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Use the line item editor for deals, quotes, invoices, and payment links

Last updated: July 25, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Use the line item editor to configure details for product-based line items and custom line items, such as price, discount, and billing terms across deals, quotes, invoices, and payment links

After a buyer makes a purchase, you can report on these line items using the report builder, as well as use Line item workflow enrollment triggers for automation in deal, quote, invoice, payment, subscription, order, and cart-based workflows.

Please note: any user can view and edit line items on a deal, payment link, or quote, but you must have Create custom line items permissions to create new custom line items when using the line item editor. Learn more about using the product library.

Line items for deals

Once a deal has been created, you can add or edit line items associated with the deal using the line item editor. 

In addition to adding line items based on existing products in your product library, you can associate line items to deals in bulk via an import or require that users add associated line items when creating new deals.

Please note: when importing line items, the associated deal amount will not be updated. If you want to update the deal amount based on a line item, manually associate the line item with the deal following the instructions outlined below.

Add, edit or delete a line item from a deal

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.

  • Click the name of a deal.

  • To add a line item, in the right panel, in the Line items section, click Add to add line items to a deal without line items, or click Edit to edit existing line items. You'll then be brought to the line item editor.


Please note: the Line items card will only display up to 99 associated line items, even if more line items are associated with the deal record.

  • Click Add line item in the upper right, then select one of the following:
    • Select from product library: add a line item based on a product in your product library, including line items created using the HubSpot-Shopify integration. After selecting this option, you can search by product name, product description, or SKU, or click Advanced filters to refine your search. Select the checkboxes in the right panel next to the products you want to base your line item on. Then, click Add.


    • Create custom line item: if you have Create custom line items permissions, this option will create a new custom line item that's unique to this individual deal. Line items created from the line items editor will not be added to your product library. After selecting this option, use the right panel to enter your line item details. Then, click Save or Save and add another.

  • To edit, clone, or delete a line item, hover over the product, click Actions, then select an option:


    • Edit: edit the line item for this deal only. The product library will not be affected.

      • You can also edit individual line item's details in the columns of the line items editor, including the term, unit price, quantity, and discount amount. Enter a new value in the appropriate column. Learn how to add or remove columns.


    • Delete: delete the line item.

    • Clone: create a new line item with the same details.

    • To reorder the line items, click and drag a line item using the dragHandle drag handle.



  • By default, billing for recurring line items will start at time of checkout. To charge your buyer for an item at a later date instead, click the Billing start date dropdown menu, then select one of the following options:

    • Custom Date: a specific date in the future. After selecting this option, use the date picker to select the start date, then click Save.

    • Delayed start (days): delay the billing start date by a number of days after checkout. After selecting this option, enter a number into the Delayed billing start by days field in the right panel, then click Save.

    • Delayed start (months): delay the billing start date by a number of months after checkout. After selecting this option, enter a number into the Delayed billing start by months field in the right panel, then click Save.


  • When you're done making changes, click Save. In the dialog box, select whether you want to update the deal amount to reflect your new line items, or save the deal without updating its amount.


Add taxes to a deal

If you want to add tax rates to use across your products and services, refer to this article.

Review the summary of a deal

When setting up your line items, review the Summary section to understand how your buyer will be charged.

The Subtotal will reflect only the items due at checkout. Any items that'll be charged at a later date will instead appear in the Future payments total. All items, regardless of payment due date will be totaled in the Total contract value.


Please note: in reports, the currency of the line item's unit price will match the deal amount's currency. If you're using multiple currencies in your account, learn more about using multiple currencies with your line items.

Line items for quotes

While creating a quote, you can add line items, including discounts, taxes, and fees, and payment schedules. 

Any changes made in this section will update the line items listed on the associated deal record. If the deal record is associated with multiple quotes, only the line items from the most recently created quote will appear in the line item card on the deal record.

Add, edit or delete a line item from a quote

  • Create a quote.
  • To add a line item, click Add line item in the upper right, then select one of the following:
    • Select from product library: add a line item based on a product in your product library, including line items created using the HubSpot-Shopify integration. After selecting this option, After selecting this option, you can search by product nameproduct description, or SKU, or click Advanced filters to refine your search. Select the checkboxes in the right panel next to the products you want to base your line item on. Then, click Add.


    • Create custom line item: if you have Create custom line items permissions, this option will create a new custom line item that's unique to this individual quote. Line items created from the line items editor will not be added to your product library. After selecting this option, use the right panel to enter your line item details. Then, click Save or Save and add another.
  • To edit, clone, or delete a line item, hover over the product, click Actions, then select an option:


    • Edit: edit the line item for this quote only. The product library will not be affected.

      • You can also edit individual line item's details in the columns of the line items editor, including the term, unit price, quantity, and discount amount. Enter a new value in the appropriate column. Learn how to add or remove columns.

      • If setting a recurring billing frequency (e.g. monthly), a subscription will be created for the customer. Learn more about subscriptions.


    • Delete: delete the line item.

    • Clone: create a new line item with the same details.

    • To reorder the line items, click and drag a line item using the dragHandle drag handle.


Please note: when creating a quote integrated with the payments tool, if you set a line item with a recurring billing frequency's Term value to 0, the subscription will automatically renew until it is cancelled.

  • By default, billing for recurring line items will start at time of checkout. To charge your buyer for an item at a later date instead, click the Billing start date dropdown menu, then select one of the following options:
    • Custom Date: a specific date in the future. After selecting this option, use the date picker to select the start date, then click Save.

    • Delayed start (days): delay the billing start date by a number of days after checkout. After selecting this option, enter a number into the Delayed billing start by days field in the right panel, then click Save.

    • Delayed start (months): delay the billing start date by a number of months after checkout. After selecting this option, enter a number into the Delayed billing start by months field in the right panel, then click Save.


Please note: the legacy Stripe integration requires all items to be due at checkout. Stripe payment processing can process recurring line items due at a later date, as long as there is at least one line item due at checkout on the quote. For example, line item 1 is due at checkout, and line item 2 is due in 30 days.

Add discounts, fees, and taxes to a quote

In the Summary section, you can add one-time discounts, fees, and taxes for the quote subtotal. These added elements won't be added to the associated deal's Amount property. 

If you want to add tax rates to use across your products and services, rather than adding one-time taxes to your subtotal, refer to this article.

Please note:

  • One-time discounts, fees, and taxes will only apply to line items charged at checkout, not items that are due at a later date.
  • While the ability to add a tax, fee, or discount lives in HubSpot, your legal and accounting teams are the best resource to give you compliance advice for your specific situation.


  • To add a tax, fee, or discount, click +Add [tax/fee/discount]. Learn more about discounts.
  • Enter a name for the tax, fee, or discount and a value in the text field. The tax, fee, or discount value can be based on a specific currency amount or a percentage (%) of the total.


  • Remove any taxes, fees, or discounts by clicking the delete delete icon next to the currency field.
  • By default, the published quote will only display the total that's due at checkout, meaning that any line items due in the future won't be included in the total. To display the total contract value, including future-dated line items, select the Display total contract value on the published quote checkbox. You can configure the default behavior in your quote settings.


Please note:

  • Up to six decimal places are supported when setting a line item's unit price in any currency and discounts are rounded based on the currency's precision at checkout. For example, if a line item has a price of $11.90 USD, and a 15% discount is applied, the discounted amount of $1.785 will be rounded to $1.79, and the total that the buyer pays will be $10.12.
  • Up to two decimal places are supported when adding taxes. For taxes with more than two decimal points, HubSpot will round as follows depending on if the taxes are percentage-based or currency-based:
    • Percentage-based taxes: Values 5 and below are rounded down, while values 6 and above are rounded up. For example, 9.995% would become 9.99%, while 9.996% would become 10.00%.
    • Currency-based taxes: Values 4 and below are rounded down, while values 5 and above are rounded up. For example, $9.994 would become $9.99, while $9.995 would become $10.00.

Add a payments schedule to a quote

Turn on payment scheduling to split payments over time. When turned on, each payment will have its own due date, amount, and name. For example, a $5,000 quote for consultation services can be structured into three payments over six months of $1,000, $1,500, and $2,500.
When collecting payment using HubSpot payments or a connected Stripe account, the first installment is payable through the quote. All other installments will be created as invoices.

Please note: payment schedules can't be configured on quotes with recurring line items or future billing start dates.

To set up a payment schedule:

  • Under Payment Schedule toggle the Payment Schedule switch on.


  • Enter an installment name, amount, and due date. By default, the first payment is due upon receipt.
  • Add another payment installment by clicking + Add another payment.
  • To set a payment to be due on a specific day, click the dropdown menu, then select Specific date, and use the date picker to select a date.
  • To set a payment to be due at a specific milestone, click the dropdown menu, then select Milestone, and type the milestone in the text field.


Review the summary of a quote

When setting up your line items, review the Summary section to understand how your buyer will be charged, including discounts, fees, and taxes.

  • The Subtotal will show only the items due at checkout. Any items that'll be charged at a later date will instead appear in the Future payments total.
  • All items, regardless of payment due date, will be totaled in the Total contract value.
  • One-time discounts, fees, and taxes will only be applied to items due at checkout, not to items charged at a later date.


To proceed to configuring the quote's signature and payment options, click Next.

Line items for invoices

While creating an invoice, you can add line items, including discounts, taxes, and fees.

Add, edit, or delete a line item from an invoice


  • To add a line litem:
    • Click Add line item in the upper right, then select one of the following:
      • Select from product library: add a line item based on a product in your product library, including line items created using the HubSpot-Shopify integration. After selecting this option, After selecting this option, you can search by product name, product description, or SKU, or click Advanced filters to refine your search. Select the checkboxes in the right panel next to the products you want to base your line item on. Then, click Add.


        • If adding a product with a recurring billing frequency, the billing frequency will be changed to one-time. The products in your product library won't be affected.
      • Create custom line item: if you have Create custom line items permissions, this option will create a new custom line item that's unique to this invoice. Line items created from the line items editor will not be added to your product library. After selecting this option, use the right panel to enter your line item details. Then, click Save or Save and add another.
  • To edit, clone or delete a line item, hover over the product, click Actions , then select an option:


    • Edit: edit the line item for this invoice only. The product library will not be affected.
      • You can also edit individual line item's details in the columns of the line items editor, including unit price, quantity, and discount amount. Enter a new value in the appropriate column. Learn how to add or remove columns


    • Delete: delete the line item.
    • Clone: create a new line item with the same details.
    • To reorder the line items, click and drag a line item using the dragHandle drag handle.


Add discounts, fees, and taxes to an invoice

In the Summary section, you can add one-time discounts, fees, and taxes for the invoice subtotal.

If you want to add tax rates to use across your products and services, rather than adding one-time taxes to your subtotal, refer to this article.

Please note:

  • While the ability to add a tax, fee, or discount lives in HubSpot, your legal and accounting teams are the best resource to give you compliance advice for your specific situation.
  • If you have installed the QuickBooks Online data sync app, it is not possible to add taxes to invoices.

  • To add a one-time tax, fee, or discount, click +Add [tax/fee/discount]. Learn more about discounts.
  • Enter a name for the tax, fee, or discount and a value in the text field. The tax, fee, or discount value can be based on a specific currency amount or a percentage (%) of the total.


  • Remove any taxes, fees, or discounts by clicking the delete delete icon next to the currency field.

Please note:

  • Up to six decimal places are supported when setting a line item's unit price in any currency and discounts are rounded based on the currency's precision at checkout. For example, if a line item has a price of $11.90 USD, and a 15% discount is applied, the discounted amount of $1.785 will be rounded to $1.79, and the total that the buyer pays will be $10.12.
  • Up to two decimal places are supported when adding taxes. For taxes with more than two decimal points, HubSpot will round as follows depending on if the taxes are percentage-based or currency-based:
    • Percentage-based taxes: Values 5 and below are rounded down, while values 6 and above are rounded up. For example, 9.995% would become 9.99%, while 9.996% would become 10.00%.
    • Currency-based taxes: Values 4 and below are rounded down, while values 5 and above are rounded up. For example, $9.994 would become $9.99, while $9.995 would become $10.00.

Review the summary of an invoice

After adding your line items, you can review the subtotal, including any discounts applied, in the Summary section.


Line items for payment links

While creating a payment link, you can add line items, including discounts, taxes, and fees.


  • To add a line litem:
    • Click Add line item in the upper right, then select one of the following:
      • Select from product library: add a line item based on a product in your product library, including line items created using the HubSpot-Shopify integration. After selecting this option, After selecting this option, you can search by product name, product description, or SKU, or click Advanced filters to refine your search. Select the checkboxes in the right panel next to the products you want to base your line item on. Then, click Add.


        • If adding a product with a recurring billing frequency, the billing frequency will be changed to one-time. The products in your product library won't be affected.
      • Create custom line item: if you have Create custom line items permissions, this option will create a new custom line item that's unique to this payment link. Line items created from the line items editor will not be added to your product library. After selecting this option, use the right panel to enter your line item details. Then, click Save or Save and add another.
  • To edit, clone or delete a line item, hover over the product, click Actions , then select an option:


    • Edit: edit the line item for this payment link only. The product library will not be affected.
      • You can also edit individual line item's details in the columns of the line items editor, including unit price, quantity, and discount amount. Enter a new value in the appropriate column. Learn how to add or remove columns.
      • If setting a recurring billing frequency (e.g. monthly), a subscription will be created for the customer. Learn more about subscriptions.


    • Delete: delete the line item.
    • Clone: create a new line item with the same details.
    • To reorder the line items, click and drag a line item using the dragHandle drag handle.


  • By default, billing for recurring line items will start at time of checkout. To charge your buyer for an item at a later date instead, click the Billing start date dropdown menu, then select one of the following options:

    • Custom Date: a specific date in the future. After selecting this option, use the date picker to select the start date, then click Save.

    • Delayed start (days): delay the billing start date by a number of days after checkout. After selecting this option, enter a number into the Delayed billing start by days field in the right panel, then click Save.

    • Delayed start (months): delay the billing start date by a number of months after checkout. After selecting this option, enter a number into the Delayed billing start by months field in the right panel, then click Save.


Add discounts, fees, and taxes to a payment link

In the Summary section, you can add one-time discounts, fees, and taxes for the payment link subtotal. 

If you want to add tax rates to use across your products and services, rather than adding one-time taxes to your subtotal, refer to this article.

Please note:

  • One-time discounts, fees, and taxes will only apply to line items charged at checkout, not items that are due at a later date.
  • While the ability to add a tax, fee, or discount lives in HubSpot, your legal and accounting teams are the best resource to give you compliance advice for your specific situation.
  • To add a tax, fee, or discount, click +Add [tax/fee/discount]. Learn more about discounts.
  • Enter a name for the tax, fee, or discount and a value in the text field. The tax, fee, or discount value can be based on a specific currency amount or a percentage (%) of the total.


  • Remove any taxes, fees, or discounts by clicking the delete delete icon next to the currency field.

Please note:

  • Up to six decimal places are supported when setting a line item's unit price in any currency and discounts are rounded based on the currency's precision at checkout. For example, if a line item has a price of $11.90 USD, and a 15% discount is applied, the discounted amount of $1.785 will be rounded to $1.79, and the total that the buyer pays will be $10.12.
  • Up to two decimal places are supported when adding taxes. For taxes with more than two decimal points, HubSpot will round as follows depending on if the taxes are percentage-based or currency-based:
    • Percentage-based taxes: Values 5 and below are rounded down, while values 6 and above are rounded up. For example, 9.995% would become 9.99%, while 9.996% would become 10.00%.
    • Currency-based taxes: Values 4 and below are rounded down, while values 5 and above are rounded up. For example, $9.994 would become $9.99, while $9.995 would become $10.00.

Review the summary of a payment link

When setting up your line items, review the Summary section to understand how your buyer will be charged, including discounts, fees, and taxes.

  • The Subtotal will show only the items due at checkout. Any items that'll be charged at a later date will instead appear in the Future payments total.
  • All items, regardless of payment due date, will be totaled in the Total. This amount can’t be calculated for recurring line items with no number of payments set. You can set the number of payments by clicking the dropdown menu in the Billing terms column.


  • One-time discounts, fees, and taxes will only be applied to items due at checkout, not to items charged at a later date.


Edit the columns of the line item editor

To edit the columns that appear in the line item editor from deals, quotes, and payment links:

  • Navigate to the line items editor on a deal, quote, or payment link.
  • In the upper right of the line item editor, click Edit columns
  • In the dialog box, search or browse through properties on the left.
  • Select the checkbox next to a property to add it to your selected columns.
  • To remove columns, click the X to the right of the property in the Selected columns section.
  • To reorder columns, drag and drop properties in the Selected columns section using the dragHandle drag handle. 
  • To restore the columns to their default state, click Restore default columns.
  • After making your changes, click Save



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