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View and filter records on an object home page

Last updated: August 23, 2024

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Each CRM object in HubSpot (contacts, companies, deals, and tickets) has an home page that displays the object’s records. Other tools in HubSpot also have home pages, including calls, payments, forms, campaigns, and custom objects. On each home page, you can also filter and segment records and save views for future use.

These pages also include actions and filters you can use to customize and segment your records. Learn more about creating CRM records in HubSpot.

View records and access saved views

  • To customize each object home page individually, navigate to a specific record home page:

    • Contacts: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.

    • Companies: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Companies.

    • Deals: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.

    • Tickets: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Tickets.

    • Payments: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Commerce > Payments.
    • Products: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Commerce > Products.
    • Calls: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Calls.
    • Campaigns:  In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Campaigns.
    • Forms:  In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
    • Custom objects: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM, then select the custom object.

  • To customize all object home pages at once (BETA), in your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar:
    • In the left sidebar menu, click the Objects dropdown to select an object. At the top, click Index Customization tab.
    • Click All Views to see and take action on all of your views in one place.
    • Click Default view customization to see the default tab configuration you see when you navigate to a specific object home page.
  • If you’re viewing an object with pipelines (deals, tickets, or custom objects), to toggle between a list view or board view, click the listView list and grid board icons next to the object name. The list view shows all records in a table, while board view shows records moving through the stages of a pipeline. Learn more about managing records in board view.


  • When navigating to an object home page, you’ll be brought to the default view for the object. When you first navigate to the page, the default view shows the entire list of object records, but you can edit your default view. If you're a super admin, you can also set the default view for new users.
  • To access an open view, click the view's tab. To open a saved view not shown as a tab, click +Add view, then select a view from the dropdown menu.
  • To locate a specific record, enter a search term in the search box in the top left of the view.
  • To change the order of your records, you can sort them based on a property. Click the property's column header to sort by that property. Learn how to customize which properties appear as columns, or how to sort records in board view.


  • If you're viewing deals, a summary of the view's amount properties will appear above the table or board. To hide this summary, click Hide insights in the top right. If it's already hidden, click Show insights to display the summary again.
  • To preview a record, hover over the record and click Preview.
  • To access a record, click the record name. Learn more about how to edit an individual record.


Filter records and save views

For each object, you can segment records based on that object's properties. If you’re looking for more ways to filter records, learn about the differences between saved views and lists.

  • Navigate to your records or a specific view.
  • To filter by a common default property, click the default property dropdown menus above the table (e.g., Contact owner, Create date, Last activity date, Lead status for contacts) and select filter criteria.

  • To set filters based on the object's other properties, click Advanced filters. In the right panel:

    • If you have quick filters selected, they'll appear at the top. Click Hide to remove them from the panel.
    • If the view doesn't have existing filters, select a property to set up the first filter. If the view has existing filters, click Edit filters to add or edit them.
    • To add a new filter, click +Add filter in the AND or OR groups. When you set a filter with AND, records must meet all of the criteria in the filter group to be included in the view. When you select OR, the records must meet the criteria in at least one filter group to be included in the view. Select the property you want to filter by, set criteria for the property, then click Apply filter.

    • To duplicate a group of filters, click the duplicate clone icon above the group. When you clone a group, the new duplicate group will follow OR logic.
    • To remove a property, click the delete delete icon in the top right of the filter.

    • To remove a group of filters, click the delete delete icon above the group.
    • Once you’re done, click the X in the top right corner. Your filters will be applied, but you must save the view for the filters to persist.


  • To save the current filters and settings, in the top right, click saveEditableView Save. This will update the filters and settings for the current view. For existing views, only the user that originally created the view will be able to save changes.

  • To create a new view with the filters, click duplicate Clone view. In the dialog box, enter a view name, select a visibility setting, then click Confirm.
  • To reset the current view to its original saved filters, select click redo Reset view. This will remove any new filters you've applied.

  • To clear all filters from a view, click Clear all above the table.


Once you’ve set filters, learn more about bulk editing records.

Select filter criteria

Before you select criteria for your view, learn how to choose filter options to segment your records. On each home page, you can only filter by that object’s properties.

Please note: certain filter options work differently in views compared to lists, and may return different results (e.g., contains exactly in views vs. contains any of in lists).

To set your criteria in a view, click Advanced filters, then in the right panel, select a property. Depending on the property's field type, choose an option to set criteria for that property:

  • contains exactly: enter a value. A record’s property value must contain the exact text entered to be included in the view. To search for a value with multiple words in a specific order, or including non-English characters, you'll need to enter your value in double quotes (e.g., "HubSpot knowledge base") to filter for an exact match.

Please note: non-alphanumeric characters included in criteria values are treated as delimiters, not as characters themselves. For example, filtering by HubSpot_knowledge_base> will search for values containing HubSpot, knowledge, and base, treating the _ and > as spaces. Even if you use double quotes, such as "HubSpot_knowledge_base>", it will search for values containing "HubSpot knowledge base" in that exact order, but not for values containing the other characters.

  • doesn’t contain exactly: enter a value. A record’s property value must not contain the exact text entered to be included in the view. Records with no value for the property will also be included.

  • is: for Date properties, select from predetermined options (e.g., Today, Yesterday, Last quarter). A record’s property value must be within the selected time frame to be included in the view.

  • is after: for Date picker properties, select a date on the calendar. A record’s property must have a date value that is after the selected date to be included in the view.

  • is any of: select multiple values. A record’s property must have at least one of these values to be included in the view.

  • is before: for Date picker properties, select a date on the calendar. A record’s property must have a date value that is before the selected date to be included in the view.

  • is between: for Date picker properties, select two dates on the calendar. A record’s property must have a date value that is equal to or after the first selected date and equal to or before the second selected date to be included in the view.

  • is (not) equal to: enter or select a value. A record’s property must (not) be equal to this value to be included in the view. If you’ve selected is not equal to, records with no value for the property will also be included.

  • is greater than: for Numerical properties, enter a number. A record’s property must have a value that is greater than the entered number value to be included in the view.

  • is greater than or equal to: for Numerical properties, enter a number. A record’s property must have a value that is greater than or equal to the entered number value to be included in the view.

  • is known: all records with a value for the property will be included in the view.

  • is less than: for Numerical properties, enter a number. A record’s property must have a value that is less than the entered number value to be included in the view.

  • is less than [x] days: for Date properties, enter a number, then select days ago or days from now. A record's property must have a date value less than that number of days before or after today's date to be included in the view.
  • is less than or equal to: for Numerical properties, enter a number. A record’s property must have a value that is less than or equal to the entered number value to be included in the view.

  • is more than [x] days: for Date properties, enter a number, then select days ago or days from now. A record's property must have a date value more than that number of days before or after today's date to be included in the view.
  • is none of: select multiple values. A record's property must have a value that does not match any of the selected values to be included in the view. Records with no value for the property will also be included.

  • is unknown: all records that do not have a value for the property will be included in the view.

Once you're done, click Apply filter.

Customize a view's columns or board cards

To customize how properties appear in list view:

  • In listView list view, click Edit columns in the top right of the table. In the dialog box:
    • Select the checkboxes next to the properties you want to appear in the table.

    • Use the drag handle to drag and drop properties to reorder the columns.

    • Hover over a property, then click Move to top to make the property the second column in the view. By default, the record's name will be the first column and cannot be removed.
    • Click x to remove a property.

    • To freeze the first column of the view, select the Freeze column above checkbox. When frozen, the column containing the record's name will remain visible as you scroll to the right.
    • Click Apply.

  • To maintain the same column settings for the view moving forward, save the view. For existing views, only the user who originally created the view will be able to save changes.


To customize how properties appear in board view:
    • To customize how the cards appear, select Edit cards. In the right panel:

      • Choose the card style to customize the amount of information shown in each object card.

      • Select the checkbox to display icons for associated records.

      • Select the checkbox to display object tags (Sales Hub Starter, Professional, and Enterprise only).
      • Toggle the [Deal/ticket] activity information switch to choose whether or not to display next and last activity information.
      • Toggle the Inactive cards switch to set options for marking deals and tickets as inactive. 

      • Once you're done, click Save.

Learn more about editing the appearance of cards in board view, or how to customize the properties shown on board cards in your object settings.

Edit, delete, clone, or set default views

As you filter your records and save views, you can customize which views appear as tabs on object home pages, create new views, and set a default view for each object. You can also manage who can access a view, set your own default view, clone views, and delete unneeded views.

Users with super admin permissions can also set which views appear for new users by default.

  • To create a new view with no filters set, click + Add view to the right of your tabs, then click Create new view.

  • To open an existing saved view, click + Add view to the right of your tabs, then select a view from the dropdown menu. Once opened, tabs automatically remain pinned on the home page unless you close them.


  • To reorder your views, click and drag a tab to a new position.
  • To set a default view, click and drag the view's tab to the left most position. For deals, tickets, and custom objects, the default view will be set for both list view and board view. This view will be the first tab to appear each time you navigate to the home page, and applies only to your user profile. If you're a super admin, learn how to set default views for all users.
  • To close a view, click the X on the view's tab. You can reopen the view from the Add view dropdown menu or the All views page.
  • To manage all saved views in your account, click All views.


  • On the All Views page, your own custom views are shown for the object you were viewing.
    • To filter by other objects, click the Object type dropdown menu and select the objects you want to include.
    • To filter by certain view owners, click the Owner dropdown menu and select the users whose views you want to include. Users with super admin permissions will be able to see all views, while other users can only see views they have access to. 
    • To retrieve all views regardless of the object or owner, clear all checkboxes in the dropdown menus.
    • To open a view, click the name of the view. On the page, you can edit the view's filters.
    • To view a preview of the views sharing settings and filters, hover over the view and click Preview.
    • To edit or delete a view, hover over a view, then click the Actions dropdown menu. Select from the following:
      • Delete: delete the view. In the dialog box, click Delete to confirm. The view will be deleted, but the records included in the view will not be deleted.
      • Create report (Professional and Enterprise only): navigate to the report builder to create a report based on data from the view. You cannot create a report based on data in a calls or payments view. 
      • Clone: clone the view. In the dialog box, enter a name for the cloned view, then click Save. A new view will be created with the same filters.
      • Export: export the records in the view. Learn more about exporting records.
      • Manage sharing: update which users have access to the view. In the dialog box, select to make the view private, share it with your team, or share with all users in the account. Click Save to confirm.
      • Rename: update the name of the view. In the dialog box, enter a name, then click Save. 
    • To view HubSpot-created views, click Standard views in the top right. In the right panel:
      • Click an object to expand the object's standard views.
      • To open a view, click the name of the view.
      • Hover over a view and click Actions to clone or export the view. Depending on the view, you can also create a report (Professional and Enterprise only).
    • If you’re a Super admin, click the Default views tab to set up an object’s default views.
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