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Manage private content data

Last updated: September 3, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Service Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Content Hub   Professional , Enterprise

With memberships, you can manage which visitors can access your private blog, page, knowledge base, and customer portal content. Learn more about setting up memberships and customizing private content settings

Once you've set up private content, you can manage the contacts who have access and resend registration emails as needed. 

Review a contact's private content access

To check what private content a contact can access, review the details on their contact record.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
  • Click the name of a contact.
  • In the List membership and access to private content section on the right, click Manage list memberships
  • Hover over a list and click Details.
  • In the right panel, click Audience access to see the names of the private page(s) that contacts on the list can access. 


Understand contact properties about private content registration

There are a few contact properties that will update automatically for contacts that are invited to register to view private content. The Membership notes property can be updated manually or with a workflow.

  • Domain to which registration email was sent: the domain to which the registration invitation email for content membership was sent.
  • Member has accessed private content: this property will display as "1" if a contact has viewed private content. 
  • Membership last private content access date: the date a contact last viewed private content. 
  • Membership notes: notes relating to the contact's content membership. 
  • Registered at: the date and time when the contact set up their content membership.
  • Registered member: this property will display as "1" if the contact has registered for private content. 
  • Registration method: how the contact registered for private content. 
  • Time registration email was sent: the date and time when the registration email was sent to the contact.
  • Time enrolled in registration follow-up emails: the date and time when the member was enrolled in automated follow-up registration emails.

Resend a registration email to a specific contact

Once you've set up your access groups, you can resend private content registration emails to members of those groups. You can only send registration emails to members of access groups currently associated with private content. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Memberships
  • Click the name of an access group. 
  • Hover over a contact and click Resend invite email
Please note:
  • Password reset links are valid for one use within 24 hours. The link will expire once a contact uses it, or if 24 hours have passed since the email was sent.
  • Contacts who haven't yet registered will not have the option to be sent a password reset email. 

Change a contact's member email

If a contact wishes to change the email they use to receive membership emails, users with the permissions to edit that contact can change this information in the Member email property.

The email address in the Member email property will receive the following membership emails:

  • Registration invitation email
  • Password confirmation email
  • Password reset email

For security reasons, it's recommended to require emails from both the contact's current Member email, as well as the email address they want to receive membership emails at moving forward.

Send registered contacts a direct link to your registration page

To send your contacts a direct link to the log in page for private content, add /_hcms/mem/login to the end of your page domain.

For example, for content hosted on, the log in page URL would be:

Please note:
  • This link will only work for visitors who have already registered with a username and password.
  • After logging in, visitors will be directed to the root domain of your private content. If no page is hosted there, it's recommend to create a redirect from the root domain to an existing page. 


To direct your contacts to a log out page, add /_hcms/mem/logout to the end of your page domain.

For example, for content hosted on, the log out page URL would be:

Export all membership registration activity from your account

To review all the interactions your contacts have had with your registration page and private content, you can download an activity log:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Content > Private Content.
  • Click the Choose a domain to edit dropdown menu to select the domain your private content is hosted on.
  • Scroll down in your setting and click Download activity log.


  • Click the File format dropdown menu to select a file type.
  • Click Export.

You'll receive a spreadsheet with the email address and contact ID of each contact that engaged with your private content or registration page. The file contains a log of whether each contact successfully completed their registration or logged in to view private content.

Remove access to private content

To revoke access to content from a contact, you can remove the contact from the allowed list or delete the contact.

Analyze membership registration

On the Memberships home page, you can view reports related to your private content, such as contact registration completion rate and private content access performance.

To view memberships data:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Memberships.
  • Click the Analyze tab.
  • View your membership reports:
    • Membership conversion overview: a summary of how many contacts have access to private content, have successfully registered for private content, and have accessed private content.
    • Last private content access date by member: the number of contacts who have most recently accessed private content.
    • Registered contacts per month: the number of contacts who have successfully registered and accessed private content per month.
    • Members who have accessed private content: the contacts who have accessed private content, along with their associated company name.
    • Private content registration method: the breakdown of private content registration by method.


Membership data in these reports is also stored in the private content contact properties.

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