Create and manage records in the HubSpot mobile app
Last updated: January 14, 2025
Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
If you’re on a mobile device, you can interact with your contact, company, deal, ticket, and custom object records in the HubSpot mobile app. You can navigate to your records using the navigation shown below, or by clicking a direct link to a record from another app on your phone.
If you’re using HubSpot on your computer, learn how to work with records on the desktop app.
Please note: records cannot be created, edited, or viewed in the mobile app without an internet or data connection.
View and filter records in the mobile app
Open the HubSpot app on your mobile device.
Navigate to your records:
- Contacts: tap the Menu icon in the top left, then tap Contacts in the left sidebar.
- Companies: tap the Menu icon in the top left, then tap Companies in the left sidebar.
- Deals: tap the Menu icon in the top left, then tap Deals in the left sidebar.
- Tickets: tap the Menu icon in the top left, then tap Tickets in the left sidebar.
- Custom objects: tap the Menu icon in the top left, then tap the custom object in the left sidebar.
- To filter by one of your existing saved views, tap a tab to navigate to that view. To add a view as a tab, tap Add views, then select the views you want to display. You can display up to five saved views.
- To organize your records based on a specific property, tap the Sorted by dropdown menu and select a property to sort by. Tap the property again to change the direction of the sort from ascending to descending, or tap View all [object] properties to select other properties to sort by. Tap Apply.
- In the Android mobile app, to filter records based on certain property values:
- Tap a property dropdown menu to filter records based on that property's values (e.g., Deal owner, Create date, Last activity date, or Close date for deals). Select your criteria, then tap Apply.
- To remove a specific filter, tap the property dropdown menu, then tap Clear. To clear all filters, tap Reset.
- To view a different pipeline for deal, ticket, and custom object records, tap Pipeline, then select the pipeline you want to view.
- To switch between board and list view for deals, tickets, and custom objects, tap the list icon to access list view, or tap the grid icon to navigate to board view. In list view, you can view a list of all records in the pipeline. In board view, you can swipe to view the records in each stage/status.
Create records in the mobile app
You can manually create new records in the mobile app. For contacts, you can also import contacts from your device, scan a business card, or scan a QR code.
- Open the HubSpot app on your mobile device.
- If you're on the the home screen, the + Create in the bottom right, then select the object for which you want to create a record. If you're on an object's index page, tap + [Object].
- Enter the required properties, then tap Save in the top right.
Edit or delete records in the mobile app
You can edit or delete existing records in the mobile app.
Open the HubSpot app on your mobile device.
Navigate to your records.
- To view or edit an individual record, tap the record's name.
- To edit a deal's stage or a ticket's status, tap [Stage/Status] under the record's name, then tap the [stage/status] you want to move the record to.
- To view and edit a record's properties or delete a record, tap the About tab.
- To edit a property value:
- For the properties shown in sections, on an Android device, tap a property, or on an iOS device, tap Edit [record].
- To edit other properties not shown, scroll to the bottom and tap View all properties. In the top right, tap Edit, then tap the property to edit.
- Enter a value, select an option, or to clear an existing value, tap the X.
- Once you’re done, tap Save in the top right.
- To delete a record, scroll to the bottom and tap View all properties. In the top right, tap Edit, then scroll to the bottom and tap Delete. In the pop-up box, tap OK to confirm.
Associate records in the mobile app
You can view and edit a record's existing associations, as well as associate new records in the mobile app.
Please note: the mobile app can display up to 99 associations on a record. If a record has more than 99 associations, additional associated records won't be shown and will not appear in search results.
To associate records or remove existing associations:
Navigate to your records.
- Tap the name of the record you want to add or edit associations for.
- Tap the Associations tab.
- Tap the name of an associated record to view its record.
Screenshot from iOS app
- To associate a new record, tap Add [objects].
- At the top, tap Create new [record] to create a new record to associate.
- Search or scroll and tap the checkboxes next to existing records you want to associate your record with. Once you're done, tap Done in the top right.
- To edit an existing association, tap the verticalMenu menu icon.
- Add association labels (Professional and Enterprise only): select to add or remove association labels. Labels must be set up on desktop before they can be added or removed on mobile.
- Make primary (Companies only): select to make this company association primary. In the pop-up box, tap Update.
- Change primary (Companies only): select to set a different company association as primary. On the Change Primary screen, tap the name of the new primary company. The previous company will still be associated to the record, but will no longer be primary.
- Remove association: select to remove the association from the record. Tap Remove again to confirm. If the association you’re removing is a primary company, choose a new primary company.
GIF from iOS app
Activities on records in the mobile app
You can also add, view, edit, or delete activities within each record's activity timeline.
Navigate to your records.
- Tap the name of the record.
- At the top of contact, company, and deal records, start a call, text, or email:
- On contact and company records, tap calling Call to call the contact or company.
- On contact records, tap email Email or bubble Text to send an email or text message.
- On deal and ticket records in the Android app, tap calling Call to call a contact associated with the deal or ticket.
Screenshot from Android app
- To filter which activities appear in the timeline, tap the Filter activity dropdown menu, then tap to select or clear a specific activity type. A certain activity type will be included in the timeline if there is a success checkmark on the right. When you're finished, tap Done in the top right. The activities you select to appear on a record timeline will apply to all records of that object.
- At the top of the activity timeline, tap the icons to add a note, task, or other activity to a record. You can add attachments by taking a picture on your device, or set an activity outcome and type. If you're using the mobile app on an Android, you can use snippets to quickly enter a reusable block of text to the activity details.
- Tap on an activity to edit the activity or view its details, associations, and comments.
- To edit the activity, tap Edit in the top right. Make your changes, then tap Save.
- To comment on a note, call, email, or meeting, tap Add a comment at the bottom of the screen. In the comment, you can also mention a user by typing @ and searching their name. You cannot edit or delete existing comments on iOS.
Please note: you cannot edit activity attachments in the mobile app.
Screenshot from Android app
- To delete or share an activity, in the activity timeline, tap the verticalMenu menu icon on top right of the activity. To delete, tap Delete, then in the dialog box, tap Delete.

GIF from iOS app
- To view, share, recall, or delete quotes on deals:
- Navigate to the deal and tap the Quotes tab.
- Tap a quote to see a preview. If tapping a draft quote, you'll be prompted to edit the quote from your desktop.
- Tap the verticalMenu menu icon to download PDF, copy link, share, recall, view line items or delete. If tapping a draft quote, you can delete or view line items.
- To view line items on deals, tap the Line items tab.
- To add a new line item, tap + Add line item. Select the products, then tap Next. Enter a quantity, then tap Save.
- To view more details about an existing line item, tap the line item.
- To change the product quantity for a line item, tap the verticalMenu menu icon, then tap Edit quantity. Edit the quantity, then tap Save.
- To delete a line item, tap the verticalMenu menu icon, then tap Delete. In the dialog box, tap Delete to confirm.
- To view attachments included in record activities.
- On the Android app, tap the Attachments tab.
- On the iOS app, tap the attach attach icon on an activity to view its attachments.
- You can also tap certain properties to start an activity. On the record, tap the About tab, then select one of the following properties to complete the action:
- Tap the Mobile phone number or Phone number property to start a call to that number. You can start an outbound call to a contact or company via these properties without an internet or data connection.
- Tap the Email property to send a new tracked email.
- Tap the Website URL property to open that web page.
- Tap the Street address property to search Apple Maps or Google Maps for that address.