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Export contact data

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

If a contact inquires about the personal data your business stores, or you want to export all information about one specific contact, you can export data from a contact record in HubSpot. When you complete a contact data export, you'll receive a file with the contact's current and historical property values, and you can choose to include data about their associations and activities.

This article outlines how to export all data from an individual contact record. If you want to export multiple records, other objects, or filter which properties are exported, learn how to export records.

Understand contact personal data requests

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data privacy laws, contacts in your account have the right to request their personal data held by your business. Typically, these requests should be attended to within 30 days. The right to a data download or export is not absolute and can depend on the context of the request, so it doesn't always apply.

If a contact requests you delete their data, learn how to permanently delete the contact and send proof of deletion.

Necessary disclosure: contact data exports display information about a contact and includes personal data. Due to its sensitive nature, the export file should only be shared with contacts for its intended purpose.

Export contact data

Users must have super admin or CRM export permissions to export a contact's data. To complete a contact data export:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
  • Click the name of the contact for which you want to export data.
  • In the top left, click the Actions dropdown menu, then select Export contact data.
  • By default, all current and historical property data will be exported. In the dialog box, you can also:
    • Select the Contact activities checkbox to export all activities associated with the contact (e.g., emails, notes).
    • Select the Associations checkbox to also export association data, including the contact's associated records.

  • Click Export.
  • You'll receive an email with a link to download the export file. This will be sent to your email that receives HubSpot system and notification emails.
  • In your inbox, open the email, then click Download. If you chose to export activities or associations, separate activities or associations files will be downloaded in addition to the properties file.

In the files, values may be redacted if they contain information that is sensitive in nature or if the data is stored somewhere other than the contact's record (e.g., synced from an associated record). If the contact requests you delete their data, you can permanently delete the contact and send proof of deletion.

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