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Analyze and manage client engagement

Last updated: February 1, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Partner Account

As a HubSpot partner, managing your clients and partner tier is important to your business. Use the client engagement view to analyze how your clients are using HubSpot and identify opportunities to cross-sell and upsell.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Partner > Dashboard.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Platform Engagement Index.

Platform Engagement Index

In the Platform Engagement Index tab you can see your clients graded using the engagement index. The engagement index is based on how many HubSpot tools a client uses; the more tools in use, the higher their engagement score.

  • Click into the groupings to see which clients are classified at each level.
    • Low engagement: score of 0-3.
    • Medium engagement: score of 4-6.
    • High engagement: score of 7-10.
  • In the Opportunities in your client base section, you can see an overview of the subscriptions your clients are currently signed up to and help to identify when other services can be offered.

Client engagement

  • Navigate to the Client engagement tab to view a client’s individual engagement score.
  • Use the filters at the top of the page to filter by Index scoreIndex area, Opportunity, and Clients.

  • To view a breakdown of a client's engagement index score, click the name of a client.
  • In the right panel, view the breakdown of the client's platform engagement index score. In the Score breakdown section, you'll see the details for each engagement category.
  • To view score breakdown details, click a category. In the expanded details, you can create a task or leave a note about that client. The task or note will appear on the associated company record.

  • To the right of each category, you can view where points have been attributed to in relation to your client’s current subscription and usage.

Learn more about viewing and using your partner dashboard.

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