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Allow form submissions without email addresses to create contacts

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

By default, form submissions to HubSpot require a populated email address field to create contacts. However, you can turn on the Allow submissions without email addresses to create contacts setting to allow visitors to submit a HubSpot form without an email address and still be added to your database.

Before you get started

Do take note of the following: 

  • If you're using a non-HubSpot form, this setting does not apply. A populated email address field is still required to collect submissions, learn more about using non-HubSpot forms
  • If you're using a custom email field and have this setting enabled, form submissions will create contacts. However, because the default HubSpot Email property has no value, these contacts cannot be emailed or be enrolled in workflows.
  • Contacts created via form submissions without an email address will deduplicate based on cookies. If two people with the same cookie fill out a form with no email address (e.g., if they were using the same device), both submissions will be associated with the same contact record. However, if the Always create contact for new email address option is enabled, each submission will create a new contact. 

Allow form submissions without email addresses to create contacts

To turn on this setting:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Marketing Forms.
  • Click the Submission Settings tab.
  • Click to toggle the Allow submissions without email addresses to create contacts switch on

  • In the bottom left, click Save. 

With this setting toggled on, submissions on forms without an email address field will create new contacts. HubSpot will deduplicate these contacts based on their cookies.

If this setting is disabled and you create a form without an email address, you will see a prompt to add the email field to your form to allow submissions without email addresses to create contacts.

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