HubSpot's conversations properties
Last updated: February 11, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
When visitors send messages to your conversations inbox through one of your connected channels, HubSpot stores details about the conversations in specific properties. You can use these properties in the workflows tool, creating reports, or when creating custom views in the conversations inbox.
Please note: conversations are HubSpot-defined objects that are built on the same object framework as the standard CRM objects. However, conversations properties cannot be managed or edited in your property settings and are not available on contact records.
- Agent first response time: how long it takes for the user to respond after assignment. This would include chats that directly handoff to a user.
- Assigned to bot: indicates whether or not the conversation is assigned to a bot.
- Chatflow: the object ID of the chatflow where the conversation originated from.
- Channel: the channel type (e.g., email, live chat, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp).
- Channel account: the name of the corresponding channel you connected to HubSpot.
- Close date: the date the conversation was closed.
- Conversation status: the current status of this conversation (e.g. Open or Closed).
- Create date: the date the conversation was created in the inbox.
- First agent response date: the date of the first response from a user after a conversation was created.
- First assigned to bot: if the conversation was initially handled by a bot. The value will be eitherTrue or False.
- First bot assigned date: the date a bot was first assigned to the conversation.
- First bot response date: the date of the first response from a bot after a conversation was created.
- First message received date: the date the visitor's first message was received.
- First owner: the first user from your team that the conversation is assigned to.
- First owner assigned date: the date an owner was first assigned to the conversation.
- First response date: the date of the first response sent by a bot or user after a conversation was created.
- First response time: the time between the visitor starting the conversation and the first response after the conversation is assigned.
- HubSpot team: primary team of the ticket owner which is set automatically by HubSpot.
- Inbox: the inbox that the conversation is in.
- Last message date: the last time a message was sent or received.
- Last message from visitor: whether the most recent message came from a visitor or an agent. If this property is set to true, it indicates that the last message on a conversation was from a visitor. If it's set to false, it indicates the last message was from an agent (including comments).
- Last message received date: the date the visitor's last message was received.
- Last response date: the date of the last response from a user or bot.
- Owner: the user from your team that the conversation is assigned to.
- Owner assigned date: the date an owner or bot was assigned to the conversation.
- Source: the channel the conversation originated in, either Facebook Messenger, live chat, forms, or email.
- Source URL: the website URL where the conversation initially started.
- Thread ID: the conversation's unique thread ID.
- Time to close conversation: the length of time between when the conversation started and when it was closed.
- Time to assign: the time between when the conversation was created before it was assigned. This is relevant if you do not have automatic assignment rules in place and your team is triaging from the Unassigned view in the inbox.
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