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Use ChatSpot AI to create, update, and summarize records (BETA)

Last updated: March 4, 2024

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If you've connected your HubSpot account with ChatSpot, you can use the AI chat assistant to complete certain actions on records in your CRM. Using ChatSpot AI, you can do the following:

  • Create a new record
  • Update property values for a record
  • Summarize a record
  • View notes on a record
  • Create tasks and notes
  • Assign an owner to a record

Please note: the following functionality is only available for contacts, companies, deals, and tickets. ChatSpot does not have access to custom object data, so cannot complete actions for custom object records.

Complete CRM actions

  • Navigate to and login to your account.
  • You can type your own prompt, or use a pre-set template. For best results, it's recommended to use templates to ensure your prompt is formatted correctly.
    • To send a chat, navigate to the Chat tab, enter a message, then click Send. For example, your message could be:
    • To use a template, navigate to the Templates tab, then click HubSpot in the left sidebar menu. Select a template, enter the additional information required, then click Send. The CRM templates include the following actions:
      • Add a contact, company, deal, or ticket.
      • Add a note to a contact.
      • Assign yourself to a contact.
      • Review recent notes you've logged.
      • Summarize a contact, company, deal, or ticket. Learn more about the information included in a record summary.
      • Update a property value for a contact.
      • Design a customer feedback survey.


  • In the response, if you've created or updated a record or activity, click View in HubSpot to view it in in your CRM.

Learn more about using ChatSpot prompts and templates.

Summarize a record in HubSpot

While you can request a summary of a record from ChatSpot, you can also access a record's summary while viewing the record in HubSpot.

  • Navigate to your records:
    • Contacts: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
    • Companies: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Companies.
    • Deals: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.
    • Tickets: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Tickets.
  • Click the name of the record you want to summarize.
  • Click the Actions dropdown menu, then select Summarize in ChatSpot.


  • You'll be brought to ChatSpot to view the record summary.

The record summary will display a table of the record's properties, as well as paragraphs that summarize the record's notes and activities. Depending on the object and the data stored on the record, the following properties are displayed in the table:

  • Company: Company name, Create date, Owner, Status (from Type, Lifecycle stage, or Lead status), Number of employees, Revenue, Last activity date, Phone number, Address, and Industry. If the company is a prospect, the summary will also show Number of open deals, Potential revenue, and Upcoming close dates. If the company is a customer, the summary will also show ARR from closed won deals and Number of open tickets.
  • Contact: First name, Last name, Create date, Owner, Company name, Association labels, Job title, Phone number, Email, Status (Lifecycle Stage), and Last activity date. If the contact is a prospect, the summary will also show Number of open deals, Potential revenue, and Upcoming close dates. If the contact is a customer, the summary will also show ARR from closed won deals and Number of open tickets.
  • Deal: Deal name, Create date, Company name, Owner, Pipeline, Deal stage, Deal amount, close date, Deal type, Last activity date, Forecast category, and Next step.
  • Ticket: Ticket name, Description, Create date and time, Time since the ticket was opened, Company name, Owner, Pipeline, Ticket status, Source, Priority, Time to close, SLA due date, and Last activity date. If the ticket is closed, the summary will also show Close date and Resolution.


Example use cases

The examples below are based on common use cases to help you understand how ChatSpot can take action in or retrieve information from your CRM.

  • Summarize a company: your CRM includes a company with many activities, but you'd like to see an overview of logged notes rather than scrolling through all activities on the record. You can enter the prompt Summarize company [Company domain name] to retrieve certain company property values and summaries of the company's activities. Learn more about what's included in a record summary.
  • Create a new deal: you're on a call with a company interested in buying your product. During the meeting, you can quickly create a new deal with relevant information using the Add deal template. Once created, you can then assign yourself to the deal or update additional details with ChatSpot (e.g., Assign [deal] to me), or edit property values in HubSpot.
  • Create and review notes: you're the note taker during a company meeting. Instead of navigating to each contact to add notes about them, you can remain in ChatSpot and create notes with the Add a note to a contact template. After the meeting, you can use the Review notes template or send the prompt List my recent notes to retrieve a list of your recently logged notes. The response will also include each note's creation date, associated records, and links to view the note and records in HubSpot.


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