HubSpot-Salesforce Connector Package v3.0.1 | Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated: March 12, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Find answers and general information quickly about the updated HubSpot-Salesforce Connector Package v3.0.1, released on March 2022.
For quick answers about the general HubSpot-Salesforce integration, refer to this article: Salesforce Integration | Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I verify that the HubSpot-Salesforce Connect Package is on version 3.0.1?
Navigate to your Installed Packages in Salesforce and verify that the HubSpot Integration package is on version 3.0.1.
How do I resolve an Insufficient Privileges error when trying to install the connector package?
If you encounter a This app can't be upgraded: Insufficient Privileges error when trying to install the connector package, it's likely because the integration user doesn't have the Download AppExchange Packages permission in Salesforce.
To resolve the error, the Download AppExchange Packages permission must be turned on for the Salesforce user installing the connector package.
Do I have to add my Salesforce users to HubSpot in order for them to be able to see the HubSpot Visualforce or HubSpot Embed window?
Yes. Users need a minimum of contacts view access in HubSpot in order to view content in the HubSpot Visualforce window or HubSpot Embed window in Salesforce.
You can import your Salesforce users directly into HubSpot using HubSpot's Create user function.
Please note: HubSpot’s legacy managed package in Salesforce containing HubSpot’s legacy Visualforce module is being deprecated. If you're still using the legacy Visualforce module, it is recommended to uninstall the package in Salesforce and use HubSpot Embed moving forward instead.
Can I still view the analytics information that used to be stored on the custom object?
Yes. You can create field mappings to sync conversion data on the Salesforce lead and/or contact object to standard HubSpot contact properties. Mapping Salesforce lead and/or contact fields to HubSpot contact analytics properties will provide the most comparable experience to reporting on the HubSpot Intelligence object.
Can I delete the HubSpot Intelligence records in Salesforce?
Yes. If the data is not being used, you can delete the HubSpot Intelligence records in Salesforce after updating to version 3.0.1 of the package.