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Set daily send limits for connected email accounts

Last updated: July 17, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Sales Hub   Professional , Enterprise

Users with Account Access permissions can set a daily limit to the number of one-to-one and sequence emails users can send through HubSpot. By setting a daily limit, you can optimize email deliverability, maintain a strong email sending reputation, and give your team time to focus on the most promising leads.

Please note:

Set a daily send limit

To set daily send limits for connected email accounts: 

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Activities.
  • Navigate to the Email Frequency Controls tab.
  • In the Maximum send per 24 hours field, enter the daily send limit. The number selected must be less than the default limit of 1,000. 
  • Click Save.


  • Once a user has sent the maximum number of emails, further emails will fail to send and sequence enrollments will be blocked: 
    • One-to-one emails: an error message will appear on the email logged to the contact record timeline. If you have HubSpot email notifications enabled, you'll receive an email notifying you that the email has failed to send. 

    • Sequence emails: if you attempt to enroll a contact after reaching your daily send limit, you'll be prompted to select an alternative day to send the sequence email. This applies only to sequences with emails scheduled to be sent on the same day as enrollment.

Please note: Gmail Free accounts have a send limit of 350 emails per day. If you have a Gmail Free account connected and your daily send limit exceeds 350, HubSpot will enforce the 350 send limit. Learn more about sending limits for connected email accounts.

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