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Breeze Intelligence | Frequently asked questions (BETA)

Last updated: October 7, 2024

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Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about Breeze Intelligence tools in HubSpot.

Data usage

How does HubSpot source data for the Breeze Intelligence commercial dataset?

Breeze Intelligence combines data from public sources, third-party vendors, and from across the Internet to create the most comprehensive, enriched profile for contacts and companies in your account.

Does HubSpot use AI to enrich the data?

HubSpot’s large language models and AI extract, normalize, and categorize data we collect to create up-to-date company and buyer profiles. Then, humans verify the accuracy of the AI models and improve them over time. For more information about HubSpot AI models and how we train models, see the AI Trust FAQs.

What data does Hubspot collect and save from accounts that use Breeze Intelligence?

HubSpot collects and saves different data types from accounts for buyer intent, data enrichment, and form shortening. HubSpot collects and saves the following data points:

  • Buyer Intent: Company domain, online identifiers (including VIDs and IP addresses), timestamp of the website visit, and URL path for the visit. See here for more information about the HubSpot tracking code and the data HubSpot collects.
  • Contact Enrichment: business email addresses you submit to Hubspot for enrichment.
  • Company Enrichment: company domain names you submit to Hubspot for enrichment.
  • Form Shortening: HubSpot doesn't collect or save data from your use of form shortening. 

How will HubSpot use data we collect from accounts via Breeze Intelligence?

HubSpot will use the data points listed above to both provide enrichment product features and improve products and services, including enhancing the Breeze Intelligence commercial dataset. HubSpot won’t share the data listed above with other accounts. Learn more about the Product Specific Terms that apply to Breeze Intelligence.

How does Breeze Intelligence verify the quality and accuracy of its data?

Breeze Intelligence dynamically weighs and scores its sources to choose the most reliable data for each property. 

When a company or contact record is created, data undergoes a series of checks to verify accuracy and freshness regularly. A human quality assurance team of specialists will also review the data for consistency and accuracy.

Are there any restrictions or limitations on what I can or can't do with enriched data?

When using enriched data, you must comply with HubSpot’s Terms of Service, which include obligations to comply with all laws and regulations that apply to your use of the enriched data. Such obligations include providing notices and opt-out mechanisms and collecting consents and permissions to collect, use, and share with HubSpot personal data.

What happens to my CRM records if a contact requests removal from the Breeze Intelligence commercial dataset?

If a contact in your CRM reached out to HubSpot and requested that HubSpot delete their data from the commercial dataset, that CRM contact will have a property label “enrichment opt out”. Super admins, or users assigned to handle data subject requests, will also receive a notification. Learn how to manage data requests.

Users can keep enriched data if they’ve established their own separate, independent legal basis for keeping such data (e.g., you received data about the contact during your direct interactions with them). Otherwise, such information should be deleted from the CRM. 

Legal compliance

Please note: while these features live in HubSpot, your own legal team is the best resource to give you compliance advice tailored to your specific situation.

To learn more about how Breeze Intelligence complies with global data protection laws:

  • Navigate to the HubSpot Trust Center.
  • Click Data Privacy FAQ.
  • Click view View or download Download.
  • Navigate to the HubSpot’s Enrichment Products section.
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