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Connect HubSpot and QuickBooks Online

Last updated: July 24, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

Connect your HubSpot account to QuickBooks Online with data sync. After connecting your accounts, you can sync contacts and products between the two systems, and can sync invoices from Quickbooks Online to HubSpot. You can also see payment details on the deal record timeline. 

HubSpot requirements

Please note:

  • For a QuickBooks Online custom field to be available to HubSpot for creating custom invoice field mappings, within QuickBooks the custom field type must be Text and Number, in the Transaction category, be Print Enabled, and be turned on for all Sales Forms, which includes invoices, estimates, and sales receipts.
  • Once a custom field mapping is set up and the sync is enabled, matching invoices, including historical invoices, will sync.

Connect the app

  • In your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon marketplace in the top navigation bar, then select Template Marketplace.
  • Search for QuickBooks Online, and select it in the results.
  • Enter your QuickBooks Online login details and click Install app
Please note:

Configure your sync settings

To turn on data sync:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting & Data > Integrations.
  • Click QuickBooks Online.
  • Click Set up your sync.
  • On the Select the data that you want to sync page, click the object you want to sync between HubSpot and QuickBooks Online, and the sync direction. You can sync the following objects:
HubSpot   QuickBooks Online
Contact Customer
Product Products & Services
Invoice Invoice


  • In the upper right, click Next.
  • On the Limit screen, recommended filters will automatically be set for you, based on the date you are setting up the sync. Review HubSpot's recommended sync filters.


  • Sync filters can be edited. To edit the sync filters:
    • Under Filters, click Edit next to the sync filter.
    • Select your properties and filter criteria.
    • Click Apply criteria, then click Done.

Once the sync is turned on, data will automatically sync between the two systems. After the first sync is complete, records will sync within 10 minutes of a change. 

 Learn more about what fields map between HubSpot and QuickBooks Online.

Please note: when an invoice is synced from QuickBooks to HubSpot, the invoice will be associated to the primary company of the contact on the invoice. If a contact has more than one company associated to it in HubSpot, the primary company will be associated to the invoice. If the contact has no company associated, no company will be associated with the invoice. Once a company has been associated, it can be manually updated.

To turn off data sync:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting & Data > Integrations.
  • Click QuickBooks Online.
  • Hover over the object sync you want to turn off, then click More and select Turn off sync.


This will prevent records from syncing between HubSpot and QuickBooks Online. Once the sync is turned off, you can click Edit sync settings to turn it on again. Or, click Delete sync to delete the sync.

Please note: this app does not write data to Accounting deal property group. It is recommended to use the invoice object when creating reports and triggering workflows if you have this app connected.

Recommended sync filters

When setting up the sync between HubSpot and QuickBooks Online, you're able to set filters for various objects to ensure that the right data syncs between the two systems. Below are HubSpot's recommended sync filters:

  • Contacts: it's recommended to set up a two-way sync with the following filters to prevent unnecessary contacts from syncing from HubSpot to QuickBooks Online:
    • QuickBooks Online → HubSpot: use the default All customers filter.
    • HubSpot → QuickBooks Online: in the first filter group, set the filters to Invoice status is none of Draft and Create date is after [today's date] and Invoice source is any of HubSpot
  • Invoices: it's recommended to set up a one-way sync from QuickBooks Online to HubSpot with Created time is after [today's date at 12:00 AM] filter. The date should be set to the current day.

  • Products: set up a one-way sync from QuickBooks Online to HubSpot with the default (All products & services) filter.


Set the display name on customers

Customers synced from HubSpot to QuickBooks Online will have the associated company record's name set as the Display Name. If the contact has no associated company in HubSpot, the Display Name in Quickbooks will default to using the First Name and Last Name properties.

To modify this:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting & Data > Integrations.
  • Click QuickBooks Online.
  • Click Contact sync.
  • On the Configure screen, in the Mapped fields section, click to toggle the Display Name ← Associated Company Name field mapping switch off.

Please note: display Name fields must be unique in Quickbooks Online. The first contact from a company will have its Display Name set to the company name, but any contacts from that company that attempt to sync to QuickBooks Online after the first contact will fail to sync, because their Display Name is already in use. It's recommended to use one contact at a company as the billing contact for any invoices or payments to avoid sync errors. Invoices, payments Links, or quotes can be sent to any number of contacts, but only one contact (matching the customer in Quickbooks) should be formally associated.

View the invoice object

Invoices synced from or manually added to HubSpot from QuickBooks Online can be viewed in HubSpot’s invoice object. You can also create custom invoice object properties. To view the invoice object:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
  • In the upper left, click Contacts. In the dropdown menu, select Invoices. This will bring you to your invoice index page.

Invoices synced from QuickBooks Online will not be automatically associated to a HubSpot seal record. 

To create custom invoice object properties:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
  • Click Properties.
  • Click the Select an object dropdown menu and select Invoice properties.
  • Then, create your properties.

The invoice object can be used to segment contacts, trigger workflows, and create custom reports.

Please note: when syncing multiple invoices to HubSpot to the same deal record, the properties above will be updated by the most recently updated invoice in Quickbooks.

Export sync records

To export sync records:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reporting & Data > Integrations.
  • Click QuickBooks Online.
  • Click Record view.
  • To edit the columns displayed in the table, in the top right of the table, click More, then click Edit columns.
  • Use the filters above the table to filter the records.
  • When you have filtered the records, in the top right of the table, click More, then click Export.
  • Select your file format, then click Export.
  • The export file will be emailed to your account email. You’ll also receive an in-app notification when the export is ready.
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