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Use the line item editor for deals, payment links, and quotes

Last updated: March 28, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

When creating or updating deals, payment links, and quotes, you can use the line item editor to configure details for product-based line items and custom line items, such as price, discount, and billing terms. After a buyer makes a purchase through a deal, payment link, or quote, you can report on these line items using the report builder, as well as use Line item workflow enrollment triggers for automation in deal, payment, and quote-based workflows.

Below, learn about the different ways that you can configure your line items on deals, payment links, and quotes.

Please note: any user can view and edit line items on a deal, payment link, or quote, but you must have Create custom line items permissions to create new custom line items. Learn more about using the product library.


When creating a deal, you can add line items based on existing products in your product library. You can also associate line items to deals in bulk via an import or require that users add associated line items when creating new deals.

Please note: when importing line items, the associated deal amount will not be updated. If you want to update the deal amount based on a line item, manually associate the line item with the deal following the instructions outlined below.

Once a deal is created, you can then add or edit line items associated with the deal using the line item editor.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.
  • Click the name of your deal record.
  • In the right panel, in the Line items section, click Add to add line items to a deal without line items, or click Edit to edit existing line items. You'll then be brought to the line item editor.


Please note: the Line items card will only display up to 99 associated line items, even if more line items are associated with the deal record. 


  • To add a line item to the deal, click Add line item in the upper right, then select one of the following:
    • Select from product library: add a line item based on a product in your product library. After selecting this option, select the checkboxes in the right panel next to the products you want to base your line item on. Then, click Add.

    • Create custom line item: if you have Create custom line items permissions, this option will create a new custom line item that's unique to this individual deal. Line items created from the line items editor will not be added to your product library. After selecting this option, use the right panel to enter your line item details. Then, click Save or Save and add another.

By default, the following columns can be edited directly from the line item table:

  • Billing start date: the date when billing will begin for the buyer.
  • Term (Months): the billing term length in months. 
  • Billing frequency: how often your buyer will be billed for your line items.
  • Quantity: the count of each line item that your buyer will be purchasing. 
  • Unit price: the price that your buyer will pay per item.
    • This price cannot be a negative value.
    • While HubSpot supports up to six decimal places when setting a line item's unit price in any currency, any discounts are rounded based on the currency's precision at checkout. For example, if a line item has a price of $11.90 USD, and a 15% discount is applied, the discounted amount of $1.785 will be rounded to $1.79, and the total that the buyer pays will be $10.11.
  • Unit cost: enter the total cost to you of producing the product or service.
    • This price cannot be a negative value.
  • Unit discount: the discount applied to the line item, if applicable. You can enter a discount value as either a fixed amount or a percentage.

To edit the columns that appear in the line item editor:

  • In the upper right, click Edit columns
  • In the dialog box, search or browse through properties on the left.
  • Select the checkbox next to a property to add it to your selected columns.
  • To remove columns, click the X to the right of the property in the Selected columns section.
  • To reorder columns, drag and drop properties in the Selected columns section.
  • To restore the columns to their default state, click Restore default columns.
  • After making your changes, click Save selected-columns-to-display-on-line-item
  • Based on the changes you make in the line item editor, the Summary section will update to reflect the one-time and recurring subtotals, the total charged at checkout, and any future charges. 

  • When you're done making changes to your line items, click Save. In the dialog box, you can then select whether you want to update the deal amount to reflect your new line items, or save the deal without updating its amount.


    Please note: in reports, the currency of the line item's unit price will match the deal amount's currency. If you're using multiple currencies in your account, learn more about using multiple currencies with your line items.

Payment links

When creating or editing a payment link, you can use the line item editor to configure the line items on the payment link.


By default, the following columns are available for editing:

  • Quantity: how many of this line item the buyer will be purchasing. The quantity value must be a whole number greater than zero.
  • Unit price: the price you're charging for the line item. This is the price per item, and is multiplied by quantity when multiple are sold at once.
    • This price cannot be a negative value.
    • While HubSpot supports up to six decimal places when setting a line item's unit price in any currency, any discounts are rounded based on the currency's precision at checkout. For example, if a line item has a price of $11.90 USD, and a 15% discount is applied, the discounted amount of $1.785 will be rounded to $1.79, and the total that the buyer pays will be $10.12.
  • Unit discount: the discount applied to the line item, if applicable. You can enter a discount value as either a fixed amount or a percentage.
  • Billing frequency: how often the buyer will be charged for this line item. When setting this to a recurring frequency, you can configure the following other columns:
    • Billing terms: by default, recurring subscription payments will renew automatically until canceled. You can instead set this to a fixed number of payments.
    • Number of payments: the number of payments the buyer will make.
    • Billing start date: the date when billing will start. Alternatively, you can set future billing by using the Delayed billing start by days and Delayed billing start by months columns.
    • Delayed billing start by days: how many days to delay the billing start date by. The Billing start date field will update to reflect a value added to this field.
    • Delayed billing start by months: how many months to delay the billing start date by. The Billing start date field will update to reflect a value added to this field.
  • Optional: whether the product is optional. If set to Yes, the buyer can select whether they want to purchase the product at checkout.

To edit the columns that appear in the line item editor: 

  • In the top right, click Edit columns

  • In the dialog box, search or browse through properties on the left.
  • Select the checkbox next to a property to add it to your selected columns.
  • To remove columns, click the X to the right of the property in the Selected columns section.
  • To reorder columns, drag and drop properties in the Selected columns section.
  • To restore the columns to their default state, click Restore default columns.
  • After making your changes, click Save.
To add a one-time discount to the order total:
  • In the Totals section, click Add one-time discount.
  • Enter a name for the discount, then use the dropdown menu to select USD or % and enter a discount amount.
  • View the total amount with the discount applied. This is the total amount that your buyer pays at checkout.


Based on the changes you make in the line item editor, the Totals section will update to reflect the payment link’s one-time and recurring subtotals, any discounts included, and how much will be charged at checkout. 



When creating or editing a drafted quote, you can use the line item editor to configure the items included on the quote.

By default, the following columns can be edited directly from the line item table:

  • Billing start date: the date when billing will begin for the buyer.
  • Term (Months): the billing term length in months. 
  • Billing frequency: how often your buyer will be billed for your line items.
  • Quantity: the count of each line item that your buyer will be purchasing. 
  • Unit price: the price that your buyer will pay per item.
    • This price cannot be a negative value.
    • While HubSpot supports up to six decimal places when setting a line item's unit price in any currency, any discounts are rounded based on the currency's precision at checkout. For example, if a line item has a price of $11.90 USD, and a 15% discount is applied, the discounted amount of $1.785 will be rounded to $1.79, and the total that the buyer pays will be $10.12.
  • Unit discount: the discount applied to the line item, if applicable. You can enter a discount value as either a fixed amount or a percentage.

To edit the columns that appear in the line item editor:

  • In the upper right, click Edit columns. Updating the table's columns will not change the information included on the quote itself.
  • In the dialog box, search or browse through properties on the left.
  • Select the checkbox next to a property to add it to your selected columns.
  • To remove columns, click the X to the right of the property in the Selected columns section.
  • To reorder columns, drag and drop properties in the Selected columns section.
  • Click Save.


  • To add a line item to the deal, click Add line item in the upper right, then select one of the following:
    • Select from product library: add a line item based on a product in your product library. After selecting this option, select the checkboxes in the right panel next to the products you want to base your line item on. Then, click Add.

    • Create custom line item: if you have Create custom line items permissions, this option will create a new custom line item that's unique to this individual deal. Line items created from the line items editor will not be added to your product library. After selecting this option, use the right panel to enter your line item details. Then, click Save or Save and add another.
  • Based on the changes you make in the line item editor, the Summary section will update to reflect the one-time and recurring subtotals, the total charged at checkout, and any future charges. In this section, you can also add discounts, fees, and taxes.

  • Below the Summary section, you can click to toggle the Payment Schedule switch on to set up a payment schedule.
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