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Use cards on records

Last updated: March 5, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

On records, cards display data and actions specific to that record. There are default standard cards provided by HubSpot, as well as cards that can be customized to show data relevant for your business. Each card type displays different data and has certain actions you can take, and will differ based on the object and location on the record. For example, on certain middle column cards, you can customize tables, filter data, or interact with reports.

The following are card types that you can customize to include certain information. Some card types are available in multiple locations on a record with different limits and actions. 

Learn how to create custom cards in HubSpot or app cards with UI extensions (BETA).


On the middle column, the activities card displays activities within a specified time period. You can choose which activities to include and how to display the activities on the card, with information previewed or condensed.

  • To filter the activities displayed, click Filter by and select the activities to view. Depending on the activities you selected when creating the card, only certain activities will be shown as options.
  • To update an activity, click to expand the activity details, then edit its property values or associations. You can also comment on the activity or click Actions to pin, delete, or view the activity's history. Learn more about editing activities.
  • To collapse or expand all activity details, click [Collapse/Expand] all.

Activity totals

On the middle column, the activity totals card displays the total number of inbound or outbound activities for the record, grouped by the type of activity. 

  • To filter the activities counted, click a filter and select your criteria. Click Clear all to remove filters.
  • To view more information about the activities of a specific type, click the number under an activity. In the right panel, review the activities.

Association label list

On the middle column, the association label list card displays a list of associated records grouped by selected association labels.

  • To view an associated record, click the name of the association.
  • To add a new association, click + Add. To include the new association on the card, you'll need to select one of the included association labels during creation.
  • To edit the association labels shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.

Association property list

On the middle column, the association property list card displays a list of up to 24 editable properties from associated records, with the option to filter or sort associations.

  • If there are multiple associations, to view a different association, click the Association, then select the associated record you want to view.
  • To update a property included on the card, click the property value, then enter, select, or clear the values
  • To edit the properties or associations shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.

Association table

On the middle column, the associations table card displays a list of the record’s associations for a specific object with your selected properties.

  • To filter the associations, click a filter and select your criteria. Click Clear all to remove filters.
  • To edit the association, hover over the row, click Actions, then select an option. You can either remove the association or edit its labels (Professional and Enterprise only).
  • To edit a property value for an associated record, click a property in the row of the record, then enter or select a new value.
  • To preview the associated record, hover over the row, then click Preview.
  • To view an associated record, click the name of the association.
  • To add a new association, click + Add.
  • To edit the associations and properties shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.


On the right sidebar and preview sidebar, the associations card displays a preview of the record’s associations for a specific object with up to four properties. On an associations card, you can view, add, and edit a record's associated records. If you've added a sort by property, the associated records will be sorted based on the selected property and sort order.

Association stage tracker

On the middle column, the association stage tracker card displays the progression of associated records through a process. For associated contacts and companies, the tracker will show progression through lifecycle stages. For associated deals, tickets, and custom objects, the tracker will show progression through a pipeline.

For contacts and deals in Professional and Enterprise accounts, the card will also display stage calculated property values, such as the time spent in the current stage.

  • If there are multiple associations, to view a different associated record's stage information, click the Association, then select the associated record you want to view.
  • To update the stage or another property included on the card, click the property value, then enter, select, or clear the values
  • To edit the properties shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.

Company summary

In accounts with a Professional or Enterprise subscription, there is a default Company Summary middle column card that can be added to record views, but you can also create custom company summary cards to display an overview of a company's key details.

Learn how to use a company summary card.

Data highlights

On the middle column, the data highlights card displays the values of up to four selected properties.

  • To edit the properties shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.

Property date tracker

On the middle column, the property date tracker card shows the progress between two date properties. For example, the time until a contract renewal using the Close date and Renewal date properties.

  • To update a property included on the card, click the property value, then enter, select, or clear the values.
  • To edit the properties tracked or shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.

Property history

On the middle column, the property history card displays a graph of a selected property's historical values. 

  • To change the report's date filter, click the filter, then select a time frame by which to display the property history. 
  • To view more information about a specific date, hover over a data point.

Property list

Property list cards are available on the left and preview sidebars as well as the middle column.

Left and preview sidebar

On the left sidebar and preview sidebar, the property list card displays up to 50 editable properties. Depending on the user permissions set for the card, individual users can edit left sidebar property list cards for when they view records.

  • To edit a property, hover over the property and click the edit edit icon. Enter, select, or clear the values
  • To edit the properties shown on the card:
    • If you're a Super Admin, click the settings settings icon to to navigate to the navigate to the card editor.
    • If you're not a Super Admin and the card allows for users to edit, click Actions > Edit properties. In the right panel, select, remove, or recorder the properties, then click Save. The customized card will only appear for you and won't affect other users.

Middle column

On the middle column, the property list card displays up to 24 editable properties. 

  • To edit a property, click the property value, then enter, select, or clear the values
  • To revert a property edit, after you've edited a value, click Undo on the pop-up box in the bottom left.

  • To edit the properties shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.

Quick actions

On the middle column, the quick actions card displays actions you can take, such as creating a task or adding an association, without needing to navigate to other areas of the record. When you click the action, the relevant editor will open.

  • To start an action, click the action box. The relevant editor will appear for you to take the desired action.
  • To edit the actions shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.


On the middle column, the report card displays a single-object report. The report can filter data filter data based on the current record, the current record's associations, or all records of the object selected for the report.

  • To view more details about the report, click the data (e.g., a number or bar in a chart).
  • To edit the report shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.

Stage tracker

On the middle column, the stage tracker cards show records moving through stages. For contacts and companies, the tracker will show progression through lifecycle stages. For deals, tickets, and custom objects, the tracker will show progression through a pipeline.

For contacts and deals in Professional and Enterprise accounts, the card will also display stage calculated property values, such as the time spent in the current stage.

  • To update the stage or another property included on the card, click the property value, then enter, select, or clear the values
  • To edit the properties shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.


On the middle column, the statistics card displays calculated data for associated record properties.

  • To edit the calculations shown on the card, click the settings settings icon to navigate to the card editor.
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