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Outlook desktop add-in | frequently asked technical questions

Last updated: June 28, 2023

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Review frequently asked technical questions about installing the Outlook desktop add-in. In addition to the questions below, make sure to review the system requirements necessary to install the Outlook desktop add-in. This is meant to be a resource for your IT team to reference when installing the Outlook desktop add-in for your team. 

What directory does the Outlook desktop add-in install to?

The Outlook desktop add-in installs wherever click-to-run apps install. This is managed by your operating system. Learn more about click-to-run installations

Does the installation require administrative privileges? 

Yes, installation requires administrative privileges. This is necessary to install specific runtime components like VSTO. 

Where are the configuration files stored?

Configuration files are stored using the .NET config API. 

Do the configuration files store usernames or passwords?

No, the configuration files do not store usernames or passwords. However, they do store the HubSpot visitor identification cookies (hubspotutk). 

What servers will the client communicate with, and on which ports and protocols?

The add-in communicates with * All communication is done over HTTPS using port 443. 

What changes must be made to firewalls to enable the communication between the client and add-in?

Firewalls will need to allow communication with * via HTTPS. Any updates will require communication with

What data will the client send back to HubSpot? 

The client will send user data, error logs, and usage events back and forth to HubSpot. 

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