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View and use record source properties

Last updated: May 21, 2024

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Source properties provide information about how records were created and how they interact with your business. The Record source property tells you how records were originally created in your CRM. This property can be used in other HubSpot tools to segment records, trigger automation, and report on record data.

This article outlines the Record source and Record source detail properties, which include all methods of creating records. To understand how records have interacted with your web content, refer to the Original source and Latest source properties instead.

Record source values

The Record source property tells you which tool or process created a record. The Record source detail properties provide more specific information, for example, the specific form or user that created the record. These properties are set automatically by HubSpot and the values cannot be manually edited.

Record sources

Refer to this list of sources for the possible Record source values.

Record source details

There are three Record source detail properties that provide more specific information about how a record was created. Depending on the source and the specificity available, the number of details properties containing values will vary (e.g., Record source detail 1 has a value, but Record source detail 2 and Record source detail 3 don't).

For example, if a deal was created via import, the source information would be:

  • Record source: Import.
  • Record source detail 1: the name of the import.


View a record's source properties

To understand how a record was created, you can view each record's source and source details.

Please note: the Record source property was created in February 2024 and backfilled with data for the past four years. The Record source detail properties were created in March 2024 and were backfilled with 30 days of information. As a result, older records in your CRM may not have Record source or Record source detail values.

  • Navigate to your records:
    • Contacts: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
    • Companies: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Companies.
    • Deals: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.
    • Tickets: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Tickets.
    • Custom objects: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM, then select the custom object.
  • Click the name of a record.
  • In the left panel, view the Record source property. If the property isn't shown, in a properties section, click Actions > View all properties, then search for Record source.


  • To view when the source was set, hover over the property, then click Details.

Learn more about the Record source values.

Analyze data trends using sources

The data model overview uses Record source values to generate graphs and tables that breakdown how and when records were created, updated, deleted, or merged via different sources. Learn how to analyze data trends in the data model overview.

Use record sources in other HubSpot tools

You can use record sources and details to filter and segment records in other HubSpot tools. You can use Record source and the Record source detail properties in the following tools:

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