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Import Salesforce records

Last updated: May 20, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Sales Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Service Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Operations Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Content Hub   Professional , Enterprise

After connecting HubSpot and Salesforce, you can import Salesforce objects to bring all your data into HubSpot. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
  • In the upper right, click Import.
  • Click Start an import.
  • Select Import objects from apps, then click Next
  • Select Salesforce records, then click Next
  • Select the object type, then click Next.
    • Standard objects: choose the object you want to import. You can import leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities, tasks, a campaign, cases, and events into HubSpot. 
    • Custom objects: select the custom object you want to import. 
  • Click Review.

Please note: to import a campaign, it must be set to Active in Salesforce.

Filter the import

You can filter the import to only import in records from Salesforce based on specific criteria. To do so:


  • On the Objects screen, click Add filter.
  • In the right panel, click the Select a filter dropdown menu and select a filter. 
  • Select the property operators
  • Click Apply filter

Review the import

On the Confirm screen, review your Salesforce import:

  • If you select Everything, note that large imports may take several hours in order to make the best use of your Salesforce API calls.
  • If you select Leads, Contacts, Leads & Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, or Tasks, review the number of records that will be imported from Salesforce into HubSpot.
  • If you select A campaign, click the Choose a campaign dropdown menu and select the Salesforce campaign to import into HubSpot, then click Review.
  • If you select Leads, Contacts or Leads & Contacts, toggle the Selective Sync switch on to add these records to your inclusion list. 
  • Click Begin import.
  • You'll be redirected back to the Imports screen. When your import is complete, it will appear in the import table. 
  • Click View import errors to view any errors for your Salesforce import. 

Please note: if you are importing leads and/or contacts from Salesforce, only the lead/contact's email address will be synced over from Salesforce at the time of import. In accounts with no inclusion list, or for contacts in an inclusion list, a sync is automatically triggered after the import, which will sync over the remaining Salesforce field values. For contacts not in the inclusion list, all other contact properties will remain blank.



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