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Review calls in the call index

Last updated: May 22, 2024

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

The call index page allows you to access summarized call data for inbound and outbound calls that you place in HubSpot, including third-party integrations like Zoom. The call index page has two default views, but can be customized according to different criteria. 

The call index page displays:

  • Inbound forwarded calls
  • Inbound in-app calls
  • Inbound in-app voicemails
  • Outbound manually logged calls
  • Outbound calls
  • Third-party call integrators (e.g. Zoom, Aircall, etc.) Learn more about placing calls with HubSpot’s third-party calling provider integrations

Access the call index page

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Calls.
  • The call index page displays the following default call property data:
    • Call title: the call title
    • Activity date: the date that an activity occurred or is set to occur
    • Call status: the status of the call, including MissedCanceledCompletedBusyFailed, or No answer
    • Activity assigned to: the owner who is assigned an activity
    • Call notes: the text of a call note
    • Assigned Contacts: the contact record associated with the call
    • Associated Companies: the company record associated with the call
    • Associated Deals: the deal record associated with the call
    • Call outcome: the result of the call, including No answer, Busy, Wrong number, Left live message, Left voicemail, Connected, or Custom Call Outcomes
    • Recording URL: the URL of the call or voicemail audio
    • Call Direction: the direction of the call, either Inbound or Outbound
    • Call Source: the source of the call, including VoIP, Zoom, or Integrations platform

Learn how to alter the view and filters on the call index page.

Review call records

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Calls.
  • Hover over the call title and click the Preview button.


  • From the call preview panel, you can view the call recording, a call summary, and associated contacts, companies, deals, and tickets. You can also add records to associate with the call.
    • To access the call recording:
      • Click therightarroarrright arrow next to Call Recording to expand or collapse the section.
      • Click the playerPlay playback button to listen to the recording. 
      • Click the playerFastForward fast forward button or playerRewind rewind button to jump 10 seconds forward or backward in the recording. 
      • Click and drag the handle along the speaker track to listen to a specific part of the recording.
      • Click a section of the transcript to skip to that part of the recording (Sales Hub or Service Hub Professional or Enterprise only).
    • To access the call summary:
      • Click therightright arrow next to About this Call to expand or collapse the section.
      • To edit the Activity date, hover over the date and click the edit pencil icon. Select the date from the calendar.
      • To edit the Activity assigned to, click the dropdown menu and search or select the user from the list.
      • To edit the Call outcome, click the dropdown menu and select the call outcome.
      • View the Call duration to see how long the call lasted.
    • To view associated contact, company, deal, and ticket records:
      • Click therightright arrow next to Contacts, Companies, Deals, or Tickets to expand or collapse the sections.
      • Associated records will display in their respective sections. 
      • Click + Add to add a new or existing record to associate with the call record.
    • To view association history, click the Actions dropdown menu in the top right of the call preview panel, and select View association history
    • To view property history, click the Actions dropdown menu in the top right of the call preview panel, and select View property history.

Access call analytics

If you have a Sales Hub or Service Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise account, you can review your calling data on the Call Analytics page. 

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Calls.
  • In the top right, click Call Analytics.


You can view nine calling reports:

    • Call created totals by day
    • Calls placed totals by rep
    • Call duration average by rep
    • Calls outcome totals by rep
    • Calls made vs. goal
    • Call and meeting totals by type
    • Call and meeting totals by rep
    • Historical calling minutes

Please note: the historical calling minutes report is an aggregate of calling minutes, including calling integrations and Twilio Connect calls. This report is not intended to match HubSpot calling minutes billed.

    • Team activity totals
  • Click the Call durationActivity date, and Activity assigned to dropdown menus to further filter your reports.


Access voicemails

When you receive an inbound call in HubSpot, the caller can leave a voicemail for your sales or service reps. Voicemails can be up to 3 minutes long and don't count toward your calling minutes. However, call transcription of voicemail recordings do count toward transcription minutes. Learn more about available transcription minutes for your subscription tier in HubSpot's Product & Services Catalog.

Please note:

  • You must enable call recording in your settings to record voicemails.
  • Voicemails are only available for inbound browser calls, not inbound forwarded calls.


To access voicemails:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Calls.
  • Click + Add view on the top right of the Call Index page. From the dropdown menu, select Voicemails.


  • The Voicemails tab will appear as a default pinned view at the top of the Call Index page.
  • To access details related to the voicemail:
    • Hover over the voicemail title and click the Preview button. The call preview panel will appear with details related to the voicemail.
    • Hover over and click the voicemail title. The voicemail recording will appear where you can listen to the recording, and view the transcript (Sales Hub or Service Hub Professional or Enterprise only).
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