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View and manage your partner dashboard

Last updated: February 25, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Partner Account

As a HubSpot partner, managing your clients and partner tier is important to your business. Use the partner dashboard to view and manage your clients, understand your partner tier, and reach the HubSpot team that supports you as a partner.

Review the Partner Center Dashboard

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Partner > Dashboard.
  • In the Program Progress section, you can review the following: 
    • Tier information, including your current credited tier and your current tier performance. 
    • Your total points, the total points needed to reach the next tier, your total 12 month source dollar amount, your rolling 12 month sourced MRR $ amount, and your 12 month average C$R (customer dollar retention.

  • In the Tier progression section, review your current performance towards the next tier. To change your tier goal, click the Get to dropdown menu and select a tier. You can review the following metrics 
    • Total points: the total overall points required to reach the selected next tier. 
    • Sold minimums: the sold minimums required to reach the selected next tier. 
    • Managed minimums: the managed minimums required to reach the next tier.

  • In the Tier Point Changes section, understand how your points are changing in certain date ranges and the different Partner Clients associated with these changes. 
    • To filter your data by date, click the Date range dropdown menu and select a range
    • To review a report about each metric, click the number of new sold points, lost sold points, new managed points, or lost managed points. In the dialog box, you can do the following:
      • To create a list of clients, click Use in lists. In the dialog box, select Create a new list or Add to an existing static list. Then, click Submit
      • To export the report data, click Export unsummarized data. Enter a name for your export, and select a file format. Then, click Export
      • To save the data as a new report, click Save as report. In the right panel, configure your report details and click Save or Save & add.


  • In the Shared Selling section, track trends in your sales pipeline within specific date ranges and review deal information in your Shared Selling pipeline. 
    • Click the Date range dropdown menu and select a range for your data. 
    • To review a report about each metric, click the number of HubSpot deals created, sourced inflight deals, or closed won HubSpot deals. In the dialog box, you can do the following:
      • To create a list of clients, click Use in lists. In the dialog box, select Create a new list or Add to an existing static list. Then, click Submit
      • To export the report data, click Export unsummarized data. Enter a name for your export, and select a file format. Then, click Export
      • To save the data as a new report, click Save as report. In the right panel, configure your report details and click Save or Save & add.


  • In the Commission section, track past and future commission payments. To review your commission statements, click through Go to Commission App.


  • In the Upcoming Hubspot Renewals section, you can review the following the table: 
    • Review your client’s upcoming renewal information including products, MRR change, last active employee, renewal manager, and time to renew
    • To view the client's CRM record, In the Client column of the table, click on the Client's name.

Review your partner tier points

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Partner Tier.
  • At the top of the dashboard, view your solutions partner tier.
  • In the Tier Performance section, view your current partner tier performance and how the current number of sold points and managed points add up to the credited tier. Sold points are earned by selling to new or existing customers and managed points are earned by servicing your existing customers.
    • The tier progress chart shows a breakdown of your Sold and Managed points, along with your progress for each track. The chart includes a line indicator along with the number of points required to move to the next tier. 

  • The Tier Insights section shows your partner tier progress based on your current points, along with the minimum points required to maintain your tier and the points needed to move up to the next tier. 
  • The Account Performance section shows your median tool usage and whether or not you're Partner Certified. To qualify for a partner tier, you must have a valid Solutions Partner Certification.
  • To view your combined sold and managed points by client, click the Points Breakdown tab, then view the Points Breakdown table. 
    • Click the Deal type dropdown menu to filter clients by their deal type.
    • Click the Market type dropdown menu to filter clients by their market type.
    • Click a client to view more details about the client, including a breakdown of the sold and managed history, sold sales history and active managed points, and which points are active or expired. 

  • You can also view how your points have changed over the months with the Progress Over Time chart. 

Preview sold and managed points with the points calculator

Using the points calculator tool on your partner dashboard, you can estimate how many sold and managed points you can earn from different subscription levels. 

To use the points calculator:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Partner Tier.
  • In the right sidebar, click the leftlet arrow icon to reveal the points calculator.

  • In the points calculator tool, enter the following details:
    • Sold amount: based on the selected Client currency, enter the amount you would like to convert to points.
    • Client market: select the country that the client is located in. Clients in growth markets will result in point multipliers.
    • Client currency: select the client's currency.
    • Will you also manage this client?: select whether you'll be managing the client.
    • How many other partners will manage this client?: if you'll be managing the client, enter how many other partners will be managing them. Managed points will be split among the specified number of partners.
  • Below the fields, view the estimated Total pointsSold points, and Managed points.
  • To convert points to and from different currencies, click the Currency tab, then enter the following details:
    • Conversion method: select whether you'd like to convert points to currency, or currency to points.
    • Client market: select the country that the client is located in. Clients in growth markets will result in point multipliers.
    • Client currency: select the client's currency.
    • Sold points: if you're converting points to currency, enter the number of sold points to convert to currency.
    • Managed points: if you're converting points to currency, enter the number of managed points to convert to currency.
    • Sold value: if you're converting currency to points, enter the amount of sold value to convert to points.
    • Managed value: if you're converting currency to points, enter the amount of managed value to convert to points.

View and reach your HubSpot Team

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Partner > Dashboard.
  • Click the HubSpot Team tab. Your HubSpot Partner Development Manager (PDM) will be listed along with a brief description of how they help you. 
  • Click Send email to send your PDM an email with your queries from your default email client.
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