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Review your workflow's conversion and performance data

Last updated: February 1, 2025

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Review and use your workflow actions' conversion and performance data to analyze the effectiveness of each section of the workflow and optimize your automation strategies to improve business outcomes.

Use this feature to identify the workflow path with the most enrollments, review the counts of enrollments that reached each step, the counts of errors at each step, and the conversion rate of each branch and end point. You can also filter this data by workflow version to see how past changes affected these conversion rates.

To analyze your overall workflow performance and automation opportunities, learn how to understand the workflow's Analyze tab.

Turn on metric tracking 

To begin tracking the performance of your workflow, you must turn on the Metrics setting. The setting must be turned on in each individual workflow. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automations > Workflows.
  • Click the name of your workflow. 
  • At the top, click View > Metrics


  • In the right panel, click Turn on metrics
  • In the top left, you can click the X icon to exit the Metrics screen. 


Review your workflow's metrics

The workflow's conversion and performance data will only include data from when the Turn on metrics option was selected. It will not include retroactive data, you must filter your metrics to select from a range of workflow versions. 

Please note: metrics tracking provides a historical view of enrollments. Due to the larger data volume, there may be a lag of several hours after an object unenrolls before it's reflected in the aggregate performance data.

To review the metrics for your workflow:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automations > Workflows.
  • Click the name of your workflow. 
  • At the top, click View > Metrics.
  • In the right panel, filter your metrics:
    • Choose workflow versions: filter by records that enrolled and completed specific versions of the workflow. 
      • Select the first dropdown menu and select the starting version for the range of your workflow versions.
        • The options will be grouped by Uses the same flow diagram. The versions within each group will have the same number, type, and order of actions. But the details for each action may vary between versions. 
        • If the actions have been configured differently between versions, the details of the action will not appear. Instead, you will see the following alert: Details are hidden because the workflow versions filter includes multiple versions, and these details have changed between them. 
      • Select the second dropdown menu and select the last version for the range of your workflow versions.
        • Only workflow versions that use the same flow and that are newer than the starting version will appear as options.
        • To see the widest range of versions within, select the oldest version for the first dropdown menu and the newest version of the group for the second dropdown menu.
  • After filtering your metrics, in the Summary section of the right panel, you can review the following:
    • The overall count of contacts enrolled.
    • The count of contacts that successfully completed an action or continued down a branch.
  • In the Conversion metrics section of the right panel, you can review the percentage of contacts that successfully executed an action, continued down each branch, or ended the workflow. 
  • To review additional details about each action, hover over the icon to the right of the action. For example, you can review the count of errors that may have occured during the action.


  • To review all enrollments that have reached a particular step, hover over the action and click Matching enrollments. The Only enrollments that reached  field in the enrollment history will be automatically set to the selected action. Learn more about reviewing your workflow's enrollment history
  • In the workflow preview, you can review the following: 
    • The total enrollment count for the workflow.
    • The percentage of enrollments that reached each endpoint.
    • For any branch action, the percentage of enrollments that continued along each branch path.

    • For each action, the count of un-enrollments that occurred due to the action.
    • Any errors that may have occured on the action. If an error has occurred, the error icon will appear.
      • To review the count of errors, hover over the error icon

  • In the preview, the overall workflow path with the most records and any individual branch paths followed by the most records will be highlighted in green.
    • If multiple branches have the same performance data, the first branch will take precedence when reviewing the highlighted path in the workflow preview.
    • If a path doesn't have any actions or only has a go to action, the most travelled path may not be highlighted as expected. When tracking metric data, it is recommended all paths to have at least one action, or more than one action in addition to a go to action
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