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Customize record previews

Last updated: March 25, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

When you preview a record, a sidebar appears with cards that show information about activities, associations, attachments, and data from HubSpot tools. You can customize your preview sidebar for each object by selecting which information to include and the order of the cards. If your account has teams, you can also create unique preview sidebars for each team.


Customize record preview sidebars

Users must have Super admin or Customize middle column layout permissions to customize preview sidebars.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects, then select the object for which you’d like to edit the preview sidebar.
  • Click the Preview customization tab.


  • To customize the account-wide default view, in the table, click Default view. The default view is displayed to all users who aren't on an assigned team.


  • To create or edit a team view (Professional and Enterprise only), click Create team view, or click the name of an existing view. A team view is displayed only to users assigned to the selected team.
    • At the top of the editor, enter a name for the view.
    • To select the teams who will have access to the view, in the top right, click Assign teams. In the dialog box, select the checkboxes of the teams, then click Done.
  • To add a card to the preview sidebar, click Add cards. In the right panel:
    • To include an existing card in the view, select the checkbox next to the card's name. Click the X in the top right to return to the editor.
    • To create and add a custom card, click Create card in the top right. To create a card:
      • Select the card type.
      • Enter an internal name and a title for the card. The internal name is only visible to super admins, but the card title is shown in the preview sidebar.
      • Depending on the card type, fill in the additional card details: 
        • Property list: select the properties to display in the list. You can include a total of 50 properties. To allow users to add additional properties (i.e. customize their About this record section) to the card, toggle the User permissions switch on. Toggle the switch off to require users to view only the default properties.
        • Associations: select the associated object (e.g., selecting Contacts will show the record's associated contacts), then select the properties to display in the card for that associated record.
      • To view how your card will appear on the record, click Preview card. Select a record to preview how the data would appear on that specific record.
      • To save and add the card, click Save.


  • To edit a card, click edit Edit. Update the card's details, then click Save.
  • To rearrange the cards, click and drag a card to the desired position.
  • To remove a card from the view, click Remove. Once removed, you can still add the card back from the Add card dropdown menu.


  • To delete an existing card, click edit Edit, then click Delete card in the right panel. In the dialog box, click Delete to confirm. Once deleted, the card will be removed from all views and you will not be able to add the card back.

Please note: system default cards, which have (default) next to their name, cannot be edited or deleted.

  • Click Save in the top right to save your progress at any time, or click Save and exit to save your changes and leave the editor.

Manage preview sidebar views

Once you've set up preview sidebar views, you can edit, clone, reset, or delete the views.

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects, then select the object for which you’d like to manage preview sidebars.
  • Click the Preview customization tab.
  • To edit a view, click the view's name.
  • To reset the default view to the default system settings, click the menu icon, then click Reset default view. In the dialog box, click Reset view to confirm. Cards you removed from the default will be added back and custom cards will be removed. 
  • To clone a view, click the menu icon, then click Clone view
  • To delete a team view, click the menu icon, then click Delete view. In the dialog box, click Delete view to confirm. Users on teams assigned to the view will now be shown the default view.


Additional record customization

To further customize your records, learn how to:

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