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Get started with the ChatSpot AI assistant (BETA)

Last updated: March 4, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

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ChatSpot is a conversational AI tool designed to assist with your business’ sales and marketing goals. Powered by OpenAI’s database, ChatGPT, and Dall-E, ChatSpot can help you prospect companies, generate content, and analyze your website’s SEO. Additionally, if you’ve connected a HubSpot account, you can create reports and complete record actions based on the data in your CRM.

Below, learn more about how ChatSpot works and how to get started using the chat assistant.

Understand how ChatSpot AI works

ChatSpot is an AI chat bot to which you can send prompts and pre-defined templates to request information, generate content, and perform actions. ChatSpot is free to use and does not require a HubSpot account, however, you can complete additional actions when connected to a HubSpot CRM. 

Some of the available functionality includes:

  • Generating written content: create email subject lines, blog post titles, LinkedIn articles, buyer personas, and drafts for blog posts or sales emails. You can include details about the desired topic, as well as tone to match your business’ style.

  • Generating images: create images for your website and social media based on criteria. You can also choose a template that specifies the style of the image.

  • Prospecting: retrieve data about company age, size, industry, location, technology services, website domain, SEO rankings, competitors, and news. You can also set up notifications to send news about a company directly to your inbox. 

  • Summarizing content: request summaries of articles.

  • HubSpot support: ask questions that ChatSpot can answer using the HubSpot Academy and HubSpot Knowledge Base
  • Completing actions with CRM records (HubSpot account required): create, summarize, assign, or update contacts, companies, deals, and tickets. You can also create or review notes and tasks on records for those objects.

  • Generating reports and surveys: (HubSpot account required): generate a summary of your account’s data, create reports based on specific filters, or design a feedback survey.

Learn how to send prompts and use templates, or review the available intents and example prompts for all available actions.

Please note: the following limitations apply:

  • Results may vary depending on the prompt’s wording and language. English prompts currently produce the best results.
  • ChatSpot cannot access all data in a connected HubSpot account, so certain prompts may be unsuccessful if they’re based on inaccessible data.

Set up or log in to a ChatSpot account

To access ChatSpot:

  • Navigate to

  • If you’re a new user, click Start chatting free. If you’re an existing user, click Login.

  • You can create a ChatSpot account with your email address or by linking a Google or Microsoft account. If you’re a HubSpot user, you’ll be prompted to use your existing HubSpot user profile. Using a HubSpot user profile will not automatically connect your HubSpot account.

    • To use ChatSpot with an existing HubSpot user profile, click Continue with this user. If you use an existing user profile, you'll be able to connect HubSpot accounts that your user profile has access to.

    • To create a new user profile, click Create account with new user.

  • To add or update the HubSpot account connected with ChatSpot:


    • Click your profile in the top right.
    • Click Use ChatSpot within HubSpot, or if you’ve already connected an account, click the account name.
    • Select the account you want to connect to.
  • To remove the connected HubSpot account, click to expand your profile in the top right, then click Use ChatSpot without a HubSpot account. Connecting a HubSpot account is not required to use ChatSpot, but there are additional actions you can complete within your CRM when a HubSpot account is connected. 

If you want to turn off the ability to connect your HubSpot account with ChatSpot, learn how to manage the ChatSpot access setting.

Manage ChatSpot access in your HubSpot account

By default, ChatSpot access is turned on for each HubSpot account, which allows ChatSpot to access and update data within your account. If you’re a user with super admin permissions, you can turn this access off, or limit the types of prompts users can send. With the setting turned off, no user will be able to connect their ChatSpot profile with the HubSpot account.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, select ChatSpot.
  • To turn off ChatSpot’s access to your account, click to toggle the ChatSpot access switch off.


  • To turn access back on, click to toggle the switch on.
  • To manage how your account users can use ChatSpot, select a Prompt limits option, then click Save to confirm. The options include:
    • Open: there are no limits to the prompts that users can send. They can use any template or type their own prompts.
    • Only prompt templates: users can use the pre-defined prompt templates, but cannot type and send their own prompts.
    • Limited prompt templates: users can only use prompt templates from certain categories, and cannot use other templates or send their own prompts. If you've selected this option, select the checkboxes of the template categories that can be used. 


Learn more about how ChatSpot uses your account data.

Manage your ChatSpot user and writing style settings

In your ChatSpot settings, you can configure your user profile and your writing style to receive more personalized and relevant responses while chatting.

  • Navigate to and login to your account.
  • Click your profile in the top right, then select ChatSpot settings.
  • To set or update your user and company profile:
    • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to About me.
    • Enter your user and company information. Hover over the information information icon next to a field to view how it will be used in chat results.
    • Once you're done, click Save.
  • To set or update your writing style:
    • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Writing Style.
    • To analyze your blog post or email style, paste text into the Blog samples or Email samples text box, then click Analyze [blog/email] style.
    • Once analyzed, the tone of the samples will be used moving forward when you generate blog posts or sales emails with ChatSpot.
    • To reanalyze a sample, update the text, then click Analyze [blog/email] style again.
    • To remove a sample and stop ChatSpot from using that tone, click Clear analyzed style.


Send messages or use templates to chat with the AI assistant

Once you’ve set up your ChatSpot account, you can send chat messages or use templates to complete certain actions via the ChatSpot AI assistant. For example, send a message to ChatSpot to summarize a CRM record, or use a template to generate a blog post.

  • Navigate to and login to your account.
  • To send a chat, navigate to the Chat tab, enter a message, then click Send.
  • To use a template, navigate to the Templates tab, then click a template.
    • Browse available templates by clicking the topics in the left sidebar menu.
    • To favorite a template, click the star icon.
    • Click a template to view the information required to use the prompt.
    • To use the template, enter the additional information required (e.g., enter the Company domain name of the company you want to summarize, or the description of an image you’d like to generate).
    • Click Send.


  • If you’ve connected a HubSpot account, for certain responses, you can open HubSpot to continue the action (e.g., create a blog post in HubSpot based on a blog draft, view a record in HubSpot).
  • To copy a ChatSpot response, below the message, click Copy message
  • To provide feedback about a ChatSpot response, below the message, click the emojiFillHappy happy face icon if an answer was helpful, or the emojiFillSad sad face icon if an answer wasn’t helpful. Feedback will be reviewed by the ChatSpot product team to continually improve the product.
  • While a chat is open, you can send additional messages, or use additional templates within the same chat. To start a new chat conversation, click + New chat. The next prompt you send will open a blank conversation, but you can access your previous prompts by navigating to the History tab.

Intents and prompt examples

In the sections below, refer to the available intents and example prompts based on common sales and marketing goals. The following examples are formatted to yield the best results from the bot, but you can replace the sample values with your own desired values (e.g., Generate a blog post about [topic]).

Generate written content, images, and strategy resources

The following are available intents, with example prompts:

  • Draft blog post: Generate a blog post about how to grow your social media following.
  • Draft one-to-one emails (to a thought leader, initial outreach, or lead activation): Generate a sales email that helps book a meeting, offering social media consulting.
  • Generate blog post title: Generate a blog title that is witty, simple for this blog post [blog post content].
  • Generate email subject line: Generate a subject line for this email: [email content]. Goal is to inform subscribers about a sale.
  • Generate a LinkedIn article: Craft a LinkedIn article about B2B marketing for marketers just starting their careers.
  • Generate B2B buyer personas: Build a buyer persona for a marketer in Ireland focusing on increasing traffic to the company website. Company size 100 in the beauty industry
  • Generate an elevator pitch: Develop an elevator pitch for a beauty product, emphasizing its convenience and quality for its price.
  • Generate a sales performance enhancement strategy: Act as a coach to enhance my sales team’s performance. Our product is CRM software, and we have on the team 10 salespeople. The difference between our sales goals and actual sales is $1000. We measure sales team performance by ARR and we evaluate individual performance by MRR.
  • Design customer feedback survey: Construct a survey for CRM software to understand customer satisfaction. Target: New customers. Include multiple choice question types, focusing on purchasing experience, highlighting sales process and mentioning coupon for filling out survey.
  • Generate professional biography: Use this information to write a professional biography: First name: Adrianna, Job Title: Technical Writer, Company name: HubSpot, Inc.
  • Generate images in different styles: Generate an image of a dog working on a computer, anime style.

Prospect companies

The following are available intents, with example prompts:

  • Find companies with criteria (age, size, industry, location, technology): Find SaaS companies in Massachusetts with over 1000 employees.
  • Find companies in a specific industry: Show me companies in the agriculture industry in Canada.
  • Look up a company: Look up
  • View news for a company: Show me news for
  • Subscribe/unsubscribe to news for a company: [Subscribe/Unsubscribe] to news for
  • Review your company news subscriptions: List my news subscriptions .
  • Research a company's technology stack: What technology does use?
  • Research a company's competitors: Show me competitors for
  • Research a company's funding: Show me funding for
  • Research a company's locations: Show me locations for

Please note: searchable location and industry values for companies are based on Clearbit's standard attribute values.

Research and summarize

The following are available intents, with example prompts:

Get help with HubSpot

The following are available intents, with example prompts:

  • Ask HubSpot Academy: Ask Academy: how do i grow my social media following?
  • Ask the HubSpot Knowledge Base: Ask the HubSpot Knowledge Base. How do I 
    create a contact?

Complete actions with CRM records

The following are available intents, with example prompts:

  • Summarize a record: Summarize Lorelai Gilmore.
  • Create a record: Create contact: Lorelai Gilmore.
  • Update a record: Update lifecycle stage to be customer.
  • Review logged notes on records: List my recent notes.
  • Create a task: Create task to call Lorelai Gilmore on September 15, 2023.
  • Create a note: Create note for Lorelai is the point of contact for billing.
  • Assign a record to an owner: Assign to Adrianna D.

Learn more about using ChatSpot with CRM records and the information returned in a record summary.

Please note: a HubSpot account is required to complete CRM actions with ChatSpot.

Generate reports

You can create reports based on your CRM data. For example, you could send the following prompts:

  • Show me deals created this month with a value over $6000.
  • Summarize website visits this month.
  • Show me the results of our most recent marketing campaign.

In ChatSpot, review the Reporting templates for a full list of available reports.

Please note: a HubSpot account is required to generate reports with ChatSpot.

Additional ChatSpot resources

Below are additional articles to help you use ChatSpot:

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