Analyze your knowledge base performance
Last updated: June 28, 2023
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
Once you've set up your knowledge base and created knowledge base articles, you can start analyzing the performance of your knowledge base in terms of article views, as well as the average time users spend on each article.
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Knowledge Base.
- In the upper left, click the Insights tab.
- Here, you'll see a list of all your knowledge base articles with the metrics Total views, Average time on article, Helpful rating, and Unhelpful rating.
- Click a column header to sort the articles by metric, and click the Time range dropdown menu to change the time period the metrics are displayed for.
- Analyze what search terms your customers are using to look up your knowledge base articles. You can view the total number of searches, the search terms that do not return any article results, and the most effective search terms for the time period selected.
- In the Most Searched Terms report, select a term to view all of the knowledge base article results for that search term.
- To view the performance of an individual article, click the name of the article.
- Click the Time range dropdown menu to change the time period the metrics are displayed for.
- Article Views: the number of times the article was loaded on a web browser.
- Average Time On Page: the total amount of time spent viewing the article, divided by the total number of views.
- Article Views Over Time: the total number of views by source, over a specific time period.
- Feedback: the article rating graded by helpful or unhelpful.
- Video Views Over Time: the number of times a video was viewed, over a specific time period.
- Video Retention: the number of views throughout the duration of video.
- You can view your knowledge base performance at a glance in your service dashboard, as well as add other pre-built knowledge base reports to the dashboard.
Knowledge Base
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