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Understand restorable and permanent contact deletions

Last updated: February 14, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

You can perform a restorable or permanent delete on your contacts. If you perform a restorable delete, the contact is stored in the recycle bin and can be restored up to 90 days after you delete it. If you perform a permanent delete, you can not restore the contact. This type of delete may help you comply with data privacy laws. Learn more about restorable and permanent deletions.

Before performing a restorable or permanent delete of your HubSpot contacts, consider the data and tools that will be affected. The information below outlines the differences between data that’s affected when you perform a restorable delete or a permanent delete of your contact.


Restorable delete

Permanent delete


  • All activity is deleted and unassociated from the record. For example, if a note is associated with a contact and a company, if the contact is deleted the note will only appear on the company's timeline. For activities like calls and tasks, the calls and tasks will still appear on your call or task page but will not be associated with the deleted record.
  • If the contact is restored, activities will be restored.
  • All activity is deleted and unassociated from the record. For example, if a note is associated to a contact and a company, if the contact is deleted the note will only appear on the company's timeline. For activities like calls and tasks, the calls and tasks will still appear on your call or task page but will not be associated with the deleted record.

Analytics data 

  • When you delete a contact, data in reports on engagements, such as calls, meetings, and tasks, will not be lost. Such reports (e.g. Productivity) will still count engagements of deleted contacts.
  • Anonymized analytics data will remain. For example, the contact's sessions will continue to be reflected in your sources report, but you won’t be able to identify the individual contact. Similarly, if you’ve sent emails to the contact or the contact filled out a form, the analytics will still be reflected in the email performance (opens, clicks, etc.) and number of form submissions, but the contact's information will no longer appear.
  • Contacts will be removed from counts in contact reports 
  • If the contact is restored, analytics data will be restored.
  • When you delete a contact, data in reports on engagements, such as calls, meetings, and tasks, will not be lost. Such reports (e.g. Productivity) will still count engagements of deleted contacts.
  • Anonymized analytics data will remain. For example, the contact's sessions will continue to be reflected in your sources report, but you won’t be able to identify the individual contact. Similarly, if you’ve sent emails to the contact or the contact filled out a form, the analytics will still be reflected in the email performance (opens, clicks, etc.) and number of form submissions, but the contact's information will no longer appear.
  • Contacts will be removed from counts in contact reports.


  • Associations between the contact record and its previous engagements are removed.
  • If the contact is restored, associations will be restored.
  • Associations between the contact record and its previous engagements are removed.
  • Email property values such as header and derived properties are redacted. An email will have information about where it's being sent from/to/cc/bcc stored as part of the `hs_email_headers` property. That will be updated to "GDPR_DELETED".


  • Bot conversations are removed from the inbox.
  • If the contact is restored, conversations will be restored.
  • Bots conversations are deleted.

Bounces, spam reports, unsubscribes and quarantines

  • If the contact is restored, bounces, spam reports, unsubscribed, and quarantines will be restored. 
  • If a contact is re-created or re-imported using the same email address, bounces, spam reports, unsubscribed, and quarantines will be restored.
  • If a contact is re-created or re-imported using the same email address, bounces, spam reports, and quarantines will be restored.
  • Unsubscribes aren't restored.

Calling data

  • Calls are deleted, but if the activity was associated with another object (e.g., company or ticket), the activity will still be associated with the other object.
  • If the contact is restored, calling data will be restored.
  • Calls are deleted, but if the activity was associated with another object (e.g., company or ticket), the activity will still be associated with the other object.

Contact data

  • Contact data is deleted but is restorable for up to 90 days. After 90 days, the data is permanently deleted.
  • If the contact is restored, contact data will be restored.
  • Contact data is deleted.


  • Conversations will remain in the inbox. 
  • If the contact is restored, conversations will be restored.
  • Conversations are deleted. 
  • Associated conversations from the inbox are deleted.
  • Any tickets associated with the conversation are deleted.

Custom event completion (Marketing Hub Enterprise only) 

  • Custom event completion is deleted.
  • If the contact is restored, custom event completion will be restored.
  • Custom event completion is deleted.


  • Emails are deleted, but if the activity was associated with another object (e.g., a company or ticket), the activity will still be associated with the other object.
  • If the contact is restored, emails will be restored.
  • Emails are deleted, but if the activity was associated with another object (e.g., a company or ticket), the activity will still be associated with the other object.

Feedback data

  • Feedback data are shown from "Unknown contact" for 90 days. After 90 days, the feedback responses will be deleted.
  • If the contact is restored, feedback data will be restored.
  • Feedback data is deleted.


  • Files will not be deleted. They will still be in the File Manager.
  • If the contact is restored, files will be associated with the contact again.
  • Files uploaded through form submissions are deleted.

Form Submissions 

  • Form submission data remains in the form submissions report under No contact for 90 days.
  • Anonymized analytics remain. For example, the contact's sessions will continue to be reflected in your sources report, but you won’t be able to identify the individual contact. Similarly, if you’ve sent emails to the contact or the contact filled out a form, the analytics will still be reflected in the email performance (e.g., opens, clicks, number of form submissions) but the contact's information will no longer appear. 
  • If the contact is restored, form submissions will be restored.
  • Form submission data is deleted.
  • Anonymized analytics remain. For example, the contact's sessions will continue to be reflected in your sources report, but you won’t be able to identify the individual contact. Similarly, if you’ve sent emails to the contact or the contact filled out a form, the analytics will still be reflected in the email performance (e.g., opens, clicks, number of form submissions) but the contact's information will no longer appear. 

Integrations data 

  • Integrations data is deleted.
  • If the contact is restored, integrations data will be restored.
  • Integrations data is deleted.

Lifecycle stage

  • Lifecycle stage transition data is deleted.
  • The lifecycle stage of the contact's associated company may be reset or recalculated, based on the associated company's association to other contacts and deals.
  • If the contact is restored, lifecycle stage will be restored.
  • Lifecycle stage transition data is deleted.
  • The lifecycle stage of the contact's associated company may be reset or recalculated, based on the associated company's association to other contacts and deals.

List membership

  • List membership is deleted.
  • List membership is deleted.


  • Notifications aren’t deleted immediately. 
  • Some properties are stored (e.g., name and email), which may still be shown in a notification after the contact is deleted.
  • As part of standard maintenance, notifications will be deleted after 30 days.
  • Notifications are deleted.


  • Quotes will not be deleted.
  • All quotes associated with the contact will also be deleted within 30 days.


  • Contact will be unenrolled from workflows.
  • If the contact is restored, they will not be re-enrolled in workflows.
  • Contact will be unenrolled from workflows
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