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Analyze form submissions data

Last updated: January 23, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

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Analyze your HubSpot form submissions to evaluate your form's effectiveness. It can take up to several minutes for form submissions to appear in HubSpot. Once processed, the data will appear on the forms page and the specific form's submission page. 

If you want to compare your forms' performance against each other, you can use the forms analytics tool or create a custom report. Form analytics on the form analytics tool and any associated pages will update every 40 minutes, learn more about the frequency of HubSpot analytic updates

Forms overview

In the Manage tab, you’ll see an overview of all of your forms. At the top of the page, you can use the filters to view your forms by specific time frame, form type, and more. To determine which metrics are displayed, learn how to manage your forms table

Forms metrics

The following information and metrics are available with forms: 
  • Name: the name of the regular or pop-up form.
  • Page Views: the number of views on the page displaying the form. Form submissions made through the forms API will not result in views.
  • Submissions per page view: the number of form submissions divided by the number of page views for the selected time period.
  • Form Submissions: the number of form submissions. 
  • Business units (Business units add-on only): the business unit the form is associated with. 
  • Appears on: the number of HubSpot pages that the form appears on. This column only applies to regular forms added to HubSpot-hosted pages with the default form module. No HubSpot pages will display in the Appears on column in the following scenarios:
  • Updated at: the last modified date and time of the form. 
  • Status: the status of the form, whether it's a published form or a draft. 
  • Created: the date and time the form was created. 

Compare forms (Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise)

You can compare up to 10 forms side by side in the forms comparison tool. To compare your forms: 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
  • Select the checkboxes next to the forms that you want to compare. 
  • At the top of the table, click generateChart Compare forms.

  • In the Compare Forms screen, you can select the date range for data to display and also use the Select Form dropdown menus to change the forms you are comparing.
  • Click + Add form to add an additional form to compare.


In the Analyze tab, you’ll see aggregated analytics for your forms. To analyze data over a specific period of time, click the date range dropdown menu at the top. ››

  • Views: the total number of views for all pages (HubSpot pages or external pages with your HubSpot tracking code) your form appears on. Submissions made through the forms API will not result in views.
  • Conversion rate: the total number of all-time submissions divided by the total number of all-time views for the form.
  • Submissions: the total number of times forms has been submitted across all your pages.
  • Total form submissions over views: the total number of form submissions compared to form views.
  • Form submission totals: a list of all your forms with form type, views, submissions, and conversion rate.


Analyze individual forms

To analyze the performance of individual forms: 
  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Forms.
  • Click the Name of the form that you want to analyze. If you're analyzing a pop-up form, hover over the form name. Then, click Actions > Details


In the Performance tab, you'll see detailed metrics for the form. To analyze data over a specific period of time, in the upper left, filter by Date Range

  • In the first report, review your form's performance with the following metrics: 
    • Views: the total number of views of all the pages (HubSpot pages or external pages with your HubSpot tracking code) your form appears on. Submissions made through the forms API will not result in views.
    • Click-through rate (pop-up forms only): the number of times the pop-up form has been clicked.
    • Form views (pop-up forms only): the number of views the pop-up form receives when the tracking code is loaded and the pop-up is displayed on a page.
    • Form Conversion rate: the total number of submissions divided by the total number of views for the form.
    • Submissions: the total number of times the form has been submitted across all your pages.


  • Below the top-level metrics is a data visualization chart that plots form data over time.
    • To see a different metric in the data visualization chart, click the dropdown menu in the upper left and select another metric.
    • Hover your mouse over a specific point on this graph to view a breakdown of the statistics.
    • To adjust the timeframe for your report, in the upper left of the page, select a new Date Range

Please note: it is not possible to track form clicks on pop-up forms. 

  • The following additional reports are also displayed in the performance tab of the form details page: 
    • Step Completion: the number of visitors that have completed the steps outlined below.
      • Page Visits: the number of visits to the HubSpot pages that the form is located on.
      • Visible on screen: the number of visitors with at least one pixel of the form visible on the visitor's browser. 
      • Interacted with: the number of visitors that have interacted with the form. For example, clicks on form elements such as form fields or rich text areas. 
      • Submitted: the number of submissions to the form.
    • Contact type: the number of new and existing contacts that have submitted the form.
    • Conversion pages: the views, submissions, and conversion rate for each of the pages the form was submitted on. 
    • Submissions by source: the views, submissions, and conversion rate by the source of the session when the form was submitted. 


In the Analyze tab, you'll see a detailed breakdown of responses that have been submitted by your contacts. Each question in your form will be displayed as an individual report.

To analyze data over a specific period of time, in the top left, select a Date range.

Individual submissions

In the Submissions tab, you’ll see a list of submissions made to this form. To analyze data over a specific period of time, in the top left, select a Date range.
  • To view the details of a specific form submission, hover over the submission and click View submission.
  • In the right panel, you'll see the name or email address of the contact, the date they submitted the form, and any additional fields included in their submission.
  • In the bottom left of the panel, click View object recordsexternalLink and select an associated record to view the record in a new browser tab. This option will not appear if the record has been deleted from HubSpot.

View form submissions from the HubSpot mobile app

You can view form submission data from the HubSpot mobile app. If you’ve enabled notifications, you’ll receive an alert when a contact submits a form. Learn more about managing notifications from the HubSpot mobile app.

You access the form submission directly from the notification, or to view form submissions on contact or lead records: 

  • Open the HubSpot app on your mobile device.
  • Tap the Menu icon in the top left, then tap Contacts or Leads in the left sidebar.
  • Tap on the Form submitted activity to view its details. You can view the name or email address of the contact, the date they submitted the form, and any additional fields included in their submission. 

form submitted on mobile app


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This form is used for documentation feedback only. Learn how to get help with HubSpot.