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Add personalization tokens to a template or snippet

Last updated: February 27, 2025

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When composing a sales email template or snippet, insert a personalization token to tailor content based on recipient. The personalization token will populate with the corresponding property value when you send the email template or use the snippet.

You can insert a token that populates with values from a contact, company, deal, ticket, or sender (HubSpot user) property. You can also add a placeholder token, which are only available in sales email templates. This prompts the sender to enter a one-time value that does not save to a HubSpot property.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to templates or snippets.
  • Click the name of the template or snippet to edit, or create a new template or a new snippet.
  • Click into the body of your template or snippet where you want to insert a personalization token.
  • In the toolbar at the bottom, click the Personalize dropdown menu.
  • Click the Type dropdown menu and select a property type.
    • If you select a property token, use the search bar to locate and select a specific property.

Please note:

  • When a personalization token in a template or snippet is used on a record that is associated with multiple records, the personalization token may not populate data from the expected record. For example, if you add a note on a contact using a snippet with a deal personalization token, the expected deal value may not populate if the contact record is associated with multiple deals.
  • When you enter a value for a property in a personalization token, that property will update in the record if it is blank. For example, if you select the Job title contact property for the personalization token and add a value to that personalization token, it will update the Job title property in the contact record if it is currently blank. If you wish to avoid this, use a placeholder token.
  • Sender (HubSpot user) tokens are populated with values from your personal account preferences. For example, if you select the Phone number sender property token, it will display the number you added under Profile & Preferences. Learn more about how to set your user preferences


    • If you use a placeholder token, enter a name for the placeholder token in the Custom token field. 

Please note: if using a placeholder token, enter a value for the token before sending the email to the contact. The value you enter will not save to any HubSpot property. If a value isn't entered, the email can still send but the placeholder text will display. For example, if you use a placeholder [CONTACT FIRST NAME] and you don't add a value before sending the email, the email would read "Hi [CONTACT FIRST NAME]," rather than including the recipient's actual first name.

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