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Use HubSpot's integration with Eventbrite

Last updated: January 24, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

HubSpot's integration with Eventbrite allows you to collect new leads and track which contacts are registering for and attending the events you host.

Integration requirements

Install the Eventbrite integration

  • In your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon marketplace in the top navigation bar, then select App Marketplace.
  • Use the search bar to locate and select the Eventbrite integration.
  • In the upper right, click Install app.
  • On the next screen, enter your Eventbrite email address and click Get started. You'll be prompted to create an account or log into your existing account.

Please note: only events created by the integration user (the user who logs in when connecting Eventbrite and HubSpot) will sync to HubSpot. The email address used to log in here must be the account administrator in the connected Eventbrite account.

  • Click Allow to grant HubSpot access to your Eventbrite account.
  • You'll be redirected to the Eventbrite settings screen, where you'll see your existing Eventbrite events.
    • If your Eventbrite account has access to multiple organizations, you can switch between them to view events created for a different organization. Click the dropdown menu under Choose an organization to see their events, then select a different organization.
    • By default, sync will be disabled for your events. To enable syncing for an event, click to toggle the Sync switch on.

Once you've enabled the integration:

  • A new contact properties group named Eventbrite will be automatically created, which will include two new properties: Last Registered Event Name and Last Registered Event Date. When a contact registers for a new event, these fields will be updated automatically.
  • When someone registers for an event you've synced to HubSpot, you'll see an Eventbrite registration event on that contact's timeline. If the person registering for the event is not a contact, a new one will be automatically created for you. All standard Eventbrite registration properties (Cell Phone, Company, First Name, Last Name, Home Address, Job Title, and Website) will be included in the timeline event.

  • Every time someone who registered updates order form for your event, you'll see an Eventbrite Updated order information event on that contact's timeline. 

  • Every time someone cancels their registration for your event, you'll see an Eventbrite cancellation/refund event on that contact's timeline.
  • Every time someone attends an event for which they've registered, you'll see an Eventbrite attendance event on that contact's timeline (this requires that you check-in attending users via Eventbrite).

Any new events you create in Eventbrite will sync automatically. You can disable this option by unchecking the Automatically sync new events box on the Eventbrite settings screen in HubSpot. You can also disable syncing for any event at any time by toggling the Sync switch off.

Please note: only standard Eventbrite registration properties (Cell Phone, Company, First Name, Last Name, Home Address, Job Title, and Website) will be synced to HubSpot. Custom properties will not be synced.

Segment Eventbrite registrants and attendees

Once you've enabled the Eventbrite integration with HubSpot, new segmentation options will appear in your lists and workflows. You can now segment on the following HubSpot contact properties:

  • Last registered event
  • Last registered event date

You will also see the following options for segmenting in your list based on properties synced from Eventbrite:

  • Registration property
  • Attendance property
  • Refund property

Please note: the above segmentation options are not available in Marketing Hub Starter accounts.

Some example lists you can create are:

  • Event registrants: Registration property | Event Name | is equal to | [enter your event name] 
  • Event attendees: Attendance property | Event Name | is equal to | [enter your event name] 
  • Contacts who have registered for an event in the past month: Contact property | Last Registered Event Date | is less than | 4 weeks ago

Once you've created your lists, you can use them to send one-off email blasts or as enrollment triggers in a workflow to send automated emails to your different segments to remind them of the event or follow up afterward. You can also use workflows to send follow-up emails after the event. 

You can also set rules based on Eventbrite properties in manual lead scoring.

Use marketing events with Eventbrite

Once you add the marketing events object to HubSpot, and have installed the Eventbrite integration, Eventbrite events will sync to marketing events in HubSpot. Learn how to view, analyze, and report on marketing events.


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