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Monitor your social inbox streams in HubSpot

Last updated: June 25, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

Marketing Hub   Professional , Enterprise
Legacy Marketing Hub Basic

The HubSpot social tool allows you to easily manage your social media engagements in one place. Use inbox streams to identify interaction-generating content, respond to social conversations, gather intelligence about new followers, and see social stream posts.

Please note: on November 20th, 2023, any repost, keyword, and mention X stream that has not been viewed for 30 days will be marked as inactive. Inactive streams will be disconnected and no longer update. Any email notifications you have set up will be paused. To reactivate a stream and resume email notifications, you will need to edit the stream and reconnect it. 

Account Interactions Conversations New Followers
X account
Facebook personal account  
Facebook page  
LinkedIn personal account  
LinkedIn Company page  
LinkedIn Group page  
LinkedIn Showcase page  
Instagram Business Account    

Please note:

  • For all social networks except X, the original social interaction must have been published via HubSpot to be captured by inbox streams. Posts will be captured even if they were published on X directly.
  • Only posts published in the last 31 days will appear in your inbox streams.

Filter your inbox streams

To filter your inbox streams by social media account or activity status: 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Social.
  • Click the Monitor tab.
  • You'll be redirected to All Activity in your inbox streams. By default, your inbox streams will include all available activity from your connected social media accounts.
  • To filter activity by social accounts, click the All Networks dropdown menu. 
  • To filter activity by status, click the All dropdown menu and select New only, Archived, or All.
  • To archive an activity, click the circle on the left of an activity.


React and respond to conversations

Conversations are text-based engagements with your social accounts or posts published through HubSpot, such as X mentions, Facebook comments, LinkedIn comments, and Instagram post comments.

  • Only direct comments to a post will be tracked. If a comment is added as a reply to a direct comment resulting in a nested comment, it will not be tracked in HubSpot. 
  • Only replies published via HubSpot will appear in the conversations tool. Generally, if a reply has been published directly on the social network, it will not appear in HubSpot. 

To react and respond to your social media conversations: 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Social.
  • Click the Monitor tab.
  • In the left sidebar menu, click Conversations.
  • To reply to a conversation on LinkedIn, click See comments. In the right panel, enter your reply in the text box. Then, click Reply below your drafted comment to confirm your reply. 
  • To reply to a conversation on X:
    • To react to a post reply or comment, click Repost or Like.
    • For a post reply or comment, click Reply. In the text box that appears, enter your reply.
    • To reply to a mention, click into the text box below the mention and enter your reply.
  • To reply to a Facebook or Instagram comment, click See comments. In the right panel, you can review and reply to Instagram and Facebook comments
    • To react to a comment, click Like (Facebook only) below the comment.
    • To reply to a specific Instagram comment, click Reply (Instagram only) under the comment.
    • For general replies, enter your reply in the text box. Then, click Reply below your drafted comment to confirm your reply. 

Identify interaction-generating content

Interactions are any "click-like" engagements with content published via HubSpot, such as retweets, favorites, likes, and +1s. If a particular post has received many reactions from your audience, you may want to publish more similar content or engage in a conversation with your audience. Learn more about analyzing your social interactions

Please note: Instagram and X likes and saves will not appear as interactions in inbox streams as their APIs indicate the numbers of likes for a social post, but not the identities of the users who liked it or when the likes occurred.

To review your social post interactions: 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Social.
  • Click the Monitor tab.
  • In the left sidebar menu, click Interactions.
  • To see a list of users who reacted, click the number of post reactions. The interactions and users who have interacted with your social post will display in the right panel. 

Learn more about your new X followers

To filter for new X followers:
  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Social.
  • Click the Monitor tab.
  • In the left sidebar menu, click New X Followers.
  • For each new follower, you can review their profile information, such as profile picture, X username, and bio.
  • To follow a new X follower, click Follow.
  • To reach out to a new X follower, click into the text box and enter a message, then click Say hello.

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