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Generate blog posts, sales emails, and images using ChatSpot AI (BETA)

Last updated: January 29, 2024

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Using ChatSpot AI, you can generate written and visual content, including blog posts, blog post titles, sales emails, and images for your website or social media. If you've connected your HubSpot account with ChatSpot, you can create blog posts in HubSpot using the AI-generated text.

Before generating blog posts or sales emails, learn how to set your company's writing style in ChatSpot.

Generate blog posts and titles

You can use ChatSpot to generate blog post titles and drafts of blog posts that match your company's tone. To generate a blog post title or draft:

  • You can type your own prompt, or use the blog generator template.
    • To send a chat, navigate to the Chat tab, enter a message, then click Send. For example, your message could be Generate a blog post about how to grow your social media following.
    • To use a template, navigate to the Templates tab, then click Marketing in the left sidebar menu.
      • Click one of the following templates, and enter additional information:
        • Blog title generator: enter descriptors for the blog title (e.g., funny, informative), and paste the content of the blog post. This will generate a title between 50 and 60 characters.
        • Blog generator: enter your company name, the blog post topic, and the desired action you'd like visitors to take after reading the blog post. This will generate a full blog post draft.
      • Click Send.


  • Once your title or post is generated, click the duplicate copy icon to copy the text.
  • If you've generated a blog post, click Create Blog Draft in HubSpot to add the text to a blog draft in your connected HubSpot account. Click Open in HubSpot to access the blog editor.

Learn more about creating blog posts in HubSpot and generating content with HubSpot's AI assistants.

Generate sales emails

You can generate sales emails that are personalized for specific prospects and aimed toward a specific goal. ChatSpot has the following pre-set templates designed for different stages in a customer lifecycle:

  • Initial outreach email: the goal of this email is to introduce your business and your product/service to a potential customer.
  • Lead reactivation email: the goal of this email is to re-engage with a lead that went cold, restarting the sales conversation.
  • Sales email to thought leader: the goal of this email is to reach out in a personalized way to a thought leader about content they've shared and how your product/service is related.

To generate a sales email:

  • You can type your own prompt, or use the sales emails templates.
    • To send a chat, navigate to the Chat tab, enter a message, then click Send. For example, your message could be Generate a sales email to offer a meeting with our interior design team.
    • To use a template, navigate to the Templates tab, then click Sales emails in the left sidebar menu.
      • Click one of the following templates, and enter additional information:
        • Initial outreach email: enter your company name, the email's target audience, a description of your audience's problem that you're hoping to solve, your product/service, and a call to action.
        • Lead reactivation email: enter the date you last heard from the recipient, and the name and description of your product/service.
        • Sales email to a thought leader: enter your company name, the email recipient's name, a description of your product/service, the date they shared the content you're referencing, and the name or short description of the content.
      • Click Send.


  • Once your email is generated, click the duplicate copy icon to copy the text.
  • You can now paste and send the email in your email client or on a HubSpot record.

Generate images

You can generate images in different styles for your social media or website content.

The images templates include a set of pre-defined styles, but you can request images in any of the following styles: 3d-model, analog-film, anime, cinematic, comic-book, digital-art, enhance, fantasy-art, isometric, line-art, low-poly, modeling-compound, neon-punk, origami, photographic, pixel-art, tile-texture.

To generate an image:

  • You can type your own prompt, or use the images templates.
    • To send a chat, navigate to the Chat tab, enter a message, then click Send. For example, your message could be Generate an image of a dog on a skateboard in neon-punk style.
    • To use a template, navigate to the Templates tab, then click Images in the left sidebar menu.
      • Click the style you want the images to follow.
      • Enter a description of the image you want to generate.
      • Click Send.
  • Four images will be generated that match the description, and if specified, the style. Each output is unique, so you can resend your prompt to generate a new set of images.
  • To save an image, hover over the image, then click the download Download icon.


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