Salesforce Integration | Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated: November 27, 2023
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Find answers and general information quickly about the HubSpot-Salesforce integration.
For quick answers about version 3.0 of the connector package, refer to this article: HubSpot-Salesforce Connector Package v3.0 | Frequently Asked Questions.
Does the HubSpot-Salesforce integration support Salesforce Government Cloud?
Yes, the HubSpot-Salesforce integration supports and can connect to Salesforce Government Cloud.
Does the HubSpot-Salesforce integration support Salesforce Group Edition?
No, the HubSpot-Salesforce integration does not support Salesforce Group Edition. The integration supports Salesforce editions with API access and Salesforce Professional.
Can I integrate multiple HubSpot accounts with one Salesforce environment?
If your HubSpot-Salesforce connector is version 2.60 or above, you can integrate multiple HubSpot accounts with one Salesforce environment. If you already have one HubSpot account integrated with your Salesforce environment, you can take the same steps to install the Salesforce integration in your second HubSpot account.
Please note: if you're integrating multiple HubSpot accounts with one Salesforce environment, for the Creating contacts in HubSpot setting, it's recommended to select Don't automatically create HubSpot contacts. If either of the other options are selected, Salesforce leads or contacts created by one HubSpot account may create contacts in the other HubSpot account.
Which HubSpot contacts will sync to Salesforce?
All HubSpot contacts will sync to Salesforce by default. However, if you create an inclusion list in HubSpot, only contacts that meet the criteria of your inclusion list will sync to Salesforce.
On June 22, 2017, default inclusion lists were created for all Salesforce-integrated HubSpot accounts which did not have an inclusion list. The list is named Salesforce inclusion list (default), and includes all contacts, except those with a Lifecycle stage of Subscriber. HubSpot accounts created or integrated with Salesforce after June 22, 2017 will not have an inclusion list by default, and all contacts will sync to Salesforce.
Please note: if new Salesforce leads or contacts are set to create HubSpot contacts in your integration settings, a corresponding contact will be created or deduplicated in HubSpot when a Salesforce lead or contact is created, even if you have set up an inclusion list which the HubSpot contact is not in. Further updates to the contact/lead from either HubSpot or Salesforce will not sync to the other platform.
How does the HubSpot-Salesforce integration handle duplicate records?
HubSpot automatically deduplicates Salesforce leads/contacts by email address. Learn more about how HubSpot manages duplicate Salesforce leads or contacts.
HubSpot deduplicates Salesforce accounts (HubSpot companies) by associated contacts. Once this relationship is established, the HubSpot company will not sync to a different Salesforce account. For example, if the contacts associated with a HubSpot company are associated with a different HubSpot company, they will then be associated with the new HubSpot company's corresponding Salesforce account. It will not sync the original HubSpot company to the other company's corresponding Salesforce account.
HubSpot does not deduplicate Salesforce opportunities (HubSpot deals).
Learn how to manage duplicate records in Salesforce.
Can Salesforce person accounts sync to HubSpot?
Yes, it is possible to sync person accounts in Salesforce to HubSpot. Unlike business accounts, person accounts cannot have associated contacts in Salesforce. Instead, they use a specific record type ID to store both an account and contact on the same layout.
When a person account is created, Salesforce also creates a contact in the background. While the contact is not directly visible in Salesforce, HubSpot creates a unique company and contact record when person accounts are enabled (if Salesforce is set to create contacts in HubSpot and account sync is enabled). The name in the person account will sync to both the HubSpot contact name and the HubSpot company name, so it's expected that HubSpot companies will exist with person account names.
HubSpot cannot create person accounts in Salesforce when new contacts are created in HubSpot. If HubSpot is set to create new leads in Salesforce when new contacts are created in HubSpot, the new lead can be converted into a person account in Salesforce as long as it has no value for the Company field. Leads that have a value in the Company field are converted to business accounts.
Why are some HubSpot activities creating duplicate Salesforce tasks?
Every time a contact opens or clicks a marketing email sent from your HubSpot account, HubSpot deduplicates each type of activity on the object record timeline. If you have set up these email activities to sync to Salesforce, the corresponding Salesforce tasks are created via HubSpot's Email Events API, which does not deduplicate activities.
- If a contact opens or clicks a marketing email multiple times, multiple Salesforce tasks will be created.
- If a contact forwards a marketing email to another recipient, any subsequent email opens and clicks will be attributed to the original contact, and more Salesforce tasks will be created.
Why doesn't the Lifecycle stage property appear in Salesforce?
Lifecycle stage is a default HubSpot contact property that does not exist in Salesforce. To sync lifecycle stage data to Salesforce, create a custom field in Salesforce, then create a field mapping in HubSpot.
Why is a contact's Company name property not syncing with Salesforce?
If a contact's Company name property is not syncing between HubSpot and Salesforce, it may be because the HubSpot contact is syncing with a Salesforce contact, rather than a Salesforce lead.
- Salesforce leads have a Company Name text field.
- Salesforce contacts have an Account Name reference field linked to the associated account record.
The Salesforce field
If a HubSpot contact syncs with a Salesforce contact, the HubSpot property Company name will not sync with Salesforce. However, if account sync is enabled, the Salesforce contact's associated account will sync with the corresponding HubSpot contact's associated company. These associated company properties can be used in HubSpot list and CRM filters, workflows, and content personalization.
Does email unsubscribed status sync between HubSpot and Salesforce?
Yes. When the HubSpot-Salesforce integration is installed, a standard field mapping is automatically created that syncs the HubSpot contact property Unsubscribed from all email and the Salesforce lead/contact field Email Opt Out. This field mapping cannot be modified or deleted in compliance with CAN-SPAM laws.
- When a contact is unsubscribed from email communication in your HubSpot account, or the Email Opt Out checkbox is selected on their Salesforce lead or contact record, the other system will be updated.
- If a contact is marked as Unsubscribed in HubSpot, clearing the Email Opt Out checkbox on their Salesforce lead or contact record will not resubscribe them to email communication. They must take action themselves in order to receive marketing emails sent from your HubSpot account again.
- If a contact is not currently syncing between HubSpot and Salesforce (e.g., they are not in your Salesforce inclusion list, if there is one set up), the email opt-out status will not pass from either system until the first time the contact syncs.
Will Closed/Won opportunities on Salesforce accounts convert HubSpot contacts to customers?
For opportunities on Salesforce accounts marked as Closed/Won to change the lifecycle stage of associated HubSpot contacts to Customer, the following settings must be enabled in HubSpot:
- Account sync, to sync Salesforce accounts to HubSpot companies.
- Automatic lifecycle stage transitions setting, for actions taken on an associated Salesforce record to impact the lifecycle stage of the corresponding HubSpot contact.
- Lifecycle stage sync setting, to apply any changes made to a contact's lifecycle stage to all contacts associated with the same company in HubSpot.
In addition, at least one Salesforce contact in the account must be associated with the opportunity via contact roles. A Salesforce opportunity with an associated account but no associated contacts will have no impact on the lifecycle stage of HubSpot contacts.
Salesforce owners
How does HubSpot identify Salesforce owners?
HubSpot identifies Salesforce Standard, PowerPartner, Guest, and Queue users as Salesforce owners when:
- They are imported into HubSpot from Salesforce.
- The Salesforce user owns a lead, contact, account, or opportunity record that syncs to HubSpot.
How does Salesforce owner information sync to HubSpot?
By default, the Owner ID field on a Salesforce lead, contact, account, or opportunity record will sync to the HubSpot Contact/company/deal owner property.
Any Salesforce owner can sync to HubSpot, but only owners in HubSpot that match an active Salesforce user's name and email address will sync to Salesforce. If HubSpot attempts to sync an owner that doesn't exist in Salesforce, the Owner ID field will reset to the last value from Salesforce.
Learn more about how Salesforce owners are assigned to HubSpot contacts, companies, or deals that sync to Salesforce.