Send proposed meeting times in an email
Last updated: February 11, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
You can insert proposed meeting times directly into a one-to-one email sent from a record in the CRM, or sent from your email account where you have the HubSpot Sales extension or add-in installed. To send proposed meeting times, you must have HubSpot's calendar sync with Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar set up in your account.
Please note:
- this feature is not supported in plain text emails.
- for the most up-to-date features, you can opt-in to the beta.
- Navigate to your records:
- Contacts: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
- Companies: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Companies.
- Deals: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.
- Tickets: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Tickets.
- Custom objects: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts, then click the dropdown menu in the top left and select the name of the custom object.
- Click the name of a record.
- In the left panel, click the email Email icon.
- In the pop-up box, click the Meetings dropdown menu and select Insert proposed times.
- A calendar view will appear. In the left panel, customize the proposed times settings:
- To select the length of time visitors can book a meeting for, click the Duration dropdown menu.
- To update the title of the meeting that appears on the scheduling page, enter a title in the text field.
- To include information about how and where you will connect with your meeting attendee, click the Location dropdown menu and select phone call, in-person, custom, or video conference. Depending on which location option you select, a text field will appear where you can add the phone number or meeting address.
- To include a link to your scheduling page at the bottom of the email as a fallback, select the Scheduling page you would like to share.
- To send reminder emails before a meeting, in the Scheduled reminder emails section, select how many weeks, days, hours, or minutes before the meeting an email should be sent out, enter a number in the text field, then click the Scheduled reminder email dropdown menu and select a time measure.
If the turn on meeting reminder by default switch is on for your account, new meetings will inherit the default reminders.- You can add up to three reminder emails. To add additional reminder emails, click + Add reminder. To delete a reminder, click the delete trash can icon delete
- To jkhdkjhdkjhdjhdkjhldjhdjhjdhjhdjhdjhhToToTo include the invite description in the reminder email body, select the Include the Invite Description in the reminder email body checkbox
- To include a description of the meeting that appears in the invite when a meeting is booked, in the Description text box, enter the meeting's details.
- On the right side of the calendar view, you can create multiple proposed time slots:
- To create a proposed time slot, click on a day/time.
- To remove a proposed time slot, hover over the time slot, then click the remove remove icon.
- If you only want weekdays to appear available, select the Hide weekends checkbox.
- To skip ahead to a different week, use the arrows in the top right.
- In the bottom left, click Insert times.
- A scheduling widget will appear in the email draft. Make any additional edits to the email content, then click Send.
When the contact receives the email with the proposed times, they can select one of the time slot options and then confirm the meeting time. When the contact selects an option, you will receive an email notification.
You can also insert proposed times when using the HubSpot Sales email extension or add-in. Depending on which extension or add-in you're using, click Meetings then select Insert proposed times.