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Assign access to records

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Super Admins can update an individual user's access to view, edit, or delete records for each object. If your account has a Professional or Enterprise subscription, you can also limit record access based on a user's team membership or for deals, restrict editing access to certain deal stages.

Assign user access to records

For each object, you can configure user access to the object’s records. You can allow users to view, edit, or delete any records of an object, or limit them to only the records they own.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left panel, navigate to Users & Teams.
  • In the table, select the checkboxes next to the users' names.
  • At the top of the table, click Edit permissions. Learn more about editing user permissions.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to CRM > CRM Objects
  • In the object’s row, set the permissions to view, edit, or delete records on the selected object. You can choose to allow them to access all records, only records they own, none, or if your account has a Professional or Enterprise subscription, only records owned by their team.


  • In the top right, click Save. The permissions will only take effect after a user has logged out and logged back in.

Learn more about CRM permissions.

Assign access to records by team (Professional and Enterprise only)

You can configure record access so that users on a team can only access records assigned to themselves or other team members. For objects with pipelines, this means multiple teams can share a pipeline without affecting records assigned to other teams.

With these permissions, users can only view, edit, or delete records where they or another user on their team are the owner. If a user is on multiple teams, they can access records assigned to any of their teams. 

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left panel, navigate to Users & Teams.
  • In the table, select the checkboxes next to the users' names. If the users aren't yet on a team, learn how to create and add users to a team.
  • At the top of the table, click Edit permissions. Learn more about editing user permissions.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to CRM > CRM Objects
  • In the object row, set the user's View permissions to Their team's, then clear the Unassigned checkbox. This will automatically update the edit and delete permissions, but you can limit them as needed.


  • In the top right, click Save. The permissions will only take effect after a user has logged out and logged back in.

Restrict deal editing access by pipeline stage (Professional and Enterprise only)

For deals, Super Admins can set whether deals in specific stages are editable by all users with access to deals, specific users and teams, or only by other users with Super Admin permissions. If a stage is limited to super admins or specific users and teams, once a deal enters that stage, only those users will be able to edit the deal or move it to a different stage. Users with deal access can still view deal records in that stage, but can't make changes until an admin moves it to an editable stage.

Depending on user's deal permissions, the most restrictive setting will take precedence to decide if the user can edit deals in each stage. For example:

  • If a user's Edit permission for deals is set to all deals, but they are not allowed to edit deals in a stage, they won't be able to edit deals in the stage.
  • If a user can edit deals in a stage, but their Edit permission for deals is set to none, they won't be able to edit deals in that stage.
  • If a user can edit deals in a stage and their Edit permission for deals is set to owned only or team only, they can edit deals in the stage that they or their team own, but cannot edit other deals in that stage.

Please note: even if a stage is limited to admins, the following behavior is expected:

  • Deals in the stage can still be edited through workflows, the forecast tool, and API requests passed without an associated user ID.
  • Users can still edit associations on deals in the stage if a user has access to other objects (e.g., a user adds the deal as an association on a contact record, which adds the associated contact to the deal).
  • Users can still create and log activities on deals in the stage. 
To avoid certain users editing deals via these methods, update their user permissions for those tools or objects.
  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Deals.
  • Click the Pipelines tab.
  • Click the Select a pipeline dropdown menu, then select the pipeline to edit.
  • Click the Pipeline Rules tab.
  • In the Control deal editing access row, click to toggle the switch on to apply the rule.
  • In the right panel, select the stages which will have limited editing access, then select who should have access: Only super admins or Specific users and teams.
  • If you've selected Specific users and teams, click the Add a user or team dropdown menu, then select the checkboxes of users and teams you'll allow to edit deals in the selected stages.


  • Click Save to confirm.

Learn more about setting rules for deal pipelines.

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