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Review and troubleshoot import errors

Last updated: February 11, 2025

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When importing records or activities into HubSpot, you may encounter errors. Below, learn how to resolve errors detected during an import, download an error file, view error details, and correct issues in your import file or Salesforce.

Before starting an import or fixing a file with errors, learn the relevant terms and requirements for importing into HubSpot.

Fix errors during an import

Before you've completed an import, HubSpot checks for certain errors in the first 1000 rows of your file. If any of the following errors are detected, they are brought to your attention while mapping properties in the import process:


To resolve these errors from the Map columns in your file to HubSpot properties screen:

  • Click [x] errors.


  • In the right panel, view more details about the error type, including which column and rows are impacted.
  • To view the property you're mapping to, click the name of the property in the top right.
  • To learn more about the specific error, click the name of the error.
  • To view the affected rows in your file, click View values with errors.
  • If there is a recommended solution, the Fix errors section will appear. View the recommended solution, then depending on the error, you can do the following:
    • To edit the property, click Edit [name] property. The property editor will appear in the right panel. Update the property based on the recommendation (e.g., edit the property's name or options), then click Save.
    • To remap an enumeration property or association label's values to existing options:
      • To manually remap, click Choose option in the affected row, then select the option to update the value, or Ignore error to ignore the value. If you ignore the value, the row will be imported without a value for that property.
      • To automatically remap, click Auto fix errors. If there isn't a clear replacement, the automatic fix may not be successful.
      • To reset an individual change, click the updated option, then click Reset change. To undo all changes, click Reset all changes.
    • To update a value's formatting (e.g., incorrect Date format), click the dropdown menu and update the way the value is formatted.
    • If a property is read-only (e.g., certain default HubSpot properties), click View [name] property to view the property's details. You cannot edit a read-only property, so you'll need to update and re-import your file to resolve the error.
  • In the Other options section, click right to expand and view each additional option.
  • Once you've resolved an error, there will be a success checkmark in the Mapped column.

Please note: if your file contains more than 1000 rows, there may be additional errors that were not resolved.

Review an import

Once you complete an import, you'll be automatically brought to a summary of the import, including an overview of any errors. You can also review a summary for a previously completed import.


  • If the import had errors, the Import errors section will appear. In the table, view the following information:
    • Import column from file: the column header in your file that was affected by the error. 
    • Object type: the CRM object or activity assigned to the affected column.
    • HubSpot property: the property in HubSpot that was matched with the affected column.
    • Error type: the type of error for the affected column. Learn more about all import errors.
    • Error impact: the number of rows or property values that were not imported as a result of the error. If a row isn't imported, it means all columns in the affected row could not be imported. If a value isn't imported, it means the value in that specific property's column could not be imported, but other columns in the row could be imported.


  • To view more information about a specific error, hover over the row, then click View details.
  • To view all rows containing errors, click View rows with errors. On the Rows with errors page:
    • In the table, review the row and the error it contains. The columns affected by an error will contain an exclamation alert icon. Click the name of the error in the left-most column to view what caused the error and how to resolve it.
    • Click Download rows with errors as file to download the affected rows and their errors. Click the downloaded zip file to extract the CSV file, then open the file.
  • To download the list of errors in a file, above the table, click Download errors as file
    • Click the downloaded zip file to extract the CSV file, then open the file.
    • In the file, identify the error code in the Error code column, the affected record's object in the Object type column, the reason for the error in the Reason column, and property values for the record in additional columns.

Please note: sensitive data in import errors will be replaced with the word REDACTED on the post import screen and in the downloaded error file. To view the value, refer to your original import file.

Once you've identified import errors, learn how to resolve specific errors.

Import file errors

The following is an alphabetized list of error codes with details for the error and possible steps for resolution. In some cases, records or activities with errors will be imported and can be corrected either in HubSpot, or by correcting the import file and reimporting. In other cases, records or activities will not import and the import file will need to be corrected before reimporting.

Please note: the error codes in a downloaded file will contain capital letters and underscore characters, but are listed in normal text within this article. For example, the error will appear as AMBIGUOUS_ENUMERATION_OPTION in the file, but you will find it as Ambiguous enumeration option in the list below.

Ambiguous enumeration option

What the error means

The same record matches more than one of the existing options defined for an enumeration property. This applies to multi-select, dropdown select, radio select, and checkbox type properties.

You may also see this error if the value in your file is the property option's label rather than its internal value. This applies to enumeration property options where the label is different than the internal value.

The affected records were imported, but the enumeration property does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Identify the incorrect value by comparing your import file against the property in HubSpot . U pdate the value in your import file to match only one existing option, or the option's internal value if the label is different from its internal value. Once you've updated the value, then re-import the file. 

You can also manually update the property value in the affected records. If your records should match multiple options, learn how to format your file to correctly import data to multiple checkbox properties.

Association label not found

What the error means

During the import, a column included association labels, however the label doesn't exist in HubSpot. The data was imported, but the resulting association is unlabelled.

How to resolve the error

Identify the incorrect value by comparing your import file against association labels in HubSpot. Ensure that your value matches an existing label, or create a new label. If you're importing paired labels, ensure the correct label was used for the corresponding object (e.g., Employer applied to company, Employee applied to contact). Once you’re done, re-import the file or manually update the label in the affected records.

Association limits exceeded

What the error means

You previously set association limits for the number of total or labelled associations allowed between records, but your import included an association that exceeded a limit. The data was imported, but the resulting records are not associated in HubSpot.

How to resolve the error

If the records should be associated or have a specific label to define the association, update your association limits, then re-import the file or manually update the association in HubSpot.

Association record not found

What the error means

During the import, a column was mapped to a unique identifier property to associate records (i.e, Record ID, Email, Company domain name, or a custom unique value property). However, the required unique values were not included in the files. This can also occur if you're using a unique identifier with values containing line breaks or more than 100 characters. The data was imported, but the resulting records are not associated in HubSpot.

How to resolve the error

Update your import file to include the correct values, then re-import the file. You may need to export your existing records to get the correct Record IDs, or use a different unique identifier for existing records. Learn how to set up your files properly to import and associate multiple objects.

Could not find owner

What the error means

The import file contains a record owner that does not match a user in HubSpot. The affected records were imported, but the Owner field does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Verify that the person you want to assign the record to is an active user in the account, then update the data in the Owner column of your import file to include the first and last name or email of the user.

  • If the person you want to assign the record to is not yet a user in the account, add them as a user, then re-import with their name or email as it appears in the account.
  • If the person you want to assign is a deactivated user, reactivate the user, then re-import with their name or email as it appears in the account.

Could not parse date

What the error means

The import file contains a date value that does not match the format you selected during the import process. The affected records were imported, but the date property does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Update your import file with the correct value and re-import, or manually update the property value in the affected records.

Could not parse number

What the error means

The import file contains a value for a number property with non-numeric characters. The affected records were imported, but the number property does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Update your import file with the correct numerical value and re-import, or manually update the property value in the affected records.

Could not parse row

What the error means

The import file contains a row with data that cannot be processed. If it's a required property, the records were not imported. If it's not a required property, the records were imported, but that property does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Verify that your data value matches the correct format for the property you are importing, fix any mistakes, then re-import the file. You can also manually update the property value in the affected records.

Could not parse term

What the error means

The import file contains a value for a time period that does not match an accepted term format. The affected records were still imported, but the term property does not contain a value. 

How to resolve the error

Update the term values in your file to be either a whole number of months or in ISO8601 Duration Format (e.g. a period of time of three years, six months, four days would be P3Y6M4D), then re-import the file. You can also manually update the property value in the affected records.

Create only import

What the error means

You selected that the import should only create new records, but your import file contains unique identifier values that match existing records in HubSpot. For example, you imported an Email value that already matches an existing contact's email (including additional emails), or you imported a Company domain name value that already matches an existing company's domain (including additional domains). Affected rows were not imported, so existing records weren't updated, but rows with new information did create new records.

How to resolve the error

If your goal was to only create new records, and avoid updating existing records, you don't need to take any action. If you did want to update the existing records in your file, re-import your file, then select to create new records and update existing records in the import process.

Duplicate alternate ID

What the error means

The same alternate ID was used multiple times within your files. Your data was imported but there may be duplicates of the same record in HubSpot. If you were trying to associate, your records were not associated.

How to resolve the error

Choose a different column header to act as your alternate ID, then re-import the files.
  • To avoid duplicates, use Email for contacts, Company domain name for companies, or Record ID for any object. 
  • To associate records, use Email, Company domain name, Record ID, or choose a one-to-many property where one value is unique for the many records associated with it (e.g. Company name as the one, which will be associated with many contacts who work at the same company.) Refer to the sample import files for further guidance.
If you have multiple companies that use the same domain, consider manually creating parent and child companies .

Duplicate association ID

What the error means

The association ID you chose to associate your records is not unique.

How to resolve the error

Choose a different column header to act as the common column between your two files. For best results, choose a one-to-many property where one value is unique for the many records associated with it (e.g. Company name as the one, which will be associated with many contacts who work at the same company.) Refer to the sample import files for further guidance. Once you’ve selected a new association ID, re-import your files.

Duplicate record ID

What the error means

The same record ID was used multiple times within your files. The affected records were not updated or associated in HubSpot.

How to resolve the error

Update your import file so that there is only one row with that record ID. Keep the row with the most up-to-date information that you want included in HubSpot. Once you’ve removed duplicates, re-import the files.

Duplicate row content

What the error means

HubSpot detected that the import file contains duplicate records. The import did not create a new record.

How to resolve the error

Remove the duplicate in your import file and re-import.

Duplicate unique property value

What the error means

A unique identifier property in HubSpot enforces uniqueness of that property value across all records. Some of the values in a column mapped to a unique identifier property were not unique when compared to other rows in your file or other records in your CRM. If this property is not unique in your file, only one row referenced by this property was imported. If this property value conflicts with another record in the CRM, the record was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Choose a different column header to act as your unique value or remove duplicate values, then re-import the files.

If your file contains multiple unique identifier properties:

  • There may be conflicting unique values (e.g., Email and a custom unique property where the custom property has unique values, but there are duplicate emails). Remove the conflicting unique values, then re-import.
  • If you're trying to update one of the unique value properties, during the import, select the property you don't want to update as the Property to use to find existing [objects].

Please note: if you use Record ID as a unique identifier, it'll supersede any other unique identifiers included in the import. The contact property Email will also always require unique values.

Failed to create association

What the error means

HubSpot is unable to associate your records in their current format. The records were imported but were not associated.

How to resolve the error

Verify that you have met the file requirements for associating your records. If importing in one file, you may need to add a unique identifier for each object. If importing in two files, you may need to select a different common column to properly associate. Make the changes to your files and re-import, or manually associate your records.

Failed to opt out contact

What the error means

HubSpot was unable to opt-out certain contacts in the opt-out file. 

How to resolve the error

Confirm you have an Email value for all contacts on your opt-out list. If any are missing emails, add their email address to the file to properly opt-out the contact from receiving emails. You can also manually create contacts and opt them out from the contact record.

Failed to process object with empty property values

What the error means

Your file contains empty values for multiple columns and HubSpot was unable to process the record. Your data in that row was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Fill in the missing property values of your import file, then re-import the file.

Failed validation of Email, Deal/Ticket stage, or Deal/Ticket pipeline

What the error means

The import file contains an email address that does not conform to the format of a typical email address (e.g., ) or a value for the Deal Stage, Deal Pipeline, Ticket Status, or Ticket Pipeline property that does not match an existing stage, status, or pipeline name in HubSpot. The import did not create or update the records.

How to resolve the error

For contacts, update your import file with the correct email, then re-import the file. For deals or tickets, update your import file with the correct stage, status, and pipeline name, or add the custom deal stage or ticket status to HubSpot. Once you’re done, re-import the file.

File not found

What the error means

The file you selected was not found. Your data was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Verify that you have saved your file to your computer and that it is the correct file type. Once you’ve done that, re-upload the file.

GDPR blocklisted email

What the error means

The import file contains one or more emails that have been blocked from communication due to data privacy. These contacts were not imported.

How to resolve the error

The import file will still import your other contacts, but you cannot add the blocked contacts via import. The only way to add permanently deleted contacts back into your CRM is by requesting they submit a form. Once a contact submits a form, they'll be created as a new contact in your CRM.

Incorrect number of columns

What the error means

The import file contains at least one column without a header. The data in columns without headers was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Confirm whether or not the data in the columns should be imported, add appropriate headers or remove the columns, then re-import the file.

Invalid additional email

What the error means

When importing contacts with additional emails, the file contains an email address that is either in an invalid email format or is already used as an email on another contact. The affected records were still imported, but the additional emails were not added.

How to resolve the error

If the email was formatted incorrectly, update the file with the correct email format, then re-import. If the email is already used on another contact but it should be on the new contact instead, remove the email from the existing contact record, then re-import the file. If the email is already used on another contact and that existing contact should maintain the email, no action is needed.

Invalid alternate ID

What the error means

The import file contains an invalid value imported as an email address, domain name, or Record ID. The import did not create or update the record.

How to resolve the error

Update your import file with the correct email, domain name, or Record ID value, then re-import the file.

Invalid association identifier

What the error means

The import file does not contain a proper unique value to associate your records. This can occur if you've used a non-unique property or if the unique identifier has values containing line breaks or more than 100 characters. The data was imported, but the resulting records were not associated in HubSpot.

How to resolve the error

Update your import file to include a valid association identifier (e.g. Email for contacts, Company domain name for companies, or Record IDs), then re-import the file. Learn how to set up your files properly to import and associate multiple objects.

Invalid enumeration option

What the error means

The import file contains a value that does not match an existing option in an enumeration property. This applies to multi-select, dropdown select, radio select, and checkbox type properties. The affected records were still imported, but the enumeration property does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Identify the incorrect value by comparing your import file against the property in HubSpot. For HubSpot default enumeration properties (e.g, Lifecycle stage, Industry), ensure that your value matches either an option's label in English or its internal value. You can choose to update the value in your import file to match an existing option, or add the value as a custom option to your property. Once you’re done, re-import the file or manually update the property value in the affected records.

Invalid event

What the error means

For custom event or marketing event imports, the import file contains an event that's invalid (e.g., an event with a start time after the end time). The affected rows were not imported.

How to resolve the error

Update your file to include valid event property values, then re-import.

Invalid event timestamp

What the error means

For custom event imports, the import file contains an empty or invalid timestamp for the Occurred at property. The affected rows were imported, but the property does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Add or update a value within the accepted timestamp range (between 2000-01-01 and 3000-01-01), then re-import.

Invalid file type

What the error means

The import file is the incorrect file type for importing into HubSpot. Your data was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Convert your file to a .csv, .xls, or .xlsx file, then re-import. Review additional file requirements for importing into HubSpot.

Invalid number size

What the error means

The import file contains a numerical value that is too small or too big. The affected rows were imported, but the number property does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Confirm the format requirements of your specific property or the property type, update your file to match the correct format, then re-import. You can also manually update the property value in the affected records.

Invalid record ID

What the error means

During the import, one of the file's columns was mapped to Record ID. However, Record ID listed in the file did not match existing IDs in HubSpot. The records were not imported.

How to resolve the error

Ensure that the record IDs are correct. You may need to export your existing records to get the correct record IDs, or use a different unique identifier for existing records. If you're not updating or associating existing objects in HubSpot, do not select the checkbox during the import process.

Invalid required property

What the error means

A required property in the import file contains an invalid value. The data in that row was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Confirm the format requirements of your specific property or the property type, update your file to match the correct format, then re-import.

Invalid sheet count

What the error means

The import file contains more than one sheet. Your data was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Remove any additional sheets from your import file, then re-import. Review additional file requirements for importing into HubSpot.

Invalid spreadsheet

What the error means

The import file is not a valid spreadsheet file. Your data was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Convert your file to a .csv, .xls, or .xlsx file, then re-import. Review additional file requirements for importing into HubSpot.

Limit exceeded

What the error means

HubSpot is unable to create the record because you've reached your limit for the number of records you can store for that object. This error applies to the standard CRM objects: contacts, companies, deals, and tickets. Your data was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Delete any records that you no longer need for that object, then re-import the file to create the new records. Learn more about your HubSpot subscription and its limitations. 

Many errors in row

What the error means

The import file contains a row with more than 10 errors. The description of the error will list all the row's errors and the affected columns. Depending on the errors, the row may not have been imported, or the row was imported without values for the affected columns.

How to resolve the error

Review each error, then either update and re-import the file, or manually update the affected record/activity in HubSpot.

Multiple companies with this domain

What the error means

The import file contains a Company domain name value that matches multiple companies in your HubSpot account. The import did not update the company record.

How to resolve the error

Search for the specific Company domain name value in your companies home to find the duplicate domains. Merge the company records or delete one of them, then re-import the file.

Multiple owners found

What the error means

The import file contains an Owner value that matches more than one user in the account. This usually occurs for names (e.g., there are two John Doe users in your HubSpot account, and the import file contained the name "John Doe"). The affected records were imported, but the Owner property does not contain a value.

How to resolve the error

Replace the name of the owner with their email address in your import file, then re-import the file. You can also manually update the Owner property value in the affected records.

Outside valid term range

What the error means

The import file contains a value for a time period that is outside of the accepted term range. The affected records were imported, but the term property does not contain a value. 

How to resolve the error

Update the term values in your file to be within the accepted time range (a whole number greater than or equal to 1 month), then re-import the file. You can also manually update the property value in the affected records.

Outside valid time range

What the error means

The import file contains a value for a time period that is outside of the accepted time range. The affected records were imported, but the time range property does not contain a value. 

How to resolve the error

Update the time range values in your file to be within the accepted time range (less than 1000 years), then re-import the file. You can also manually update the property value in the affected records.

Portal Wide Custom Object Limit Exceeded

What the error means

HubSpot is unable to create the record because you've reached your limit for the number of records you can store for that custom object. Your data was not imported.

How to resolve the error

If there are records you no longer need, delete records within that custom object, then re-import the file. If you need additional record storage, you can purchase a custom object record limit increase. Learn more about your HubSpot subscription and its limitations. 

Property definition not found

What the error means

The import file contains a column header that does not match a HubSpot property. The data in that column was not imported.

How to resolve the error

During the import, match your columns correctly by selecting an existing property or by creating a new property on the Map columns in your file to [object] properties page. You can also choose to skip importing unmatched columns.

Property validation rule error

What the error means

The import file contains a value that doesn't meet the requirements for a property's validation rules (e.g., the value contains special characters, is too long, too short, etc). The affected records were imported, but the property doesn't contain a value.

How to resolve the error

View or edit the property's validation rules in your settings. Update your import file to include a value that follows the property's rules, then re-import the file. You can also manually update the property value in the affected records.

Property value not found

What the error means

The import file is missing a value for a required property. The data in that row was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Update your import file to include a value for the required property, then re-import the file.

Row data too large

What the error means

Your file includes a cell or row that contains more than 1 MB of data, which is too large for the import tool to process. The data in that row was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Reduce the size of the affected cell or row in your file, then re-import the file.

Unknown bad request

What the error means

The import file contains an invalid Record ID that does not match any existing record in your HubSpot account. The import did not update the record, as the data does not match any existing record.

How to resolve the error

Verify you have the correct Record ID. If you find an incorrect ID, update your import file with the correct Record ID, then re-import the file.

Unknown error

What the error means

HubSpot is unable to process the file due to an unknown error. Your data was not imported.

How to resolve the error

Confirm that your file meets all requirements. Try to re-import after clearing your browser cache or using another browser. If you are still seeing an error, post on the Community (all users) or contact the support team (Starter, Professional, and Enterprise account only).

Update only import

What the error means

You selected that the import should only update existing records, but your import file contains unique identifier values that don't correspond to existing records in HubSpot. For example, you imported an Email value that doesn't match an existing contact's email, or a Record ID value that doesn't match an existing record. The affected rows were not imported, so new records were not created, but existing records were updated.

How to resolve the error

If the affected values should have matched existing records, confirm the values are spelled correctly or contain the correct Record ID numbers. Fix any mistakes in the file and then re-import.

If your goal was only to update existing records, and not create new records, you don't need to take any action. If you want the affected rows to create new records instead, re-import your file and select to create new records and update existing records in the import process.

Salesforce import errors

  • Navigate to your records:
    • Contacts: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Contacts.
    • Companies: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Companies.
    • Deals: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Deals.
    • Tickets: In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Tickets.
    • Custom objects: In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts, then click the dropdown menu in the top left and select the name of the custom object.
    • Products: In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Products.
  • In the upper right, click Import. If you're on the products index page, click the Actions dropdown menu, then select Import.
  • Hover over the Salesforce import that has errors, then click View import errors
  • In the Import Errors table, hover over an error and click View details to see more information.


  • The right panel will show a description of the error, along with resolution information. You'll also see a list of records affected by the error. Click a record link to access the record and make changes as needed. 
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