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Manage user and team access to lists

Last updated: February 10, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

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For individual lists, you can set which users and teams have view and edit access. To further control which lists a team can access, you can also assign active lists to specific teams and limit membership to records owned by the selected teams.

Manage view and edit access for lists

To set which users and teams can access individual lists:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Lists.
  • To edit access for existing lists, select the checkboxes of the lists, then click Manage access at the top of the table. If you've selected multiple lists, the same access will be set for them.


  • If you're creating a new list, once you've set up the list, click Review and save in the top right. In the right panel, click the Access tab.


  • Select an option:
    • To prevent all non-admin users from being able to view or edit the list, select Private. The list will only be accessible to the list's creator and Super Admins.
    • To allow all users to view and edit the list, select Everyone can view and edit. This option is selected by default for new lists.
    • To specify which users and teams can view or edit the list, select Specific users and teams.
      • To update access for an individual user or team, click the dropdown menu next to their name and select View and edit or No access.
      • To update access for multiple users or teams, select the checkboxes next to their names. In the header row, click Update access, then select View and edit or No access


  • Click Save.

Assign lists to teams and limit membership based on ownership

To ensure only a certain team has access to a list's records, you can require that records which meet an active list's criteria will only be added to the list if they are also owned by the assigned team. For static lists, you can assign lists to teams during their creation.

To turn on the setting to limit the list's records to only team-owned:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Lists.
  • In the Control which records join a list when assigned to a team section, click the dropdown menu and select Only records the creator team owns.


  • If you also want to include records without an owner, select the Unassigned records checkbox.

To assign a list to a team:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Lists.
  • To assign existing active lists:
    • Select the checkboxes of lists to assign, then click Assign teams. If you've selected multiple lists, the same team will be assigned to them.


    • In the dialog box, select a team, then click Assign Lists to confirm.


  • To assign an active or static list while creating it, in the left panel, click the Team owner dropdown menu and select a team.


Moving forward, records will only be added to assigned lists if they meet the list's criteria and their owner is a primary memeber of the selected team. For example, the following list is assigned to the Sales Team, which means only records that are located in Boston and are unassigned or owned by a Sales Team primary member will be included in the list.

Learn more about setting up list criteria.

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