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Colombian Electronic Invoicing | Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated: March 24, 2025

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If you are a HubSpot customer in Colombia, learn how HubSpot handles electronic invoicing and the customer's responsibility in the electronic invoicing process.

What is electronic invoicing?

Electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) is a form of electronic billing between seller and buyer. They are digital files containing structured invoice data that allows them to be exchanged and processed by different parties (e,g, tax authorities, customers, etc.). The format of the e-invoice allows it to be automatically processed by computers. 

The Colombian Tax office, known as Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN), requires HubSpot to provide Colombian customers with electronic invoices.

How do I get my e-invoice?

The PDF you receive from HubSpot in relation to services purchased is not your tax invoice (e-invoice). E-invoices needed for tax purposes will be sent to Colombian-based customers from the email address: E-invoices are sent to users set as billing contacts in your HubSpot account separate from and in addition to the HubSpot-generated invoice. Ensure the domain above is marked as safe in your email client so these emails do not end up in your spam folder.

E-invoices will not be available in your HubSpot account. You will still receive the standard HubSpot copy of your invoice.

The email subject line for the e-invoice is:

Subject line: 901183491; HUBSPOT LATIN AMERICA S.A.S; [document number]; 01; HUBSPOT LATIN AMERICA S.A.S

What customer information is included in the e-invoice? 

E-invoices reflect the company information in the Account & Billing section of your HubSpot account. Per HubSpot's Customer Terms of Service, you must keep your business information, payment method, and billing information up to date for the payment of incurred and recurring fees. 

What should I do when I receive my e-invoice? 

Once the e-invoice has been sent to you, it is your responsibility to accept or reject the invoice.

  • If the invoice is accepted, you are agreeing to pay the invoice as billed.
  • If there is an issue with the invoice, reject the invoice promptly so that the HubSpot billing team can help with any necessary changes. The e-invoice needs to be rejected through the DIAN in order for HubSpot to consider any changes to the document.

What if I need to update information on my e-invoice?

Per section b. of HubSpot's Colombia - Jurisdiction Specific Terms, "in accordance with Colombian laws and regulations, you may reject an invoice we deliver to you within three (3) business days of your receipt. After the third business day, your invoice will be automatically accepted by you, and your payment will be due in accordance with the terms of the Agreement."

Once you reject the e-invoice through the DIAN, you should email to clarify the reason for rejection so that the HubSpot billing team can assist with updates in a timely manner.

I need a purchase order (PO) number on my invoice. 

To add a PO number to your invoice, please send the PO number and the invoices it should be applied to When possible, please provide the PO number prior to billing, or as soon as possible after the invoice has been issued.

What happens if there's a contract change in the middle of my billing cycle? 

You can expect two electronic documents (an invoice and a credit note) that will be validated through the DIAN. These will be sent to you as two separate documents in line with the steps above. The electronic invoice will not show if there is a credit or previous payment applied to it, so it's important to check your true account balance in your HubSpot account. You can find this in the Account & Billing section of your account on the Transactions tab.

The graphic below shows a general overview of an invoice lifecycle:

Why doesn't my e-invoice match the balance due in my HubSpot account?

It is not possible to show credits or payments applied on an e-invoice to reflect a reduced balance owed on a particular invoice. Please refer to the balance due in your HubSpot account to make payment. All invoices and credits will be issued as electronic documents to match the net balance owed. 

What if I have other questions?

If you have additional questions or concerns regarding your e-invoice, please contact

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