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Troubleshoot the HubSpot cookie consent management tools

Last updated: February 11, 2025

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While using HubSpot’s consent management tools you may encounter errors. Below are some common errors and the typical steps for resolution. 

Analyze errors when adding websites to consent management tools

You may encounter errors while adding your website to consent management tools. The table below explains the errors in detail and the steps needed to resolve:


Error description

Steps to resolve

Unable to add external domain.

This website blocks IP addresses from the HubSpot cookie scanner.

The website you tried to add is blocking the IP range HubSpot uses for scanning. This prevents HubSpot from adding the website. 

Work with a developer on your team to ensure that the IP range is not being blocked or filtered on the external website you attempted to add. 

After unblocking the IP range, add the domain again. 

Unable to add external domain.

We couldn't verify that the domain is associated with this HubSpot account because of an error: Domain has already been added to the portal. Try adding another domain.

This website is already included in your list of domains, so it can’t be added again.

Add a new domain.

Unable to add external domain.

We couldn't verify that the domain is associated with this HubSpot account because of an error: Unable to find the home page
Make sure that your domain has a home page. Add a home page to your site and try again.

Your external domain doesn’t have the HubSpot tracking code added. HubSpot needs this tracking code on your external website to ensure it belongs to your account

Install the HubSpot tracking code and add the domain again. 

Analyze errors when scanning domains in consent management tools

If you receive an error while scanning your domain for cookies. First, ensure the following requirements are met: 

  • The domain is connected to HubSpot or has the HubSpot tracking code installed. 
  • The domain has a home page, i.e. there is a live page located at the domain's root URL. For example, if your domain is, then would need to be a live page. 
  • A substantial number of non-test pages are published on the domain.

Once you have confirmed the above requirements are met, review the table below which explains the errors in detail and the steps needed to resolve:


Error description

Steps to resolve

There was a problem crawling the domain The crawler couldn't find a homepage at

Your website needs to have a live page published on the domain’s root URL. For example, if your domain is, then would need to be a live page. 

Add a homepage to your website and scan your domain again. 

There was a problem scanning the domain at 

There was a temporary issue scanning your domain.

Scan your domain again. 

There was a problem scanning the domain because an external cookie banner was found on the site. The cookie scanner can’t scan domains with cookie banners created outside of HubSpot.

HubSpot detected an external cookie consent banner on your website. External consent banners are incompatible with domain scanning.

Replace all cookie banners on your website created by an external tool and scan your domain again. 

The crawler didn’t find any URLs at this domain to scan.

The domain you added doesn’t have enough live pages published. 

Publish more live pages on this domain. Ensure that you’ve attempted to scan the correct domain. For example, if you tried scanning, try again with


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