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Prioritize deals, tickets, and leads in views with colored object tags

Last updated: July 26, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Sales Hub   Starter , Professional , Enterprise
Service Hub   Starter , Professional , Enterprise

To help your teams quickly identify and prioritize the most important deals, tickets, and leads in your pipelines, you can set up colored object tags based on certain criteria. For example, you could create a green deal tag called Large deal and assign it to any deal with an Amount value greater than $10,000.

Once you've set up object tags, you can use the Deal Tags, Ticket Tags, and Lead Tags properties in other HubSpot tools such as saved views, reports, workflows and lists.

Please note: lead tags are only available for users with assigned Sales Hub seat seat who have access to the prospecting workspace.

Create object tags

Your account must have a Sales Hub subscription to create deal or lead tag or a Service Hub subscription to create ticket tags. Accounts with a Starter subscription can set up tags that apply to all pipelines, while accounts with a Professional or Enterprise subscription can create tags for individual pipelines.

Each account can have up to 10 tags for each object, and a user must have Super admin permissions to create or edit object tags.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects Deals, Objects > Tickets, or Objects > Leads.
  • Click the Pipelines tab. For leads, then, click the Leads tags tab.
  • For deals and tickets, click Customize [deal/ticket] tags.


  • To create a new object tag, click Add tag. For deal tags, you can select a preset tag, or click Create from scratch to customize your own.
  • In the right panel, set up your object tag settings:
    • Enter a name and an optional description for the object tag.
    • Click the Color dropdown menu, then select the color assignment for the object tag.
    • By default, an object tag will apply to all pipelines. To assign an object tag to certain pipelines (Professional or Enterprise only), select Specific pipelines, then in the dropdown menu, select the checkboxes for pipelines you want the object tag to appear on.
  • Click Next: Add Filters.
  • Set up filters for when the object tag should appear on a deal or ticket card:
    • Click +Add filter to add your first filter group.
    • By default, the tag will filter on the current object (e.g., Deals for a deal tag). To filter based on an associated object, click the Filtering on dropdown menu, then select the object to set criteria based on (e.g., a deal tag based on the deals' associated contacts).
    • Select the filter category (e.g., object properties, membership in a list/import).
    • Search for and select a property or list/import, then set your criteria.

Please note: you cannot currently set criteria based on the Deal stage or Ticket status properties. Object tags will appear on applicable records in all pipeline stages, however, you can set filters based on closed deal stages using the Is deal closed? property. To exclude closed deals, set the criteria for this property as is equal to: False.


    • Within a group, click +Add filter to add additional criteria that must be met for the object tag. AND logic applies within a group, which means all filter criteria must be met within that group for the object tag to appear.
    • To add an additional filter group, click +Add filter group, then set your filters and criteria. OR logic applies across groups, which means all filter criteria in at least one group must be met for the object tag to appear.
    • Your changes are applied automatically. Click Discard changes to undo the changes. For new object tags, this will clear all filters. For existing object tags, it will revert back to the previously set filters.
  • Click Next: Review Tag.
  • View a preview of how the object tag will appear on a deal or ticket card, as well as the object tag's settings and filters.
  • Once you're done, click Save.

Once created, object tags will appear on applicable deal, ticket, or lead cards in board view and on individual deal, ticket, and lead records. For a user's individual views, they can filter their records by [Deal/ticket/lead] tags to show only deals, tickets, or leads with specific object tags, or can choose to show or hide all object tags in a view.


Edit or delete object tags

In your object tag settings, you can manage or delete existing object tags. Users must have super admin permissions in order to edit or delete object tags.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects Deals, Objects > Tickets, or Objects > Leads.
  • Click the Pipelines tab. For leads, then, click the Leads tags tab.
  • For deals and tickets, click Customize [deal/ticket] tags.
  • By default, object tags for all pipelines will be shown. To view only certain pipelines, click the Filter by dropdown menu and select the checkboxes for the pipelines you want to view.
  • In the Pipeline Assignment column, view which pipeline an existing object tag appears in, either All pipelines, or specific pipelines (Professional and Enterprise only).
  • To edit an existing object tag's settings and filters, hover over the object tag, then click Edit.
  • To delete an existing object tag, hover over the object tag, then click Delete. In the dialog box, click Delete tag to confirm.


Learn more about customizing deal pipelines or ticket pipelines.

Show or hide object tags in a view

Once you create object tags, they'll appear on deal or ticket cards in board view by default, but you'll need to manually add object tags as a column in your list view. You can choose to hide or show object tags in your views at any time.

Please note: an assigned seat is required to view tags on the deal, ticket, and lead home pages. Users must have a Sales Hub seat to view deal and lead tags and a Service Hub seat to view ticket tags. Users without an assigned seat can view deal and ticket tags on individual records.

  • Navigate to your deals, tickets, or leads:
    • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.
    • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Tickets.
    • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Prospecting. Click the Leads tab.
  • In listView list view, to include or remove object tags as a column:
    • Click Edit columns in the top right of the table.
    • On the left side of the dialog box, search for [Deal/Ticket/Lead] Tags.
    • To show object tags, select the [Deal/Ticket/Lead] Tags checkbox. On the right, click and drag [Deal/Ticket/Lead] Tags to your desired position in the column order, or click Move to top to set it as the second column following a record's name.
    • To hide object tags, clear the [Deal/Ticket/Lead] Tags checkbox. The object tags will no longer appear as a column in your view.
    • Click Apply.


  • For deals and tickes, in grid board view, to show or hide object tags on board cards:
    • Click the Board Actions dropdown menu, then select Edit cards.
    • To show object tags on your board cards, select the Display tags checkbox.
    • To hide object tags on your board cards, clear the Display tags checkbox.
    • Click Save.


Learn more about how to customize columns in list view and edit the appearance of cards in board view.

View deal and ticket tags on a record

Users with permissions to view deals and tickets can view tags on individual deal and ticket records. Only users with an assigned seat can view tags for all deals and tickets on their respective home pages. Users with a Sales or Service Hub Professional or Enterprise seat can only view tags on the Lead tab of the prospecting workspace in list view.

To view a record's tags:

  • Navigate to your deals or tickets:
    • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.
    • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Tickets.
    • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Prospecting. Click the Leads tab. Here, you can view the Lead tags by editing the columns.
  • Click the name of the deal or ticket.
  • In the left panel, in a properties section, click Actions > View all properties, then search for [Deal/Ticket] tags.
  • To view when the tags were set, hover over the property, then click Details.


Learn more about viewing and editing property values on a record.

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