days and dates that they are scheduled for. For example, if you've scheduled your workflow to recur Monthly, and set the Day of month for the 31st, the workflow will not execute on months where the month does not have 31 days, such as February, which only has 28 or 29 days. 

  • Click the pencil icon edit to give your workflow a name, then click Create workflow. You'll then be brought to the workflow editor.

Update your workflow schedule 

If you decide to change your workflow schedule after creating the workflow, you can do so from within the workflow editor. 

  • In the workflow editor, click Schedule trigger.
  • In the right panel, select your new workflow schedule
  • Click Save. Any schedule changes will take effect immediately. 

Set enrollment criteria

On each recurring scheduled date and time, all records that meet the trigger criteria will enroll and go through the workflow, even if the record enrolled previously. If a record no longer meets the trigger criteria, it will not continue to enroll in the workflow.

If a record is manually enrolled, it will not follow the set schedule and automatically enroll on subsequent scheduled dates, unless it meets the trigger criteria. Manually enrolled records will execute the workflow immediately.

  • In the workflow editor, click Set enrollment triggers.
  • In the right panel, select a filter type for your enrollment trigger and set up your enrollment criteria. Re-enrollment triggers are not applicable with a scheduled workflow, as all records that meet the enrollment criteria will enroll at the recurring scheduled date and time.
  • Set up the criteria, then click Apply filter
  • Click Save.

Add actions

  • In the workflow editor, click the plus icon +.
  • In the right panel, select an action. Learn more about choosing your workflow actions.
  • Set up the details of the action, then click Save.
  • Click the plus icon + to add more workflow actions.

Manage Settings

Click the Settings tab to manage the workflow's settings. On the General page, select days that you want workflow actions to pause and associate campaigns with contact-based workflows.

When a workflow is using a scheduled trigger, it isn't possible to set when workflow actions can execute. The What times do you want the actions to execute option will be greyed out. 

On the Unenrollment and suppression page, set unenrollment and suppression criteria to automatically remove or exclude records from the workflow. 

Learn more about managing your workflow settings.

Turn on your workflow 

  • In the upper right, click Review and publish.
  • In the Enrollment section of the page, you can view the count of records that currently meet the trigger criteria. All existing contacts that meet the trigger criteria during the next scheduled date will be enrolled. 
  • If you have a Marketing Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise account, in contact-based workflows you can view a static list of contacts that meet the criteria by clicking Use lists to see these contacts. The list will automatically be saved and can be accessed from your lists dashboard.

  • Review workflow settings, then click Turn on.

After you turn your workflow on, you can view the workflow history to monitor the records that are enrolled.

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