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Review data insights on deal views

Last updated: January 29, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Sales Hub   Starter , Professional , Enterprise

For each default deal view, there is a summary of amount, stage, and duration information which enables you to quickly understand the data and progress of your deals. You can navigate between different pipelines and their default views to review data insights for specific subsets of deals. This data can help you identify trends and areas of improvement for your processes, as well as prioritize the deals to focus on.

View data insights on a deal view

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.
  • Navigate to the pipeline and view for which you want to review data insights.
  • By default, the data insights are automatically displayed on default views in list and board view.
    • To hide the summary, click Hide insights in the top right.
    • To display the summary, click Show insights.

Please note: the data insights card is only displayed on default deal views (e.g., All deals, My deals, Forecast). It will not appear on custom deal views.


  • The following information is included on the data insights card:
    • Total deal amount: the sum of amounts of all deals in the view, including closed deals. The average amount per deal is also displayed, which is calculated by dividing the total amount by the number of deals with amount values.
    • Weighted deal amount: the sum of the weighted amount of all deals in the view. The average weighted amount per deal is also displayed, which is calculated by dividing the total weighted amount by the number of deals with amount values, excluding closed lost deals.
    • Open deal amount: the sum of amounts of deals in open stages (i.e. not closed as won or lost). The average amount per open deal is also displayed, which is calculated by dividing the total by the number of deals with amount values in open stages.
    • Closed won: the sum of amounts of deals in closed won stages. The average amount per closed won deal is also displayed, which is calculated by dividing the total by the number of deals with amount values in closed won stages.
    • New deal amount: the sum of amounts of deals created this week. The average is also displayed, which is calculated by dividing the total new deal amount by the number of new deals.
    • Average deal age: the average number of days from deal creation to close. For open deals, this includes the number of days from deal creation to today.

Please note: in accounts with multiple currencies, data insights are based on the Amount in company currency and Weighted amount in company currency properties. To aggregate the summary data, all deals are converted to the company currency based on the exchange rate set in the account.

  • The data insights update in real time as you make changes to deals in the view (e.g., create, delete, or edit a deal's amount/stage), or when you update the view's filters.

Learn more about managing deals in list view or board view.

Turn data insights on or off for your account

If you're a user with super admin permissions, you can turn deal insights on or off in your deal settings. With insights turned on, the data insights card will appear on default deal views, but an individual user can choose to show or hide it each time they access the view. If turned off, the data insights card will be hidden on deal views for all users.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Deals.
  • By default, deal insights are turned on. To turn the feature off, clear the Show Deal Insights checkbox.
  • To turn the feature on, select the Show Deal Insights checkbox.


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